They were developed in a broad two-year consultation process during which civil society, citizens, academics, scientists, and the private sector of all countries had the opportunity to contribute. It organizes the factors that constrain or enhance livelihood opportunities, and shows how they relate. However, multiple outcomes analysis is challenging due to not only methodological issues, but alsoquality and availability of time series data. Households with the lowest 40 percent income (B40) in the Southern Region of Kelantan are faced with multi-dimensions of vulnerability that cause them to be exposed to uncertain risks and jeopardize their lives. the “landscape approach”—seeing the need to look beyond individual stands to the larger landscapes in terms of sustainable management, planning, ecosystem services, etc. Specific objectives were to determine the Paper presented at the Sustainable Livelihoods Seminar on 'Private Sector and Enterprise Development', Crown Plaza Hotel, Manchester, UK. Indeed, it is because the poor lack it that the other types of, There is no quick fix for this problem. humandignity,betweenwhichtheremayagainalsobeconict. Mopane districts, Limpopo Province. Chambers and Conway’s oft-cited definition is that “a livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (stores, resources, claims and access) and activities required for a means of living: a livelihood is sustainable which can cope with and recover from stress and shocks, maintain They are offered as resources to ADB staff. It is based on evolving thinking about the way the poor and vulnerable live their lives and the importance of policies and institutions. The study fed into the wider process of developing a country strategy paper (CSP). Urban communities have to change their behaviour and attitudes, be willing to accept change, sustainable livelihood approach (SLA). 82 0 obj <>stream Chapter 3 paints the The limited availability of mopane worms presented a key constraint for the Muyambo, F, 2017;Yasar, 2016;KESEDAR, 2013, Mustaffa Omar et al, 2012, ... Key livelihood assets were combined and categorised as resources, or capitals; subsequently these are discussed in a 'coping behaviour' context (section 4.2). 0000001590 00000 n 0000004307 00000 n the livelihoods of those vulnerable to disasters becomes an urgent priority. The nutrition intervention included nutritional management advice and provision of 150 C. calothyrsus seedlings and 150 S. sesban seedlings to each farm. One has a narrower economic focus on production, trailer 0000111157 00000 n As analysts point out, there are two broad approaches to defining livelihoods. 0000006362 00000 n Vulnerability also linked to poverty.The government's efforts to help lower income households or B40 group before they become poor can reduce the problems of poverty. Only with the detailed results of this work will it be possible to assess fully the potential utility and limitations of … sustainable livelihoods approach (SL) was used in the context of a study which aimed to identify options for a programme to support rural livelihoods in Cambodia. ADB encourages printing or copying, information exclusively for personal and noncommercial use with. The sustainable livelihoods approach improves understanding of the livelihoods of the poor. 0000004818 00000 n It brings attention to bear on the inherent potential of people in terms of their, skills,socialnetworks,accesstophysicalandnancialresources,andabilitytoinuence, Appreciative inquiry—originally developed as a tool for industry to avoid negative ap-, proaches to problem solving—extends this constructive outlook. The findings of this research can inform policy and climate change adaptation measures in other similar atoll islands in the Pacific. It organizes the factors that constrain or enhance livelihood opportunities, and shows how they relate. The sustainable livelihoods approach is a relatively new approach developed to address the failure of previous approaches to community development. h�b```b``������6�A��X��,&�jh/��Ҥ �X��8�0�8��2�c��U3����H]vg߆f��=" ��k7ˈF�Ifn��0d��R��snUƩʩ`Am��4HM��a�BJ@ 1YIٸ��MK��q���. suggests human capital is strong. Vulnerability is characterized as insecurity in the well-being of individuals, households, and communities in, ability captures the processes of change better than poverty line measurements. The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach The sustainable livelihoods approach is a way of thinking about the objectives, scope, and priorities for development activities. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of using the C. calothyrsus and S. sesban on family income and livelihoods during the 16-month trial period. The concept of sustainable livelihoods The concept of sustainable livelihoods is a reference point for a wide range of people involved in different aspects of development policy formulation and planning. The sustainable livelihoods approach incorporates a … 0000107415 00000 n PEFC is focusing on Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods and exploring the potential for forest certification to expand its impact and scope Small island developing states such as Kiribati in the Equatorial Pacific are among the most climate vulnerable places on Earth. The It, compels them to look for multiple entry points and to move beyond a homogenous “community” view and a, narrow sectoral perspective. Land tenure type was found to be the primary determinant of resource management and access regimes in the harvesting areas. In addition, it tries to sketch out the An overall positive perceived performance of the solar water heaters was found, however residences did experience an abundance of negatives. 42 41 The results reveal that the seasonal closure has led to four main challenges: restricted access to coastal waters, decreased financial capital, decreased fish trading activities and declining small-scale fisheries opportunities. forms of environmental change which have significantly affected mopane worm availability and outbreak events. patterns have changed in the last 20 years; to assess access and management of mopane resources under different tenure types; and, to explore mopane worm use in the context of the sustainable livelihoods framework. This served as a hindrance for households and limited their income earning potential. Even if this approach is generally adopted in the literature, several authors have pointed out that productivity does not properly measure sustainability (e.g., [1]), motivating a line of research trying to account for the externalities and the social value of Agriculture in the computation of productivity (see, for example, [3]). lower-than-normal precipitation, and higher-than-normal temperatures were the leading All rights reserved. One need not yield to pessimism: identifiable trends point to a promising future. The study found that the solar water heaters had a variety of socio-economic impacts such as providing additional monetary savings that could be used towards livelihood strategies and benefits allowing households to spend more time on productive activities. Sustainable rural livelihoods: A framework for analysis Figure 2. The findings of this study indicated that the historical value placed on mopane worms as a food source and trading commodity has been passed down for generations. prospects of formal employment, and had the potential to generate higher income levels The research included is particularly useful to knowledge workers engaged in executive leadership; research, analysis, and advice; and corporate management and administration. The sustainable livelihoods approach is a way of thinking about the objectives, scope, and priorities for development activities. Sustainable Livelihoods: A Framework for Indicator Development Background and Overview Sustainable livelihoods is a systemic and adaptive approach that links issues of poverty reduction, sustainability and empowerment processes (e.g., participation, gender empowerment, and good governance). Limpopo Province, South Africa. It is based on evolving thinking about the way the poor and vulnerable live their lives and the importance of policies and institutions. Partial budget analysis of their farms was done by comparing changes in average monthly profits (from milk) and feeding costs/cow for the first 6 months and last 6 months of the intervention. In particular, the sustainable livelihoods approach stresses, the importance of understanding institutions by mapping the institutional framework and linking the micro to, the macro and the formal to the informal. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. 19 November 2001. There has been a global increase in greenhouse gases due to anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and urbanisation. It can help plan development activities and assess the contribution that existing activities have made to sustaining livelihoods. When thinking about livelihood outcomes, the aims of a particular group as well as the extent to which these are already being achieved has to be understood. The opinions on the closed season were mostly negative. economic issues, food security, etc.). ent access livelihood assets, which the sustainable livelihood approach aims to expand. 0000009740 00000 n households and traders. This project sheds light on sundry related aspects. 0000003678 00000 n Additional interviews were conducted with traders at In 2007, it approved $10.1 billion of loans, $673 million of. Museums have been established as a veritable instrument for a virile tourism industry because of advantages inherent in them. Trading was found to be important form of employment for rural people who have limited change which have affected mopane worm availability and how consumption and trade The goal of policy should be to support existing and develop new livelihood systems. e.g., land and produce, water and aquatic resources, trees and forest products, wildlife, e.g., infrastructure (transport, roads, vehicles, secure shelter and buildings, water supply. You might, therefore, find it helpful to ‘test’ the livelihoods framework by trying to assess your own personal situation. Dependence on one source of income makes households vulnerable to shock and stress that could potentially affect their lives and difficulties in surviving of life. 0000001116 00000 n The Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) provides identified poor and vulnerable families and individuals the appropriate income-generating opportunities to help improve ... be able to find the most appropriate approach to implementation to achieve program goals. Copublished by Springer and the Asian Development Bank, the book was made available on open access as well as print on demand in May 2017. ilding post-2015 on the accomplishments of the Millennium Development Goals, but cognizant also of their shortcomings, they combine economic, environmental, and social goals that now apply to all countries. take advantage of these, and extend safety nets for those who still cannot achieve their livelihood objectives in a competitive environment. Focus group discussions were used to collect qualitative information on livelihood effects from the trial. It does not replace other tools, such as participatory development, sector-wide, approaches, or integrated rural development. 0000012458 00000 n The sustainable livelihoods framework helps to organize the factors that constrain or enhance livelihood op-. It helps formulate development activities that are. dfid-sustainable-livelihoods-guidance-sheet-section1.pdf (PDF, 123kb) section2.pdf (PDF, 236kb) section3.pdf (PDF, 164kb) section4-1.pdf (PDF, 174kb) section4-2.pdf (PDF, 154kb) section5.pdf (PDF, 123kb) which the poor must often make trade-offs and choices about, comprise: mutual understanding and support, formal and informal groups, shared values and behaviors, common rules, and sanctions, collective representation, mechanisms for participation in decision-making, leadership, wildfoodsandbers,biodiversity,environmentalservices, fertilizer, pesticides, traditional technology). In this paper, we propose a latent class multivariate trajectory model, which is applied to 31 European countries by considering a set of economic, environmental and social indicators in the period 2000-2016. A total of 180 copies of questionnaire were retrieved from the respondents and analysed. Agroforestry, using C. calothyrsus and S. sesban shrubs can improve household livelihoods if adopted by SDFs in Kenya. 0000106859 00000 n It is based on evolving thinking about the way the poor and vulnerable live, their lives and the importance of policies and institutions. Survey method using questionnaire instrument was conducted for this study. Research Tools for SL Analysis in Urban Areas 35 The significance of mopane worms in the study area is three-fold: it is an important source of food, it is a valuable trading commodity, and it is an intrinsic part of local cultural practices. SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS GUIDANCE SHEETS FRAMEWORK VULNERABILITY CONTEXT 2.2 What is the vulnerability context? Instead, it is intended to stimulate readers to reflect on the approach and make their own contributions to its further development. Bu, In the age of the internet, many think libraries are being destroyed. A holistic understanding of energy use and its impacts on households was gained. 3.1 The Household Livelihood Approach 8 3.2 Livelihood Assets 10 3.3 Livelihood Activities 11 3.4 The Vulnerability Context 11 3.5 Food First vs Sustainable Livelihood Approach 17 3.6 Intra-Household Issues with Livelihoods 17 4. The study drew primarily on secondary Their potentials for showcasing the people and their culture is also a case that cannot be ignored. 42 0 obj <> endobj Vulnerability also means less sense of safety due to external environmental pressures and uncertain risks of households and communities. The sustainable livelihoods approach improves understanding of the livelihoods of the poor. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. V, external side of shocks, seassonalities, and critical trends; and an internal side of defenselessness caused by lack, of ability and means to cope with these. This study investigated the This can be attributed to the fisherfolk's level of participation and perceived lack of influence in decision-making, the absence of alternative livelihoods and the questionable ecological effectiveness of the closed season. than wage labour in rural contexts. 0000009122 00000 n the attainment of sustainable livelihood. While there is a considerable body of literature on the scale of the problem, there is very little research on the lived experiences of communities, their concerns and priorities, and how they are coping with environmental and climate hazards. DFID’s SL framework Boxes Box 1. As a result, a top-down approach is often adopted in adaptation projects that may not meet the real needs of communities, endangering the long-term sustainability and viability of interventions. Based on the conceptual integration of the sustainable livelihoods approach and political ecology insights, a mixed-methods approach was employed consisting of 400 fisherfolk households survey and 42 interviews with key stakeholders. Furthermore, the strong social links and networks which It can help plan development activities and assess the contribution that existing activities have made to sustaining livelihoods. sustainable livelihoods approach. Differences between Urban and Rural Contexts 4 3. The sustainable livelihoods approach improves understanding of the livelihoods of the poor. An anthology of videos, the evolving ADB Sustainable Development Timeline catalogs major sector and thematic landmarks in ADB's operations since 1966. Use of the sustainable livelihoods concept in development studies The concept of sustainable livelihoods can be usefully applied in development studies, given that it contributes to understanding individuals’ livelihoods and has mainly been utilized for poverty … The sustainable livelihoods approach is no more than an attempt to provide a tool which is ‘useful to think with’. II. %PDF-1.4 %���� startxref Revue canadienne d'études du développement = Canadian journal of development studies, Science, Technology and Environmental Politics, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, The Vulnerability Factor Analysis of B40 Household Income Group in the Southern Region of Kelantan using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Coping with environmental hazards and shocks in Kiribati: Experiences of climate change by atoll communities in the Equatorial Pacific, Multiple outcome analysis of European Agriculture in 2000-2016: a latent class multivariate trajectory approach, Social and Health Dimensions in Museum's Patronage and its Implications for Sustainable Livelihood Lawal, Musediq Olufemi, From open access regime to closed fishing season: Lessons from small-scale coastal fisheries in the Western Region of Ghana, Mopane worm use, livelihoods and environmental change in Limpopo Province, South Africa Masters Dissertation, Livelihood impacts of Calliandra calothyrsus and Sesbania sesban: Supplementary feed in smallholder dairy farms in Kenya, The socio-economic impacts of solar water heaters compared across two communities: A case study of Cato Manor, Factors Improvement of Sustainable livelihoods from the Perspective of Local People, Case Study: Ardabil County, Knowledge Solutions: Tools, Methods, and Approaches to Drive Organizational Performance, Understand: The Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable livelihoods and rural development, by Ian Scoones, Back Matter - Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development, Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development. Rural livelihoods, food security and rural transformation under climate change 3 Taken together, implementing these elements for action simultaneously would constitute a new approach to innovation and enabling it: co-creating new knowledge, “renovating” existing but as-yet under-utilized scientific and without the express, written consent of ADB. The data analyzed using IBM-SPSS-AMOS through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in combination (pooled). It must also be made appropriate to local circumstances and local priorities. The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach 1 2. <<1048AC976861EE43B9189F88E2217F02>]/Prev 275308>> livelihoods; to gauge the perceptions of harvesters and traders on forms of environmental The SLA is inherently associated with poverty reduction measures and environmental management [51,52]. made. This study examined the socio-economic impacts associated with the use of solar water heaters in low-income households as well as their attitudes and perceptions towards using solar water heaters. 0000003113 00000 n The sustainable livelihoods approach encourages thinking out of the box. The call for emphasis on sustainable livelihoods was hp://, e.g., health, nutrition, education, knowledge and skills, capacity to work, capacity to adapt, e.g., networks and connections (patronage, neighborhoods, kinship), relations of trust and. Appreciative inquiry is a, highly inclusive process that maximizes the positive (as opposed to minimizing the nega-, tive) in which a community takes responsibility for generating and gathering information. The South African government has implemented a solar water heater initiative into the Reconstruction and Development Programme, a programme established by the African National Congress government to construct low cost housing for previously disadvantaged citizens. The vulnerability context includes, • shocks,e.g.,conict,illnesses,oods,storms,droughts,pests,diseases, • seasonalities,e.g.,prices,andemploymentopportunities. be effective in the absence of appropriate institutions and processes through which policies can be implemented. It organizes the factors that constrain or enhance livelihood opportunities, and shows how they relate. Average feeding costs significantly decreased across all groups over the trial period. xref 0000006923 00000 n Asia and Pacific region through inclusive economic growth. Its existence underlines the need to give choice and opportunities to the poor and build their ability to. It can help plan development activities and assess the contribution that existing activities have made to sustaining livelihoods. The poverty–environment nexus and associated vicious circles cannot be effectively addressed without active local involvement. 0000000016 00000 n Within the context of the sustainable livelihoods framework, the following findings were The early part of the paper draws considerably on the work which has been co-ordinated and documented by the DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Support Office, and also the DFID Natural Resource Advisors' Conference (1998) which Assessing the impact of disasters on the livelihoods of people and the capacity and opportunities for recovery and increased resilience to future events is an e capture and storage. Underplays elements of the vulnerability context, Explicitly advocates a creative tension between different levels, of analysis and emphasizes the importance of macro- and, Assumes that capital assets can be expanded in generalized, Acknowledges the need to move beyond narrow sectoral, perspectives and emphasizes seeing the linkages between sectors, Doesnotpayenoughattentiontoinequalitiesofpower, Callsforinvestigationoftherelationshipsbetweendifferent, activities that constitute livelihoods and draws attention to, Underplays the fact that enhancing the livelihoods of one group. 0000006223 00000 n The study made use of questionnaire and in-depth interview to collect data from the study population. 0000007518 00000 n Figure 1. The SLA contends that urban communities should become planners, initiators and executors of local development in order for any transformation to occur. If fisherfolk in sub-Saharan Africa are not sufficiently heard and empowered, drastic measures such as closed seasons are not likely to be effective. 0 Households suffer poverty and are not easily able to access financial resources. It helps formulate development, • Conductedinpartnershipwiththepublicandprivatesectors, for actions that are based on the views and interests of those concerned but they are not a, panacea. 0000043888 00000 n They, may also appeal to the development community and people having, The views expressed in this publication are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the, Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the, governments they represent. proper acknowledgment of ADB. Its key focuses are holistic, people-centred, dynamic and sustainable development, working with people’s strengths and establishing macro-micro links. 0000080898 00000 n . The ‘Sustainable Livelihoods Approach’ (SLA) concept and framework adopted by DFID in the late 1990s (building on work by IDS, IISD, Oxfam and others) have been adapted by different organizations to suit a variety of contexts, issues, priorities and applications. Livelihood strategies and outcomes are not just dependent on access to capital assets or constrained by the, vulnerability context; they are also transformed by the environment of structures and processes. Government efforts should focused on group either in rural or urban area. Chapter 2 expounds further on the theoretical framework, clarifying the aims, applications and principles of the SLA. Recently, several challenging objectives besides productivity compatible with the sustainable livelihood framework, ... Efforts here are being made to ensure that museums and archives are accessible and develop their audiences further for other local service providers to be able to use their resources to reach out effectively to everybody in the society. Applications A detailed investigation of the living conditions of the target population is the starting point of a development project based on the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach. The vulnerability factor of B40 household income group in the Southern Region of Kelantan is determined through three factors, namely vulnerability of economic, vulnerability of social/physical, and vulnerability of environmental. CARE’s Livelihood Model Figure 4. Knowledge Solutions are handy, quick reference guides to tools, methods, and approaches that propel development forward and, enhance its effects. Knowledge on dairy cow nutrition, level of confidence on calf management, and feeling of empowerment to raise calves/heifers to achieve first calving by 27 months were higher among farmers in the nutrition and combined groups than farmers in the other groups. TheVulnerability Context frames the external environment in which people exist. As part of fisheries governance initiatives, conservation has been deployed as an important management strategy in the rebuilding of depleted marine fish stock. Respondents of this study were 385 people. Communities are currently trying to adapt to challenges, both old and new, with technologies and materials at their. Asian Development Bank ( They grant or deny access to assets. capital opportunities. Source: Department for International Development of the United Kingdom. household consumption and traded for income generation. ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in the. Downloads. Figure: The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Olivier Serrat, All content in this area was uploaded by Olivier Serrat on Sep 30, 2014, is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Key W, {Excerpt} e sustainable livelihoods approa, help plan development activities and assess the contribution that existing activities have made to s, e sustainable livelihoods approach facilitat, based on the views and interests of those concerned but they ar, such as participatory development, sector-wide approaches, or int, makes the connection between people and the over, social networks, access to physical and nancial res, is article was rst published by the Asian Development Bank (. The SLA attempts to understand how skills, social networks, and access to physical and financial assets can impact livelihood outcomes. 0000002587 00000 n sustainable livelihoods approach, and also how future transport research might adopt and integrate the ideas embedded in SRL. They enable people to transform one type of asset into an-, poor and vulnerable face is that the processes which frame their livelihoods may systematically restrict them, Livelihood strategies aim to achieve livelihood outcomes. Decisions on livelihood strategies may invoke, pensionsandgrants,intensicationversus, which may compete. purchase, trade, and perform all manner of other functions that affect livelihoods. 0000001491 00000 n %%EOF These Reconstruction and Development Programme houses have been retrofitted with solar water heaters as part of an energy-saving initiative which reduces de-pendency on the grid and provides additional socio-economic benefits to improve the lives of its users. In addition, the paradigm shift from understanding poverty after it happens to identify the possibility for the poor should be initiated by the government. 0000005586 00000 n Including communities in co-designed interventions can also ensure sustainability in climate adaptation projects. The sustainable livelihoods approach is only one way of organizing the complex issues that surround poverty. 0000012389 00000 n Specifically, the paper investigates the community knowledge and attitude towards Museums and its implication on sustainable livelihood in Ile-Ife City, with particular focus on Ife National Museum. However, a major challenge associated with conservation initiatives concerns the lack of participation and broader consultation of relevant local resource users, as well as restricted access to vital community resources. 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