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pauline epistles themes

In the other prison epistles, Paul spoke of this new relationship (Eph. And, of course, the letters themselves claim to have been written by Paul.65, The Greek titles for 1 and 2 Timothy are Pros Timotheon A and Pros Timotheon B, “First to Timothy” and “Second to Timothy.” Timothy’s name means, “honoring God.”. Thus, Paul writes about the believer’s wealth, walk, and warfare. When He comes, He will deliver us from wrath (undoubtedly a reference to the Tribulation) (1:10; 5:4-11), give rewards (2:19), perfect us (3:13), resurrect us (4:13-18), and sanctify (set apart) all those who have trusted in Him (5:23). Originally, they were regarded as mere personal letters and were classified with Philemon, but because of their strong bearing on the life of the church, they began to be called the “Pastoral Epistles.” Though addressed to individuals, these books are not only not limited to personal and private communications, but they are more official in character. The student will be able to identify and reflect upon the significance of key Pauline doctrines, themes, words, and phrases. Several passages stand out in pointing us to the person and ministry of the Savior. While there he lived and worked with Aquila and Priscilla who were of the same trade, tent-makers (Acts 18:3). Consequently, it is not necessary to date Colossians in the second century at a time too late for Paul to have written the letter. The Pauline epistles, also called Epistles of Paul or Letters of Paul, are the thirteen books of the New Testament attributed to Paul the Apostle, although the authorship of some is in dispute. It should be pointed out that the two lost letters were lost only because they were not intended by God to be part of the biblical canon. 1–7), B. Thanksgiving for Divine Comfort in Affliction (1:3-11), C. The Integrity of Paul’s Motives and Conduct (1:12–2:4), D. Forgiving the Offender at Corinth (2:5-11), E. God’s Direction in the Ministry (2:12-17), F. The Corinthian Believers—a Letter From Christ (3:1-11), G. Seeing the Glory of God With Unveiled Faces (3:12–4:6), I. 16:5-9; Acts 20:31). The Prayer That the Thessalonians Might Grow in Love (3:12), 3. Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines, Canon, J. Hampton Keathley III, Th.M. A third is that the epistle's themes related to Christ, eschatology and the church seem to have no parallel in Paul's undisputed works. Notably Pauline them es, however, are 1. You can learn more about Philemon’s role here. Paul lists the keys to an enduring successful ministry: A reproducing ministry (1-2); an enduring ministry (3-13); a studying ministry (14-18); and a holy ministry (19-26).”68. The unclear epistles (unclear regarding their date) are frequently coupled with the clearer epistles based on assumptions of similar circumstances, or upon similar doctrinal content. The Exhortation Against False Teaching (2:4-8), 1. 5; 6:9-20), and a number of questions regarding marriage and divorce, food, worship, spiritual gifts, and the resurrection. The role of clergy. So, while our methods will often vary, they must never contradict the moral or spiritual principles of the Word of God. Concerning the Day of the Lord (5:1-11), 1. In the process of this, Paul asks Philemon to charge this to his own account. This belief was still being used as a basis for shirking their vocational responsibilities. The Expression of Thanks for Timothy (1:3-7), III. Since Paul had worked at Ephesus for about three years and since he normally mentioned many friends in the churches to whom he wrote, the absence of personal names in this letter strongly supports the idea of its encyclical character. Practical: The Gospel of Grace, Justification by Faith Applied (5:1–6:18), A. Divide the group into five teams. Paul wanted to inform them of his plans and to have them anticipate and pray for their fulfillment (15:30-32). Justification: The Imputation of God’s Righteousness Through Christ (3:21–5:21), A. As with many of Paul’s epistles, picking a key chapter is difficult, but perhaps chapter 6 stands out because of its very important revelation regarding the nature of our warfare with Satan (6:10-18). Again as indicated in the opening salutation, Paul is the author of this letter. When the epistles discuss faith, it is about keeping and maintaining God's commandments. These ancient epistles contain valuable insight into modern-day Christian living, while also providing us a snapshot of the early Christian Church. (5) Then there was a third letter to Corinth (now also lost). The Resurrection of Sleeping Saints (4:13-16), 2. We should carefully study these issues and seek biblical answers so we might come to conclusions based on our study of the facts of Scripture. If you’re not sure what the Pauline Epistles are, don’t worry! This site uses cookies to analyze traffic and ensure you get the best experience. He Corrects and Challenges Regarding the Day of the Lord (2:1-17), C. In Relation to the Man of Lawlessness (2:3b-4), IV. Though all three of these letters have been attacked more than any other of Paul’s epistles, both the external and internal evidence supports Paul as the author. This man Saul became the beloved apostle, saint, evangelist, theologian, and pastor we call Paul. Primarily Apologetic: Explanation of Paul’s Conduct and Apostolic Ministry (chs. Rom. But the point is simply this: regardless of the type of church government, within certain limits, of course, if God’s Word is being consistently and accurately proclaimed with prayerful dependence on the Lord, and if the people take it to heart, a church will be alive, in vital touch with Christ, and effective for the Lord. The Commendation of the Thessalonians (1:1-10), 3. Paul could easily say, “I am become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some” (1 Cor. While we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (1:3), we are nevertheless faced with a formidable enemy for which we need the armor of God. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20). Here’s a high-level idea of what each pastoral epistle is about: Today, these letters still teach us how the church should be managed—they’re especially helpful for church planters. While not written to be remedial or to correct any specific errors, Paul designed this epistle as a prevention against those problems that so often occur because of a lack of maturity or a failure in grasping and applying what believers have in Christ. True. Care for women, widows, and slaves. The Past: The Work of Faith (1:1-3:13), A. The 13 "Pauline" epistles. (4) This was then followed by a second visit to Corinth (the “painful visit,” 2 Cor. 55 Ryrie, p. 1875. The A or alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, was undoubtedly a latter addition to distinguish it from Second Corinthians which shortly followed this epistle. 3), proper behavior toward the various age groups—towards elders and widows (chap. Philemon was not the only slave holder in the Colossian church (see Col. 4:1), so this letter gave guidelines for other Christian masters in their relationships to their slave-brothers. STUDY. No passage is clearer and more declarative regarding the nature, fact, and purpose of the incarnation of Christ as is found in this book, the great kenosis passage (2:5f.). Consequently, Paul was uniquely qualified to be the one chosen to carry the message of the gospel to the Gentiles. Further, there is no evidence for so partitioning 2 Corinthians.45. Chapters 2 is key in that it demonstrates why and how the believer is complete in Christ and needs nothing added to the saving person and work of Christ. Ryrie writes: The mention by name of 26 people in a church Paul had never visited (and particularly Priscilla and Aquila, who were most recently associated with Ephesus, Acts 18:18-19) has caused some scholars to consider chap. In this letter Paul had two major purposes in mind. 253-60. Objections are based on internal factors rather than on the adequacy of the statements of the church fathers. Colossians1 Thessalonians2 ThessaloniansPastoral epistles: 1. Summary and Analysis The Pauline Letters Approximately one third of the New Testament consists of letters, or epistles, written by the apostle Paul and addressed to the Christian churches of his day. II. The earliest explicit references we have to a collection of letters by Paul are to be found in other early Christian letter-collections. 38 This material is taken from J. Sidlow Baxter's Explore the Book, pp. 1:1); and (3) the question of authorship cannot be decided solely on the basis of vocabulary without considering how subject matter affects a writer’s choice of words. This was an established literary style as early as the 4th century BCE. This is true whether they deal with personal matters or the corporate ministry of the church. He had denied the Christian claim that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. New Testament Survey Pauline Epistles Week 12 - It generally accepted that the Pastoral Epistles were written during what might be called Paul s 4th Missionary Journey. However, Paul’s authorship of this epistle has been questioned more often than that of 1 Thessalonians, even though it has more support from early church writers. The Believer’s Position in Christ (2:9-10), C. The Obligations of the True Teaching (2:16-3:4), 1. Closely related to this is another concept. At the heart of all ministry and our ability to endure in ministry is the doctrine of the person and work of Christ. The Comfort of a Faithful Servant (4:6-18), Since the Pastoral Letters have been treated previously on the matter of authorship, see 1 Timothy. The theology of Ephesians in some ways reflects later development, but this must be attributed to Paul’s own growth and meditation on the church as the body of Christ. The Power of the Holy Spirit. Happy New Year: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives. Introduction This article is a sequel to Ethical issues in the Pauline Epistles (Part 1) which dealt with such ethical issues as-Jewish and Gentile Christian relationship; and The believers' conduct. Proposed Order of Paul’s Epistles 1:7, 13; Col. 4:10, 18; Philemon 1, 9, 10). The Personal Circumstances of Paul in Rome: The Preaching of Christ (1:12-30), III. Hampton wrote many articles for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on... More. In Romans 15:25ff. Those are big concepts but in Volume 12: Letters From Paul, Phil Vischer breaks those concepts down into terms that easier for kids (and parents!) It is true that there a… It was on one of these missions that Saul was converted while on the road to Damascus. Organization, or better, the organic and unified growth of a church, must be based on right teaching, which is based on rightly handling the Word, i.e., God’s objective truth along with the use of those people who are qualified and spiritually right with God. The purpose and burden of the apostle in writing to the Thessalonians can be summarized as follows: to express his thankfulness for what God was doing in the lives of the Thessalonians (1:2-3), to defend himself against a campaign to slander his ministry (2:1-12), to encourage them to stand fast against persecution and pressure to revert to their former pagan lifestyles (3:2-3; 4:1-12), to answer a doctrinal question pertaining to the fate of Christians who had died (4:1-13), to answer questions regarding the “Day of the Lord” (5:1-11), and to deal with certain problems that had developed in their corporate life as a church (5:12-13; 19-20). 63-64. 1:4]). Introduction This article is a sequel to Ethical issues in the Pauline Epistles (Part 1) which dealt with such ethical issues as-Jewish and Gentile Christian relationship; and The believers' conduct. The Explanation of Our Armor (6:14-17), Both the internal and external evidence again points to Paul as the author. and brought into a position of liberty. Those things that characterize Paul are evident throughout (cf. Onesimus was condemned by law but saved by grace.72, I. As with the other prison epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians), Philemon was written by Paul during his first confinement in Rome. Sponsored link. Each of the authors has at least completed the progymnasmata level of education, and some at least were likely educated to a higher level, although they do not seem to have achieved the highest levels of education. The first epistle was written during the earlier part of that period just after Timothy had returned from Thessalonica with news of the progress of the church. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:11–6:10), K. A Spiritual Father’s Appeal to His Children (6:11–7:4), II. Moreover, the books declare Paul as the author (1 Tim. 11, 18), is motivated by Paul’s love to intercede on his behalf (vv. As declared in 1:1 and 2:18, all evidence (external and internal) supports the claim of the book that Paul is the author of 1 Thessalonians. 10), B. Paul Forced Into Foolish Boasting (chs. Q. The Minister, Appointed to Proclamation (3:7-13), III. The Pauline epistles are the thirteen books in the New Testament traditionally attributed to, and explicitly ascribed to, Paul of Tarsus.Some consider the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews a fourteenth Pauline epistle. The key words or concepts are “judgment,” “retribution,” and “destruction” all revolving around the return of the Lord in the day of the Lord. The Example of Abraham: He was Justified by Faith, Not by Works (3:6-9), C. Justification Is by Faith, Not by the Law (3:10–4:11), D. The Galatians Received Their Blessings by Faith, Not by Law (4:12-20), E. Law and Grace Are Mutually Exclusive (4:21-31), III. 5:1f.). While 1 Timothy is in many ways a manual on leadership and the conduct of the church, a key term is “sound doctrine” which is emphasized in a number of places (see 1:10; 4:6; 6:1-3). 3. Undoubtedly, chapter 2 is key because of its emphasis on relationships in the church (2:1-10) and how a proper understanding and focus on both Christ’s first and second coming (the blessed hope) should impact the life of the church. For more discussion see Wallace, Exegetical Syntax, 270-78, esp. The term, “pastoral,” is an 18th century designation that has stuck down through the years,63 and though not entirely accurate, it is a somewhat appropriate description of these three letters. Misunderstanding of God’s message of the cross (1:18–2:5), 2. Expositor’s Bible Commentary has an excellent summary of the key issues involving the authorship and date of Colossians. Second Thessalonians was evidently prompted by three main developments that Paul heard about: (1) there was the news of increasing persecution which they were facing (1:4-5), (2) to deal with the reports of a pseudo-Pauline letter and other misrepresentations of his teaching regarding the day of the Lord and the rapture of the church (2:1f. Unlike some of his other epistles, Romans was not written to address specific problems. Saul stood by “consenting unto his death.” But when the Lord Jesus spoke to Saul on the day of the great experience outside Damascus, he knew that Stephen had been right and he had been wrong. series – Volume 12: Letters from Paul! First Timothy was probably written in A.D. 63 right after his first release. A third purpose is related to the questions that naturally arose among the Jewish and the Gentile Christians at Rome like what does the gospel do to the Law and such Old Testament rites like circumcision? 10–13), A. Paul’s Defense of His Apostolic Authority and the Area of His Mission (ch. The student will be able to identify and reflect upon the significance of key Pauline doctrines, themes, words, and phrases. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. In this book we see the deity (2:13) and redemptive work of the Savior (2:12). To instruct Titus about what he should do to correct the matters that were lacking in order to properly establish the churches in Crete. 5). Though death was possible, Paul also seemed confident of his release. From 62-67 Paul traveled more or less freely, leaving Timothy in Ephesus and Titus in Crete, and then subsequently writing each of them a letter. He anticipated being released (Philem. omit the words “at Ephesus” in 1:1. In the early church, all who speak on the subject of authorship ascribe it to Paul. Of the 21, 13 belong to the Pauline corpus; the Letter to the Hebrews is included in the Pauline corpus in the East but not, however, in the West. The Pattern of the Christian Life: Having the Mind of Christ (2:1-30), D. The Examples of Humility Seen in Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30), IV. Personal: The Gospel of Grace, Justification by Faith Defended (1:1-2:21), B. Because of this, he could appeal to Caesar as a citizen of Rome while imprisoned in Philippi (Acts 16:37-39). Money and ministry. 11:28). Directions Regarding God’s Grace (2:11-15), V. Final Instructions and Greetings (3:12-15). 2); (4) to give guidance regarding numerous issues that would arise and to show how they should be handled. Most of Paul’s letters fall into two groups: letters to churches and letters to individuals. with the leaders there, he took Titus (a Gentile) with him (Gal. Related Content previous next. 569-70) and immorality. The major theme is summoned by James K. Lowery in the Bible Knowledge Commentary. Contained therein are the principles for giving (8:1-6), the purposes for giving (8:7-15), the policies to be followed in giving (8:16-9:5), and the promises to be realized in giving (9:6-15).47. 3. 19-19). The attacks on the church changed with time and situation and thus four themes characteristic of the Apostle Paul's letters (i.e. Jesus was alive after all! He Commends and Comforts Regarding Persecution (1:4-12), III. That the apostle is the author of Ephesians is strongly supported by both internal and external evidence. This is one of those times. They contain exhortations from Paul to Timothy and Titus regarding how they are to act and what they are to preach. Paul was known for many years as Saul of Tarsus. 2 shows that the heresy there referred to is noticeably less developed than the Gnosticism of leading Gnostic teachers of the second and third centuries. Two other key words are “grace” (1:4; 2:11; 3:7, 15) and “faith” (1:1, 4, 13; 2:10, 13, and 3:15). Phil. Logistics: specific instructions, greetings, etc. Concerning the Day of Christ: The Comfort of His Coming (4:13-18), 1. The Gospel of Grace Came by Revelation (1:10-24), C. The Gospel of Grace Was Approved by the Church in Jerusalem (2:1-10), D. The Gospel of Grace Was Vindicated in the Rebuke of Peter, the Chief of the Apostles (2:11-21), II. In this letter we have a wonderful example. 1-7), II. As with 1 Timothy, there is a personal and a corporate aspect in the themes of the book: In view of the challenge of chapter 2 and the model of chapter 4, “endurance in ministry” is a fitting key concept of this letter. In the first 11 chapters, Paul explains what the gospel is. 1:16-19). Because believers are complete in Christ (2:10) and are thereby risen with Him, they now have all they need for Christ-like transformation in all the relationships of life (3:1f.). Thus 2 Timothy, dated approximately A.D. 67, represents the last Pauline Epistle.66. But not to be outdone, is the concept of “conduct” or “godliness,” which occurs nine times (cf. Similarly, in Christianity, there are different conceptions. Many of the themes of his earlier epistles are repeated here, especially of Galatians, but more dispassionately and systematically, Galatians being related to Romans “as the rough model to the finished statue” (J.B. Lightfoot). Of the twenty-seven documents making up the NT canon, thirteen are epistles or letters bearing the name of Paul. 2:1). He is the basis for the believer’s hope (1:5, 23, 27), the source of the believer’s power for a new life (1:11, 29), the believer’s Redeemer and Reconciler (1:14, 20-22; 2:11-15), the embodiment of full Deity (1:15, 19; 2:9), the Creator and Sustainer of all things (1:16-17), the Head of the church (1:18), the resurrected God-Man (1:18; 3:1), and the all-sufficient Savior (1:28; 2:3, 20; 3:1-4).60, I. Doctrinal: The Person and Work of Christ (1:1-2:3), 1. But the topics contained in these letters can generally be classified into three major themes. Chapters 4 and 5 undoubtedly stand out as key chapters because of their teaching on both the coming of the Lord for the church, the rapture (4:13-18), and the day of the Lord (5:1-11), the time in the future when He will intervene in human events to consummate His redemption and judgment. Because these letters are for specific individuals, they include more specific instructions than the other letters. 1 … Personal Messages and Benediction (15:14–16:27), C. Paul’s Conclusion and Benediction (16:17-27). The supremacy of love over gifts (13:1-13), 4. Not finding Titus there, he pushed on to Macedonia, undoubtedly with concern about Titus’ safety (7:5-6). To encourage his Jewish brethren not to go back to the Old Law, he endeavored to show the superiority of Christ and His Covenant ( Heb 8:1-2 , 6 ). Whether he was imprisoned once or twice in Rome is debated, though two imprisonments seem to fit the facts better. First, “among the church fathers, Ignatius, Tertullian, Origen, and Eusebius give evidence of the canonicity of this brief book. The first is to set forth something of the wealth of blessings that believers have in Christ, and how, through them, the eternal purposes of God are summed up in the person of Christ, the things in heaven and on earth (1:3-12). Paul’s Greeting to the Colossians (1:1-2), 2. So the letter to Philemon has specific instructions for an individual church leader (like the pastoral epistles) but is addressed to a local congregation (like a church letter). Scholars use a number of methods of historiography and higher criticismto determine whether a text is properly attributed to its author. Paul’s 14 epistles found in our present New Testament were written to members of the Church who already had some knowledge of the gospel. Petition of Paul for Onesimus (vv. Paul wrote all four prison epistles during his first Roman imprisonment. The fact these great epistles were written while Paul was imprisoned, either in Roman barracks or chained daily to a Roman soldier in his own rented house (Acts 28:30), which gave him access to the whole elite Praetorian Guard, is a marvelous illustration of how God takes our apparent misfortunes and uses them for His glory and the increase of our opportunities for ministry (see Phil. Our methods, strategy, and Paul was the most books of the New,! Niv Study Bible Notes, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1943, pp different countries, different,... Ideas and at the heart of all the universe s Prayer for the Christian ’ s three-year in! Biblical Studies foundation and on August 29th, 2002 he went Home to be apostles, had... 4:13-5:28 ), E. the Christian ’ s program of salvation that human... Worship ( 11:2–14:40 ), VII cross ( 1:18–2:5 ), IV a little background is.. 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