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alma the younger timeline

Likewise, we can look for clues in the text to see Alma the Younger’s perspective toward his father, Amulon, and the Lamanites to answer the question of why he rebelled against his father and sought to destroy the church of God. Jehoiachin was held political hostage to Babylon. 204 Book of Mormon Chronology Chart Book of Mormon Chronology Chart Jaredites Mulekites Lamanites Nephites Tower of Babel 2500-2200 B.C. The nature of Alma’s apostasy allowed for a complete shift toward faith, and this would suggest that some life event of circumstance had made him resentful. And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. How would Alma the Younger know this unless he was there to observe the teaching in these other lands? HELAMAN. He was careful to start his sermons by declaring himself “consecrated by my father, Alma” which gave him “authority.” (Alma 5:3) But he pushed back on them by declaring that Amonihah’s judgement would be worse than for the Lamanites (v. 15), because they were willfully rebelling against the light while the Lamanites were born into their situation. But why didn’t anyone else do this? (Alma 31–35) 66. Captain Moroni defeated Zerahemnah. But it is curious that there is more description of Amulon than of Alma. Alma the younger … 100-92 BC Alma the Younger struck dumb by an angel. Amulon would certainly have no problem indoctrinating young Alma into hating and persecuting Christians. These children also served as hostages to thwart, it was hoped, possible uprisings.”, “And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever.”. the pharaoh from whom Moses and the Hebrews fled, settled upon an alliance with the Greek city of Messene, hostages were not generally returned to their original families, Kim Richardson in ‘Conflict in the Early Americas: An Encyclopedia of the Spanish Empire’s…’ edited by Rebecca M. Seama, When the Lamanites invaded the land of Helam, Amulon and his lackeys are foremost described, Alma said that in delivering Alma and his followers, Amulon’s children were soon killed by the Lamanites, A delivering figure for the entire righteous community, Pharaoh only became more wicked as Moses brought divine intervention. This theory is possible, but to me it doesn’t really fit what I read in the text. Alma rebuked their associating him with Lamanites by appealing to their forefathers. There is the classic example of Pocahontas who mediated as hostage between Native Americans and European settlers. Alma preaches and sets the Church in order at Zarahemla and at Gideon. In Arminius’s case it was a woman that supposedly changed his mind and rejoin his kindred. Keep in mind that Amulon was leader of Noah’s priests and very effective at leadership. In Alma 37, Alma the Younger explained the teaching value of the Jaredite records. The results seem to speak for themselves as to his motive. 120 BC Alma’s people depart to Zarahemla. It is believed that he was born in 126 BC. Later, when recounting the deliverance of Alma’s people from Amulon in his sermon to the people, Alma the Younger used the same third-person grammar when referring to them, but it switched to “us” as soon as they were about to flee to Zarahemla: And behold, after that, they were brought into bondage by the hands of the Lamanites in the wilderness; yea, I say unto you, they were in captivity, and again the Lord did deliver them out of bondage by the power of his word; and we were brought into this land, and here we began to establish the church of God throughout this land also.”. Like Alma the Younger, we must at times be “harrowed up” by the idea of standing before God for eternal judgment. Instead of fearing the Lamanites and avoiding them at all costs, it seems like integration started to happen, and it all started with Alma Sr.’s decision to abjure to the Lamanite army and Alma the Younger’s eventual realization that this was the correct decision, despite all the personal pain it gave him in his childhood. It would quite memorable for Alma the Younger to meet the priests’ biological children if he himself had been considered an adopted child, and their attitude about switching names would have greatly helped him in his transition to identifying as a Nephite and as Alma’s son. A lot of things didn’t seem to be issues until this point in Nephite history. This would make sense if Alma the Younger who wrote this narrative was hostage and living with Amulon at this time. “Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. He immediately surrendered to his enemies and even given up his own son to be their hostage. Perhaps he had been there before in an official royal visit with Alma the Younger, or perhaps he only received detailed descriptions from Alma. I have always been fascinated by the many stories and subplots within the narrative of The Book of Mormon, where there are often multiple scenes of action happening simultaneously.Learning this chronology when I was young turned out to be a major milestone towards understanding and appreciating the book. It also explains why Moroni went to Alma the Younger for advice on Lamanite battle strategies (Alma 43:23). Therefore let us stretch forth our hands, and exercise the power of God which is in us, and save them from the flames. Probably another reason Alma would have been reticent about his childhood hostage experience was that he didn’t want to live as a victim or be defined by it. Especially considering the descended from king Zedekiah in Israel, himself a Dueteronomist? There is nothing that explicitly says what happened–and this is admittedly far-fetched–but what if he was a child hostage? Why Latter-Day Saints Should Stop Using Google. Collected information is only used for internal reporting and is not shared with anyone. 73 BC Alma’s children go on missions. They praised “their” God–not Amulon’s or the Lamanites’ God. Timeline. The consistency of message, messages which have little to do with Moroni’s stated purpose for the Book of Mormon, suggests that it isn’t something Moroni scrapped together. But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory; and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.”. Just a very brief observation that they prayed. Helaman. He may have already lacked confidence in his father for mildly giving up to the Lamanite army. Yet Alma writes a lengthy paragraph about it. Torn from his chieftain parents at a very young age and given to the conquering Romans to be educated as a Roman soldier, Arminius identified with the Romans and fought as a Roman general. But then, more massive change came as Mosiah had Alma organize the entire kingdom into local churches with local priests and teachers. How did the Mulekites feel about this? Unfortunately for him, it backfired spectacularly. About 92 BC, Zarahemla There were plenty of times the Nephites were in a pinch and the prophet could have been consulted. This page was last edited on 29 November 2011, at 20:32. He did not need to be the saving hero, and he did not need to fight to extinguish evil, as Christ the true hero achieves these things. How could people be sure his true motive for rebelling against Egypt? Alma the Younger made it clear that the Lamanites were “cut off from the presence of the Lord” (v. 14) in God and he was not associated with them. But then Amulon’s actions in response are described in detail: Next, the Lord’s revelation to Alma in response to the prayers is written as a word-for-word prophetic message directly from the Lord. The scheduled release dates, episode titles and chapters covered in the Book of Mormon are as follows: March 13 — King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5. His father snatched him from the confines of Amulon, and everyone endured a long period of slavery and pain for the chance for him to do it. It is clearly written from the perspective of a child in Helam, and yet someone on the side of Amulon not Alma. All. Moses didn’t talk about his life before converting either. To me it sounds like how Alma the Younger felt about the waters of Mormon based on the descriptions of his father and brethren. Remember that it was faith in God, not strength of arms, that delivered them. Day 1: 3 Ne 11-18. (Alma 46:1–10) 69. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. To ensure that the pricing on the website is the same as what is in your catalog or advertisement, please enter the catalog code provided. An angel appears to Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah, telling them to "seek to destroy the church no more" (Mosiah 27:16). Indeed, Alma the Younger’s role as chief judge sounds similar to Amulon’s role as “teacher,” except that it was non-religious education. This would explain why Pharaoh didn’t kill Moses immediately upon discovering that he was Hebrew. They fall to the earth. I like to think they were adults when Alma was translated from off the earth in 73 BC. It’s one thing to leave the church, and it is another the travel around trying to destroy it. They sought to destroy the church of God (Mosiah 27:10). The moment of their conversion was when Alma had preached to them and had baptized them in the waters of Mormon. Relating to the Scripture. The sons of Mosiah carried Alma immediately to his father when they found him comatose, and this would seem unlikely if they were greatly estranged. ... Based on the story of Alma the Younger. The angel commanded Alma to cease trying to destroy the church and to recognize the power and authority of God. Mosiah has Alma the older organize seven churches. This is an interesting and important question I would like to see further explored. Record Keepers in Order of Most Verses. This was the question with Arminius and Alma. Today, we watch superhero movies and assume the wrong attitude toward doing righteousness. If you or a family member is a victim of a bus accident in Alma, the USAttorneys.com can help you file a claim. Amulon and his followers taught “the language of Nephi among all the people of the Lamanites,” we read. Why don’t other wicked men get an angelic visitation? Leads Nephite army against Amlici's rebellion. Privacy policy: This site uses Google Analytics to track and analyze visitor usage of this website, which may involve cookies. My soul was cracked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more.”. He knew who he was. Vision of Tree of Life. But here, at the moment they fled from Lamanite bondage, who was it that experienced a change of heart? They want to know what they can do to convince their children to see spiritual reality for what it is and have a change of heart. Did the people see that as evidence for his motives? Alma the Younger in his preaching says when Alma’s people had been delivered from Noah they were spiritually “born of God.” It recalls what Alma the Younger told everybody immediately after waking up from his comatose state: ”. Saved by Megan Shumway. Alma Sr.’s counsel to his people would have struck Alma the Younger more than anyone: And now as ye have been delivered by the power of God out of these bonds; yea, even out of the hands of king Noah and his people, and also from the bonds of iniquity, even so I desire that ye should stand fast in this liberty wherewith ye have been made free, and that ye trust no man to be a king over you.”. Enos prays. Well, it wasn’t that severe, considering they had only broken off a few generations back and worshiped the same God. Mosiah reading the accounts of Zeniff and Alma upon their assimilation. “Arminius may not have been a radiant moral hero, but he was a military genius, a man torn between two cultures,” historians conclude. 600 BC. Revelation of the redemptive and authoritative nature of Jesus Christ is used to explain to the people why they are to no longer have a king. But it’s not every day that an angel violently slams apostates to the ground or that they devote the rest of their lives to missionary work. Alma the Younger. Modern historians recognize how self-serving Arminiu’s switch of alliance seemed. Abinadi emphasized the Messiah and His atonement over following the law of Moses, and Alma further emphasized baptism, priesthood, and communal living. Amulon gloried in his power while Alma gloried only in being a humble instrument of the Lord. Alma the Younger also persecuted the church, but there is no record of him murdering anyone. Is that how a slave would describe his oppressor? Yet Alma’s story is greatly helpful to parents of apostate children who hold out hope for them. Well, Moses was in a way a child hostage as well, wasn’t he? How could they be sure he wasn’t still a Lamanite at heart? Not when they fled away from Amulon. As far as the natives of Zarahemla were concerned, a bunch of foreigners showed up one day and decided everyone needed to worship at local church buildings. The point of view switches from Amulon back to Alma Sr. and his people. Alma is first mentioned as an unbeliever, engaged in persecuting and attempting to destroy the church. Timeline: Year Event Age of Alma the Elder Age of Mosiah Age of Alma the Younger Around 160 BC Zeniff confers kingdom on his son, Noah. The Lord’s second revelation to Alma Sr. praised them for their “patience” since the first revelation, apparently because they couldn’t flee out of bondage until Alma’s son was returned. Catalog codes are on the back of the catalog, mail promotion, or within an advertisement. He is the primary writer. Why did the Brother of Jared ask God to touch stones? When the Lamanites invaded the land of Helam, Alma personally “went forth” and confronted the army, indicating himself as leader. “And now I say unto you, ye have been oppressed by king Noah, and have been in bondage to him and his priests, and have been brought into iniquity by them; therefore ye were bound with the bands of iniquity. Why Couldn’t Joseph Smith Re-Translate The Lost 116 Pages? But what changed his mind and gave him complete confidence in his father, confidence in himself, and in God, was that his father never gave up on him. Finally, the book of Ether is reviewed via a teaching lens. The 63 chapters in Alma cover only 39 years (91 BC – 51 BC) The last 63 chapters we’ve studied (2 Nephi 10-Mosiah 29) covered 459 years. Alma's experience brought him near death. The only important thing is spiritual salvation and being reborn as a creature of Christ. The Book of Alma is full of gospel principles: Shortly before handing over the plates to his son Helaman, Alma instructed his sons, Shiblon, Corianton, and Helaman on the subjects of death, resurrection, the unpardonable sin, chastity, and the plan of salvation. The text says: “Amulon began to exercise authority over Alma and his brethren and began to persecute him.” If he were alive and living with his father Alma, we would expect him to say it differently: “Alma began to be persecuted and subservient to Amulon.” We would expect it to be told from the point of view of Alma’s side. (Alma 43; Alma 44) 67. Third Person Grammar With Alma’s People – The text consistently speaks in third-person when referring to Alma’s people up until the point they flee to Zarahemla. The book of Mosiah itself was probably written to secure Alma’s authority as chief judge, as we’ve seen. In this same chapter, the description of Alma Sr.’s position of leadership is in marked contrast with Amulon’s. Scholars have tackled the question of authorship by considering why it was written. For behold, I will show unto you that they were brought into bondage, and none could deliver them but the Lord their God, yea, even the God of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob. Preaches and is imprisoned at Ammoniah with Amulek. But was their religious ideas really the same? Amulon was a teacher and minister who was not of God, and Alma allowed only men of God to be teachers. Now consider how this led to Alma the Younger rebelling against his father and the church. As a close apprentice under Amulon he would have been in the perfect place to criticize every move. ‘Mosia’ was a A delivering figure for the entire righteous community of God. The people were going to do whatever Alma said–Amulon knew that–and what better way to influence Alma than holding his son hostage? The most famous historical example of a child hostage is the German barbarian Arminius. We don’t know when Alma had children, but if the youngest of his children started his mission at age 20, they would have been born around 95 BC, and Alma would have been 27 years old–a fitting age. Maybe he just thought they were sleepy and Alma’s people were lucky to get away. 25 6 124 BC King Benjamin addressed his people. We know that Alma Sr. kept a record because it was later read to the people in Zarahemla; this must have been from that record. Alma the younger and the 4 sons of King Mosiah are converted near Zarahemla through the teachings of an angel whose voice of thunder shakes the ground [~100 to ~92 BC]. It would have undermined his place as leader. People must be free to commit wickedness and consign themselves to eternal misery. In another case, Alma the Younger watched as apostate Nephties threw his recent converts in Ammonihah in a fire to painfully die because they believed in God. The angel’s visit answered his concern and convinced him to see things differently. The book of Mosiah mentions that the generation Alma fell in with in opposing the church were little children at the time of King Benjamin’s address and didn’t comprehend his spiritual messages, which happened in 124 BC. Hostages were often “children of vanquished rulers that were used as pawns” in political arrangements. Get a free consultation from one of our Alma bus accident lawyers who can answer your questions. Lds Primary Primary Lessons Primary Singing Time Family Home Evening Lds Church Circle Time Latter Day Saints God Is Good Scriptures. Huge change for the kingdom likewise came in Alma’s time, and a great deal of it likely came from him. Two are bookmarks, and the last is a Word doc, so you can resize as needed. That’s what would have happened to Alma if his father hadn’t snatched him away. Alma and Amulek. Like everyone else we are terrified of death and fear that it is the end, and that’s why we avoid death at all costs, while spiritual salvation should be the only thing that matters. ‘Mosia’ As Moses – This theme of deliverance from a hero father figure is, in fact, implicit in the book’s name “Mosiah.” In ancient Hebrew, ‘Mosia’ is the word for deliverer. We can’t be sure that this indicates young Alma’s point of view, as it could be the result of Moroni or some other later author editing the text. Consider what the text says about this initial invasion–written after Alma the Younger got over the resentment. The … Joseph Smith. It seems like quite a dramatic shift of character for them to be rebellious one moment and then brave and faithful the next if they weren’t men of strong character beforehand. Begins presidency over the church. (BOOK OF FIRST NEPHI) LEHI'S FAMILY. But something happened when he returned to Germany that made him switch alliances back to his barbarian clan. Again, it is written from a child’s point of view. Indeed, this perfectly describes the situation of Alma’s people. Moses experienced the same test of leadership as Arminius and Alma. Being taught by Amulon to persecute Alma’s people–especially in matters of faith and worship–would not easily be overcome through counseling. His father and the entire kingdom prayed and fasted near to death for him. You’ll find the following stories highlighted in this Book of Mormon Timeline: Lehi and his family leave Jerusalem. The title of liberty rallied freedom-loving Nephites. Recently, scientists have discovered that child hostages were “incorporated into the family” of of leaders in conquering nations, “and raised as warriors.” The leaders raised the foreign children “as their own.”. Created by Shem Atwater ⟶ Updated 4 months ago ⟶ List of edits . Our emotional reactions and moral outrages to things, carefully trained by media corporations, is often used against us–even faithful members of the church–to our undoing. Work. The third grouping explores the book of Ether’s depiction of women, as it contains one of the most descriptive, yet ambivalent females in the Book of Mormon, both historically and in our contemporary era. Pharaoh only became more wicked as Moses brought divine intervention. Alma continued on the work of Abinadi, taught the people at the Waters of Mormon, and then ultimately fled from King Noah with 450 others to the land of Helam. Search popularity. Consider the timeline: There was at least 20 years between Alma’s departure from Helam until Alma the Younger’s experience with the angel. We should not be surprised that Alma the Younger didn’t want to talk about those personal issues later in life. Nephi builds a ship. Under his leadership, they immediately “delivered themselves up into their hands,” and the Lamanites assumed control of the land. “I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me…” Etc. 3 Nephi 8-10. Aztecs took hostages for human sacrifice, while other Native tribes used them to make smaller tribes subservient, exactly as the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks did: Such may have been the case with Alma’s people, after they fled from Noah and were enslaved by the Lamanites. But disciples of Christ must realize that they do not do the saving. It took enormous acts of contrition and persistant displays of love from his father Alma and the entire community to finally bring about a change of heart, and change which only God can bring. As Alma had been. The Lamanites were to be ministered to, and that’s the task they took upon themselves to do. As a young man, he, the four sons of Mosiah, and others wanted to destroy the church and actively persecuted its members. Alma presumably translated like Moses. Gary L. Sturgess concludes that two major themes tell us the purpose of the book: the question of kingship and deliverance through the hand of the Messiah. Made unto me… ” etc. ) wicked as Moses brought divine intervention were sleepy and Alma their! A child hostage is the repeated them of being a priesthood leader was nearly! Mosiah 27 ; Alma 36 they had only broken off a few generations back and worshiped the same reason did! 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