Feltface recounted each of Hemingway’s trials and tribulations, each of which served to cement the writer’s legacy as a tortured legend. Feltface also verbally extolled the virtues of having a typewriter on stage during the same performance. Works now! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Got fat, pubwished a coupwe mowe books, went back to Afwica to shoot some mowe wiwd animaws, and bawewy suwvived two sepawate pwane cwashes in the space of 24 houws, winding up with a fwactuwed skuww, intewnaw bweeding, cwacked spine, wuptuwed wivew, fiwst degwee buwns, and a pawawyzed sphinctew muscwe kawma! Most popular Most recent. Just because I love it, I am posting this again: Randy Feltface on Hemingway It is a three and a half minute crash course on Hemingway's life told by a foul mouthed purple puppet. OTIS2 LSU Fan NoLA Member since Jul 2008 45164 posts. A beloved character with a hilarious reputation, Randy was originally created in 2003, the brainchild of comedian and puppeteer Heath McIvor. Had a caw accident, had anothew kid, went to Afwica to kiww some wiwd animaws and got dysentewy kawma! They kicked it with Pabwo Picasso. Became the self appointed leader of a band of village Militia outside of Paris and was subsequently brought up on charges for contravening the Geneva Convention, and GOT AWAY WITH IT LIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION! Powered by Laughing Squid Hosting and WordPress VIPNewsletter | Affiliate Disclosure | Privacy Policy© 1995-2021 Laughing Squid LLC, all rights reserved, Dancer Performs a Brilliant, Deliberately Clumsy Acrobatic Routine to Claude Debussy's 'Clair de lune', A Brilliant Cello Mashup of Beethoven's 'Fifth Symphony' and Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love', Pakistani Orchestra Performs a Brilliant Sitar-Forward Cover of the Dave Brubeck Jazz Classic 'Take Five', A Wonderful Graphic That Plots the Complex Diverging Timelines Within the Entirety of 'Star Trek', The Intricate Process of Folding an Exquisitely Detailed Origami Samurai Warrior From a Single Sheet of Paper. Had a car accident, had another kid, went to Africa to kill some wild animals and got dysentery karma! Got a job as a foreign correspondent, fell in love with his roommates' sister, married her and moved to Paris. Merry Xmas and happy holidays. Won a Nobel Prize, had a file opened on him by J. Edgar Hoover, left a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba and moved to Idaho, paranoid that the feds were following him WHICH THEY WERE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WORKING FOR THE KGB, AGAIN NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Convewted to Cathowicism... Cut his head open aftew puwwing on a cowd thinking he was fwushing a toiwet and instead wipped a skywight fwom the woof and smashed it onto HIS FACE! WHAT A GUY!. #darksiders #azrael #our favorite librarian #the life of ernest hemingway #randy feltface #shitpost. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Won a Nobew Pwize, had a fiwe opened on him by J. Edgaw Hoovew, weft a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba and moved to Idaho, pawanoid that the feds wewe fowwowing him WHICH THEY WEWE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WOWKING FOW THE KGB, AGAIN NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cheated on his wife, got divowced, mawwied the othew woman. I spent the first 10 minutes of Heath McIvor’s show Randy Writes a Novel marvelling at how expressive Randy can be. Filter by post type. Directed by Anthony Warrington. Published "For Whom the Bell Tolls," sold half a million copies in a couple of months and got nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Excerpt from Randy Writes a Novel (Draft One), filmed in 2015 by Stupid Old Studios during the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Published another book, moved to Cuba, SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG WHILST AIMING AT A SHARK! With Randy Writes a Novel, however, that’s exactly what you get. "I'm doing stuff like standing one-legged on top of fence posts," he says. Gregg Edwards Townsley. Replies (0) 1 0. That bolsters the illusion of Randy's autonomy as he banters with the audience and rants about Hemingway, Harper Lee, Hoarders, veganism, Buddhism, the … When I was younger and I watched Beauty and the Beast, I fell in love. RANDY FELTFACE - ERNEST HEMINGWAY (DRAFT ONE) RANDY FELTFACE - ERNEST HEMINGWAY (DRAFT ONE) by Randy Feltface 9 months ago 3 minutes, 29 seconds Page 7/12. 66 notes. File Type PDF The Ghost In Machine Arthur Koestler 176,263 views The life and times of Ernest Miller Hemingway in 3 and a half minutes. For fans, his fabulous life is reviewed by Randy Feltface, in a way only a puppet can. Frequently collaborates with Sammy J, and is well known throughout his native Australia, frequently … That really warms me up. They hung out with Gertrude Stein. My daughter (only 3 years old!) Link. He stawted wwiting in eawnest, no pun intended. Randy Feltface (aka Randy the Purple Puppet, or sometimes just Randy) is a foulmouthed, existentialist, sober, vegan, Australian puppet created by puppeteer and writer Heath McIvor. stood her ground, faced them directly in the eye, and simply said "If you're being mugged, just say no. Got committed, weceived way too much ewectwoconvuwsive thewapy and came out aww fucked up, stawted hinting at suicide so immediatewy got wecommitted, weceived anothew coupwe of months wowth of ewectwoconvuwsive thewapy, got weweased, put both bawwews of his favowite 12-gauge shotgun into his mouth and BWEW HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF! Fast draw enthusiast, free-thinking ex-pastor and martial arts teacher Gregg Townsley is the author of East Jesus Nevada, Lady of the Lake, Pinkerton Years This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Follow. His bug eyes and purple skin lead to a gully of laughs, but also quiet prods of thought; … He came home to pwepawe, she stayed thewe and ditched him fow an Itawian sowdiew, which initiated a wife wong pattewn of him wejecting women befowe they had a chance to weject him. Had a few more car accidents, three more concussions, got CLAWED WHILE PLAYING WITH A LION... Got depressed, drank. Hemingway was a rogue and a great contributor to thinking and doing.... For fans, his fabulous life is reviewed by Randy Feltface, in a way only a puppet can. As a solo artist, Randy has starred in a series of one man shows, skewering modern culture and … Randy Writes a Novel (2019) directed by Anthony Warrington • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd Feltface recounted each of Hemingway’s trials and tribulations, each of which served to cement the writer’s legacy as a tortured legend. Hemingway was a rogue and a great contributor to thinking and doing. Your robbers cannot legally take any of your possessions." Raw and in 3 minutes, it reminds us of who he was, recognised as a life well lived. youtube. Enlisted with the Red Cross during World War I, got BLOWN up in Milan and spent 6 months in hospital with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. 2 were here. Reply. Randy Feltface, purple puppet, ping-pong-ball-eyed bon vivant, is at a two-week meditation retreat in country Victoria to "get into the zone" for his upcoming live shows. Suffered from hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, hemochromatosis, anemia and impotence, karma. Audio. Like Prince, another diminutive star who looked good in purple, “Randy”– the titular star of the riotous new show Randy Writes A Novel— usually goes only by his first name (A tad of research will reveal that his full name is actually “Randy Feltface”!). Randy reads excerpts from his new book, but not before going on lengthy tangents on veganism, artistic expression, Gumtree and so much more. Back to top. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. They hung out with Gewtwude Stein. posted by gottabefunky at 12:38 PM on April 2, 2019 [3 favorites] There's more. Video. 5. During the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2015, a purple puppet named Randy Feltface sat at a desk on a dark stage with only a typewriter at his side and proceeded to tell the life story of Ernest Hemingway in just three and a half minutes. This was the first clip I ever saw and I was instantly hooked. I'm so proud of my daughter for stopping a bank robbery today. randy writes a novel < > Most popular. They kicked it with Pablo Picasso. Reply. Bown in Chicago in 1899, son of a physician and a musician, weasonabwy uneventfuw chiwdhood, decided to study Jouwnawism. EDIT: Wow, my first award! Moved to Kansas City, had anothew kid, his dad committed suicide, he shot a wot of beaws fow some weason. All posts. Became the sewf appointed weadew of a band of viwwage Miwitia outside of Pawis and was subsequentwy bwought up on chawges fow contwavening the Geneva Convention, and GOT AWAY WITH IT WIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION! He started writing in earnest, no pun intended. Moroku is a Sydney based technology company that creates solutions at the intersection of social, gaming, mobile and the cloud www.moroku.com share. RANDY FELTFACE - ERNEST HEMINGWAY (DRAFT ONE) I forgot to add a description! More Randy Feltface ... His summary of Hemingway's life is also great. Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spare time on his boat TRACKING NAZI U-BOATS WITH A MACHINE GUN AND A PILE OF HAND GRENADES I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Randy Feltface (aka Randy the Purple Puppet, or sometimes just Randy) is a foulmouthed, existentialist, sober, vegan, Australian puppet.puppet created by puppeteer and writer Heath [=McIvor=]. posted by sonascope at 5:12 PM on April 3, 2019 "Morgan is the opposite of fine" has now become part of my inner monologue. Almost instantaneously, the robbers collapsed to the floor, suffering from a bipolar seizure. Had a few mowe caw accidents, thwee mowe concussions, got CWAWED WHIWE PWAYING WITH A WION... Got depwessed, dwank. He says he understands why Hemingway is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, with a series of landmark works that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature. Oh hey, check out this Australian puppet comedian I discovered recently. Moved to Kansas City, had another kid, his dad committed suicide, he shot a lot of bears for some reason. Heath McIvor’s Randy Writes A Novel is raunchy, rowdy, rambunctious, and revealing. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Report Save. 5. He’s just a purple puppet with ping pong-ball eyes, after all. A daily dose of art, culture and technology. Forums; Recent content; Announcements. Cheated on his wife, got divowced, mawwied the othew woman. I'm so blessed by God to have such a wonderful child. Replies (0) Options Top. Pubwished anothew book, moved to Cuba, SHOT HIMSEWF IN THE WEG WHIWST AIMING AT A SHAWK! No, he is not some sort of rip-off of “The Muppets”; he is Randy Feltface, Australia’s favorite foul-mouthed, purple-felt funny man. The Randy Feltface video on Hemingway is a hilarious yet true depiction of the madlad that was Hemingway. Cheated on his wife, got divowced, mawwied the othew woman. Born in Chicago in 1899, son of a physician and a musician, reasonably uneventful childhood, decided to study Journalism. Moved to Toronto, had a kid, moved back to Paris, published a couple of books. The robbers went in and held their guns up, telling everyone to put their hands in the air. Hemingway. "I do this while a small Asian man throws rotten fruit at me. Thank you /u/Kind_Humor_7569! No, I’m not talking about with the Beast. davidbaron-inspo. The premise is that this devilishly clever, deeply disillusioned and potty-mouthed puppet is not content with winning several comedy awards and has embarked upon his first novel. Press J to jump to the feed. Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spawe time on his boat TWACKING NAZI U-BOATS WITH A MACHINE GUN AND A PIWE OF HAND GWENADES I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Hemingway (finally) died on July 2, 1961 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, though even his actual death was shrouded in mystery. Text. The Life and Times of Earnest Miller Hemingway in approximately three and a half minutes. Excerpt from Randy It’s even rarer that such a show is presented by a purple puppet named Randy Feltface. Randy reads excerpts from his new book, but not before going on lengthy tangents on veganism, artistic expression, Gumtree and so much more. Fell in love with a nurse, they decided to get married. Moved to Towonto, had a kid, moved back to Pawis, pubwished a coupwe of books. He came home to prepare, she stayed there and ditched him for an Italian soldier, which initiated a life long pattern of him rejecting women before they had a chance to reject him. Ask. What an unbelievable event! Feww in wove with a nuwse, they decided to get mawwied. As a solo artist, Randy has starred in a series of one man shows, skewering modern culture and the absurdities of every day life. Got fat, published a couple more books, went back to Africa to shoot some more wild animals, and barely survived two separate plane crashes in the space of 24 hours, winding up with a fractured skull, internal bleeding, cracked spine, ruptured liver, first degree burns, and a paralyzed sphincter muscle karma! The life and times of Ernest Miller Hemingway in 3 and a half minutes. Randy Feltface is one of the top comedians in Austrailia, and he is also a puppet. Tue, 2020-10-13 17:14 — subroutine. Got committed, received way too much electroconvulsive therapy and came out all fucked up, started hinting at suicide so immediately got recommitted, received another couple of months worth of electroconvulsive therapy, got released, put both barrels of his favorite 12-gauge shotgun into his mouth and BLEW HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF! With Heath McIvor. Grid View List View. Suffewed fwom hepatitis, nephwitis, hypewtension, hemochwomatosis, anemia and impotence, kawma. During the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2015, a purple puppet named Randy Feltface sat at a desk on a dark stage with only a typewriter at his side and proceeded to tell the life story of Ernest Hemingway in just three and a half minutes. 499 likes. Host your WordPress site with Managed WordPress at Laughing Squid Hosting. Puppet Randy Feltface makes the judges forget they're watching a puppet. I’m talking about his amazing LIBRARY. Appearing: Kenan Thompson Chrissy Teigen Jeff Foxworthy Amanda Seales. WHAT A GUY!. Got a job as a foweign cowwespondent, feww in wove with his woommates' sistew, mawwied hew and moved to Pawis. Quote. Average: 5 (2 votes) Navigation. Raw and in 3 minutes, it reminds us of who he was, recognised as a life well lived. Chat. Everyone clapped and she was given position as senator of the state of Florida, as well as invited by the Democratic National Convention to run for President in 2020. Photo. Pubwished "Fow Whom the Beww Towws," sowd hawf a miwwion copies in a coupwe of months and got nominated fow a Puwitzew Pwize. Converted to Catholicism... Cut his head open after pulling on a cord thinking he was flushing a toilet and instead ripped a skylight from the roof and smashed it onto HIS FACE! Enwisted with the Wed Cwoss duwing Wowwd Waw I, got BWOWN up in Miwan and spent 6 months in hospitaw with sevewe shwapnew wounds in both wegs. Told by Randy Feltface and re-accounted in precise detail by CLP on a random youtube video and then reposted by some asshole on reddit Born in Chicago in 1899, son of a physician and a musician, reasonably uneventful childhood, decided to study Journalism. A post shared by Randy (@randyfeltface) on Mar 23, 2020 at 4:11pm PDT, Follow Laughing Squid on Facebook and Twitter. , hypewtension, hemochwomatosis, anemia and impotence, karma was younger I! Rotten fruit at me got CLAWED while PLAYING with a nurse, they to! Whiwe PWAYING with a nuwse, they decided to get mawwied beloved character with a nurse, decided... Some weason the WEG WHIWST AIMING at a SHARK the moderators of this subreddit If you have any questions concerns. Culture and technology `` I 'm so proud of my daughter for stopping a bank robbery today ONE of keyboard... 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