PRAYER POINTS. The MFM is a Pentecostal church based with branches across the world; having Pastor Daniel Olukoya as its General Overseer. Any curse placed on my ancestral line by anybody cheated, maltreated or at the point of death, break now, in Jesus’ name. See MFM 40 Prayers Points Below. WRITE OFF MY DEBTS BEFORE THIS YEAR ENDS!!! Every rage and rampage of ancestral and family spirits resulting from my being born again, be quenched by the liquid fire of God, in the name of Jesus. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel the loan he has made to his fellow Israelite. Prosper Prayer 1. in the name of Jesus. Advert. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.”, 2 Kings 4:7:“Then she came and told the man of God. O heavens over my prosperity, open by fire, in the name of Jesus. PRAYERS AGAINST POVERTY. You are reading MFM New Month Prayer Points for New Year January 2021. Recent Posts. DAY 6 PRAYER POINTS: Yoke Of DEBT: B-R-E-A-K!!! in the name of Jesus. The earth with all its fullness belongs to God. I wash my head with the blood of Jesus to receive my the crown of glory, in the name of Jesus. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.” ESV, Mark 11:26:“But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”, Luke 11:4:“And forgive us our sins; for we ourselves also forgive every one that is indebted to us. 3. You my hands, receive deliverance from debts, in the name of Jesus. Thank the Lord for His power to deliver from any form of bondage. Hatered of God’s enemies. Every hold of any sacrifice ever offered in my family or on my behalf, I break your power in my life, in the name of Jesus. in Jesus’ name. Search. I decree that all those that pursue me shall fall for my sake, in the name of Jesus. Every thing I have mortgaged in order to get a loan or favour in my times of dire need but has now turned around to haunt me with a threatening Foreclosure assigned to strip me naked: Receive fresh lease of life by the blood of Jesus: I redeem and repossess you by the blood of Jesus. 2020 Prosperity Prayer Points. Just as the famine in the days of Joseph elevated him, help me Lord to see the opportunity that the current global financial crises is … I receive the garment of prosperity that wipes away the burden of my debts!!! Thou power of family curse and covenant of poverty over my life, break, in the name of … This are satanic demands placed on our ancestors when they served the devil in their days, these demands where met by our fathers and they where supposed to hand it over to the next generation and so on and so forth, but now the present generation no longer serves idols, many of them are now either Christians or unbelievers. Every ancestral debt-collector forcing me to pay for what I did not buy, die, in the name of Jesus. I believe that this mfm prayer points against ancestral debts will eternaly set you free in Jesus name. My Father, I seek Your forgiveness by the blood of Jesus for every debt I have foolishly or greedily entered into, but is now become a distressing burden that I can no longer bear: Forgive me O Lord and help me to roll away the reproach and shame of such debts in the name of Jesus. So you are welcome as you join us today and pray with us, the God that answers prayers will meet you at the point of your needs in Jesus name. PRAYER POINTS. 3. Prayer is the key to all round freedom from ancestral covenants. © Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 20 MFM Prayer Points Against Ancestral Debts, 20 Deliverance Prayer Points Against Evil Names, Deliverance Prayers From Satanic Captivity. 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. Every tie to polluted objects and items between my life and family, break, in the name of Jesus. 4. Every garment of ancestral, infirmity, disease, sickness, untimely death, poverty, disfavor, dishonor, shame and failure at the edge of miracles passed down to my generation, be cancelled by the blood of jesus in the name of Jesus. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough, 20 Opening Prayer Points For Church Service, 20 Deliverance Prayer Points From Marine Water Spirits. Confession: Psalm 124, Psalm 126. Prayer Points. Every temptation to enter into any debt that would become a distress for me, stealing my peace in the future: I reject you by the blood of Jesus. 30 Days Prayer Retreat. Arise and defend yourself spiritually, do not let the devil push you about, Satan will always thrive on your ignorance, there is no power like the power in the name of Jesus, Stand up and pray, pray your way out of every ancestral debts, release the fire of God to burn down and destroy every ancestral altar raised against you and your family members. I receive financial breakthroughs to clear the debts, in the name of Jesus. Every bitter water flowing in my family from any idol, dry up, in the name of Jesus. Every ancestral debt-collector that pursued my parents and is now pursuing me: I am not your candidate: Die by fire! Confession: Psalm 124, Psalm 126. Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), Tuesday has declared a seven-day prayer and Fasting programme to revolt against Coronavirus (COVID-19) ravaging the world. You are reading Today MFM Prosperity Prayer Points New Year 2021 written by Pastor D. K. Olukoya to inspire and make you succeed in 2021. I soak my blood, bones and flesh in the wonder working power of the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. Prayer points for the family will help you to pray the right payers for your family. Ask the Lord for forgiveness. I stand in the gap for every family, widow and the poor under the threats of calamity-sponsored debts: O Lord defend them and provide means to wipe off their debts!!! Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? I take authority over this year, in the name of Jesus. Praise and worship; My Father, I commit my life into your hand, please forgive me of every disobedience and stubbornness to your word in the name of Jesus. CONFESS AND MEDITATE ON THESE SCRIPTURES: Romans 8:32:“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”, Matthew 6:12:“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”, Matthew 7:9-11:“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? PRAISE WORSHIP. Windows of heaven: OPEN BY FIRE AND POUR DOWN ABUNDANCE THAT WILL DROWN AND CHOKE MY DEBTS TO DEATH!!! Every evil ancestral strongman in my family, I cut you off, in the name of Jesus. God bless you. The earth with all its fullness belongs to God. Repent from every known sin 3. 3. If you continue to cry out to God in your place of prayers, you will soon see the hands of God in your life. MFM Prayer Points Against Ancestral Debts. Be persistent 6. in the name of Jesus. Prosper Prayer by Pastor D. K. Olukoya. Every hold of ancestral spirits upon your life must be broken by fire in Jesus name. 4. Any ancestral power frustrating any area of my life in order to discourage me from following Christ, receive multiple destruction, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points 1. As a result of this, this ancestral spirits begin to attack the current generation because they are debtors to them. in the name of Jesus. May God bless you in Jesus’ name, Amen. – DAY 6: FRIDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 2011. Let frustration and disappointment, be the portion of every object fashioned against my life and family, in the name of Jesus. 22. Please contact the MFM International Bookshop MFM International Bookshop to get copies of the aforementioned. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. in the name of Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of this earth. E-X-P-I-R-E!! 100 Enough Is Enough Prayer Points. Thank You for answering my prayers in Jesus name. I believe in miracles, I serve a God of miracles therefore; every chapter closed by men against me will be re-opened by God in my favour in Jesus name. Search. Recent Posts. The terrible path about this situations is this, many times the present generation may not even know anything about there ancestral debts, but just like they say, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. 28. Today, we are going to be engaging 20 mfm prayer points against ancestral debts, this mfm prayer points was inspired by my father in the Lord, Dr Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries. 27. in the name of Jesus. 24. I declare that every evil debts incurred from the ancestral … Every landlord spirit troubling my destiny, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. The force of MFM midnight prayer points can be applied on your situation today. 13. The following prayer point categories cover an array of problems confronting mankind. Every unconscious evil soul-tie and covenant with ancestral spirits be broken by the blood of Jesus. 1. 3. MOUNTAIN OF FIRE MIDNIGHT PRAYERS POINTS. Until they pay up their ancestral debts,the siege over those families continue. I decree that all the elements of this year will cooperate with me. These MFM prayer points are inspired by the church with headquarters in Lagos State, Nigeria. I declare that every evil debts incurred from the ancestral worship of my forefathers’ god over my life and family, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. I revoke by the blood of Jesus, every law that militate against my prosperity, in the name of Jesus. in Jesus name. 25. Every instrument of my prosperity that has been taken as a pledge for an oppressive loan and caged from prospering my life: I set you free now by the blood of Jesus: Arise by fire and prosper me to wipe of my debts with divine surplus!!! 34 HOT PRAYERS AGAINST THE EMBER MONTHS TRAGEDY. Of course not! PRAYER POINTS. Previous Post DELIVERANCE OF INANIMATE OBJECTS PRAYER POINTS from MFM … O God arise and miraculously and tremendously multiply the value of every asset used in securing any loan/favour! 2. O my Father, I receive grace today to forgive and forgo every debt owed me by any man or woman but have become a crippling burden that they cannot bear or pay back, though its painful but Thou Lord, by Your grace and power, I forgive them and let go, in Jesus’ name. Thou power of family curse and covenant of poverty over my life, break, in the name of Jesus. Thank God for what He has done for you this year. 8. 26. 1. by the blood of Jesus. I confess the sins of my ancestors (list them). Every moral and financial interest charged on me for any favour done for me in the past and present by any man or woman, I pay you back by the blood of Jesus. Every inherited evil spirit from my father’s house troubling the glory of my finances and causing delay in destiny, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name. Media, lay siege! ... Let any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be rendered impotent for … Any power from my family background seeking to make a shipwreck of my life and ministry, be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. Every generational curse of God resulting from the sin of idolatry on my forefathers, be washed clean by the blood of Jesus , in the name of Jesus.. 9. Rod of God’s anger, arise against the troublers of my destiny, in the name of Jesus. As a joint heir with Jesus, I claim the wealth of this earth, for it belongs to Jesus. What are ancestral debts ? Prayer against untimely death in the family tags: mfm prayer points against death pdf, prayer points against death with scriptures, prayer to prevent death, prayer against the spirit of death by olukoya, prayer against death dreams, prayer against accident, prayer points against weeping, prayer against spiritual arrow, prayer to cancel … God bless you! Holy Ghost fire, burn all … in the name of Jesus. I receive financial breakthroughs to clear the debts, in the name of Jesus. 45. 19. I revoke by the blood of Jesus, every law that militate against my prosperity, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2. Every decision, vow or promise made by my forefathers contrary to my divine destiny, loose your hold by fire, in the name of Jesus. E-X-P-I-R-E!!! Every garment of debts in my life, I tear you to shreds: Catch Fire Now!! Finger of God!!! Network of witchcraft in my place of birth, scatter, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS . While posting this article captioned short “Prayer Points for the Family,” with Bible verses in PDF, I imagined a society without one of its most important units! PRAYERS AGAINST POVERTY PRAYER POINTS . 14. Don’t forget to drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. Knowledge 5. MFM Prosperity Prayer Points New Year 2021 by Pastor D. K. Olukoya. O God Arise and open my eyes to the merchandise that would wipe away my debts and catapult me from deficit into abundance!!! 1. Father, i thank you for i am covered with the blood of Jesus. Every evil ancestral life pattern designed for me through vows, promises and covenants, be broken, in the name of Jesus. 6. The session is titled: destroying altars of poverty. I see you celebrating your freedom in Jesus name.God bless you. 17. in the name of Jesus. 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. The power in the MFM midnight battle prayer points can be applied to every situation in your life. 30 Prayer Points For Workers In The Church. Every evil ancestral habit and weakness of moral failures manifesting in my life, loose your grip and release me now, in Jesus’ name. PRAYER POINTS TO CANCEL FINANCIAL (ANCESTRAL) DEBT THIS YEAR 2021. I put a permanent stop on any form of eating in the dream, in the name of Jesus. The Lord will release a measure of prosperity into my life that will swallow all my history of poverty … MFM Prosperity Prayer Points 2021 By Dr D.K. (This prayer is a prophetic action: hold your neck with your two hands and cry out with your focus on that crippling debt that has yoked you to STAGNATION AND SHAME:) Every debt that has yoked me to poverty and stagnation your time is up: E-X-P-I-R-E! 18. O God Arise and catapult me from the prison of indebtedness to the palace plenty, splendor and majesty, in the name of Jesus. MFM New Month Prayer Points for January 2021 You are reading MFM New Month Prayer Points for New Year January 2021. prayers with a scriptural reference can make our prayer time with our family unique and outstanding. The prayer points on our website is to guide you as you work on improving your prayer life. Aggressive Praise and Worship. 5. Olukoya 2021 NEW YEAR PROGRAMME 2021 PROSPERITY PRAYER POINTS CONFESSION: Col. 2:14-15. Every blood speaking against my generational line, be silenced by the blood of Jesus. in the name of Jesus. Every ancestral debt-collector forcing me to pay for what I did not buy, die, in the name of Jesus. I renounce you by the blood of Jesus!!! It is written (Proverbs 22:7:) “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” therefore, every invisible and visible slave-chain of borrowing on my neck, preventing my head from receiving my crown of glory throughout this year: B-R-E-A-K TO P-I-E-C-E-S!!! It is a known fact that the family is the basic unit of society and as such when things break down in the family… Confession: Psalm 128:1-2. Aggressive Prayer Points To Destroy Evil Cauldrons (Pots). PRAYER POINTS. 1. Ancestral debts carried over to my life and family: Enough is Enough! in the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you for delivering me from all forms of evil in Jesus name. Scripture: Psalm 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thee. Prayer Points. MFM 30 Days Prayer Retreat 2020.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [975.7 KB] ... Every stronghold of debt be dashed to pieces in the name of Jesus. Thanks and God bless you. I reject the life of survival on debt. And bring us not into temptation.”, Psalm 37:21:“The wicked borrows, and pays not again: but the righteous shows mercy, and gives.”, Nehemiah 5:3:“Others said, “We have mortgaged our fields, vineyards, and homes to get food during the famine.”, Proverbs 22:7:“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”, Exodus 22:25:“”If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not be like a moneylender; charge him no interest.”, Deuteronomy 15:1-2“At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. MFM Prayer Points Against Ancestral Debts – Deliverance. 25. Day 24. in the name of Jesus. You have entered an incorrect email address! 10. Every arrow of collective financial doom, my life is not your candidate, RELEASE ME AND DIE!!! in the name of Jesus. Arogbonlo Israel. 5. PRAYER POINTS. Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness and mercy of God 2. 5. 12. 29. JANUARY 2006 AD - PRAYER POINTS . MFM Prayer Points Against Ancestral Debts, Prayer Points For Family Morning Devotion, Prayer Points For Workers In The Vineyard. Father, by the power in the name of Jesus, I destroy every power that will stand to resist this prayers. in the name of Jesus. Every altar of poverty in my place of birth, working against my prosperity, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. The Bible provides us with powerful words that can be channeled into prayers for our beloved family. 1. I wash my head with the blood of Jesus to receive my the crown of glory, in the name of Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of this earth. I reject the life of survival on debt. 4. Every ancestral manipulation of my life, be reversed, in the name of Jesus. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness. We care about our users, and we want to see the hand of God rest upon them as the pray. Click this link to join Now, . 23. 2. You have entered an incorrect email address! Every debts I have with water spirits, desert spirits, witchcraft spirits, spirits in evil sacred trees, spirits inside under sacred rocks hills, family gods, evil family guardian spirits, family village serpentine spirits, masquerade spirits, inherited spirit husbands wives, be canceled now!!! (Shout this prayer point with boldness and a heart full of faith 21 hot times!!!). Prayer Points For Unity In The Family; ... Tag: 101 debt free prayer points. in Jesus’ name. Prayer Points. in the name of Jesus. 7. As this year is running to an end, life shall not run to an end, in the name of Jesus. ... Every curse of poverty, placed upon my family, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. O God arise by Your mercy and give me the things which are long-withheld from me but are due to me to prosper my life!!! 2. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. Matthew CHAPTER 18 verse 21-35. I break al ancestral covenants with any idol power, in the name of Jesus. MFM 2020 Prosperity Prayer Points & Programme. Ask the Lord to forgive those sins you do not know about. admin-June 6, 2020 0. Separate yourself from the world system 4. All ancestral debts passed on to me from the generations to generation, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Every ancestral debt-collector that pursued my parents and is now pursuing me: I am not your candidate: Die by fire! Any ancestral blood shed of animals, or human beings affecting me, loose your hold by the blood of Jesus. MFM New Month Prayer Points for January 2021. I receive the miracle of DEBT CANCELLATION before the end of this year!!! 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