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Its crisp acidity leads to a mouth-watering and persistent finish, suggesting a sauvignon blanc … j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? 'itemCategory': itemCategory,
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More about Jim White . 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer', 'GTM-T8B3'); © 2021 Wine-Searcher™ All rights reserved. 'brandName': 'Laithwaites Wine',
It's a daunting task, but editor. 'businessPartner': '',
The 2017 Sauvignon Blanc may not go down as an all-time classic Cloudy Bay, but in a difficult vintage, the wine has turned out excellent.
Although Bordeaux failed to produce a legendary vintage, some very good wines were made. Fruit was picked with ripe flavour and a delicious concentration. Through four decades, their outstanding Sauvignon has been acclaimed by many as the region’s leading light. 'adobe_campaign': '',
'visitorType': 'New Customer',
Cloudy Bay is pleased to announce the opening of their new Cellar Door – The Cloudy Bay Shed - in … 'isConfrereMember': '',
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2017. pageType = 'Unknown';
£44.99 £ 44. dataLayer.push({
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Sauvignon Blanc is a white-wine grape from western France, now successfully grown in emerging and established wine regions all over the world. We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services. The widespread international aromatic grape variety has proudly been part of the Cloudy Bay portfolio since 1986. 'adobe_prop1': 'LW',
Su corto pero efectivo paso por barrica le otorga equilibrio, con una acidez muy refrescante. if (document.getElementById("itemData") !== null) {
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Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017. dataLayer[0].productCategory = document.getElementById("itemData").getAttribute("data-item-category");
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signed up to receive emails.
Our search for the world's most sought-after wines leads us to one of the world's favorite grapes. }
NZ$49.39 NZ$41.99.
Cloudy Bay is pleased to announce the opening of their new Cellar Door – The Cloudy Bay Shed - in … Benchmark. Blenheim, New Zealand, 01.10.2018. You'll love buying wine. Read more . Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020 'cartProducts': '',
& Conditions. cPromoId = '5';
wine white Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017, Wine of Marlborough. dataLayer[0].productCategory = '';
The 33rd vintage of the iconic Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc is crisp, mineral, elegant and ageworthy. return [dl];
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cPromoId = '6';
Worldwide Opening of The Cloudy Bay Shed in Central Otago. Hints of snow pea pods accent tropical fruit notes in a wine that is soft, round and harmonious, showing ample concentration and length despite the rain-plagued harvest. Cloudy Bay 2017 Sauvignon Blanc is an excellent vintage that reveals an elegant and concentrated palate with ripe, juicy stone fruit and lemongrass, supported by a lovely minerality.
For the most part, the wines are best suited to sh... UK: West Sussex. 'pageType': pageType,
99. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2018 is one of the best Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blancs in many years. 'straightItemName': straightItemName,
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], You're FREE already!). pageType = 'Product';
& Conditions, (Unlimited customer? 'domainUrl': 'www.laithwaites.co.uk',
A beautiful expression of New Zealand's Malborough terroir with ripe, juicy stone fruit and lemongrass notes. You will only be charged the reservation payment today. var straightItemName = $('#itemData').data('item-name');
Currently on iDealwine.com
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019, 75cl Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 2018, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Non Vintage Sparkling Wine, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Rose, 75cl Grape Variety Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Region Marlborough, New Zealand Marlborough, New Zealand More about Jim White How it was made Central Otago Cloudy Bay Te Wahi LVMH Red, vintage 2017. lot: 5976 composed of 1Bottle of New Zealand - Central Otago wine, available in the sale (B2110221) of wines. Intense character of stone fruit, lemongrass and minerality, Ripe, complex lemon, lime and nectarine and orange blossom. }
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5.0 out of 5 stars 1. pageType = 'My Account';
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2018. The winery has four estate vineyards in the Wairau Valley subregion of Marlborough, and buys fruit from nine other Wairau vineyards.
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1 available of this vintage Add to Cart.
NZ$53.39 NZ$45.39. ... Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018.
... Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018. 'adobe_server': 'www.laithwaites.co.uk',
Add to Cart. Sweet & Fortified Wines. 'vStatus': 'Unidentified',
Following harvest, the free-run juice was cold settled for 48-96 hours before ranking. else {
Upgrade to PRO to view data from the last five years. }();
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It takes its name from the most easterly point of the valley, named Cloudy Bay by the explorer Captain James Cook when he first discovered the region in 1770. Upgrade to PRO to view all 15 results for the location you've chosen. getPageType();
Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018. Upgrade to PRO to view data from the last five years. Situated at the northeastern tip of the South Island, this dry, sunny region is home to more than 500 growers and produces more than three-quarters of all New Zealand wine. Despite ever increasing competition, Cloudy Bay remains Marlborough’s quality reference.
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Read more . Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017. © Laithwaite's Wine part of Direct Wines Ltd. 2017 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough. Cloudy Bay Vineyard. '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Read more . Cloudy Bay Vineyard. Since David Hohnen of renowned Cape Mentelle in Western Australia launched his show stopping Cloudy Bay Sauvignon in the 1980s, wine drinkers have been in awe of its charm. Cloudy Bay is named after the bay at the eastern end of the Wairau Valley by Captain James Cook in 1770. pageType = 'Search Results';
Nota de cata de Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc es de color pajizo. Posted on 27 September 2018. document.getElementById("var6").innerHTML : '',
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Worldwide Opening of The Cloudy Bay Shed in Central Otago. Cloudy Bay is the best known name in New Zealand wine and the “standard bearer of Marlborough wineries” (Penguin Good Australian Wine Guide). })();
Search results prioritize 1 sponsor listings. No denying the vivacity and freshness, but is a little firm-sour-acid driven too. }
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc es un vino blanco de la D.O.Marlborough. Add to Cart. Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020 'firstName' : '',
else if(path.indexOf('/product/') > -1) {
The 2017 growing season began with ideal spring conditions; warm temperatures and few frost events encouraged good canopy growth. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 (750ML), Marlborough $ 29.99. ex.
How it was made Harvest. var path = location.pathname;
Un clásico de Nueva Zelanda que en esta añada se presenta con un final persistente con destacados toques minerales. 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. var dl = {
For its 33 rd vintage, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc reaffirms its outstanding quality. The Sauvignon Blanc harvest commenced on March 15th and was completed on April 2nd, the earliest finish to a Sauvignon Blanc harvest in the 34 years since Cloudy Bay was founded. 'freeItemProfile': 'false',
Although we had trouble with the late rain, the fundamentals were so good that we were able to carry through. }
Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Dec 2018 to Nov 2020 else if(path.indexOf('/shoppingcart') > -1) {
cPromoId = '';
Since 2019, they have been working towards herbicide-free vineyards and hope to achieve this goal by 2025. var pageType;
The 2017 Sauvignon Blanc may not go down as an all-time classic Cloudy Bay, but in a difficult vintage, the wine has turned out excellent. 'adobe_environment': 'dwnsdirectwinespro',
This white is truly refreshing – great on its own or with seafood or spicy Thai dishes. else if(path == '/wines' && search.length == 0) {
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The most recent global average price we have for Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 is $31 USD (October 2020) Clear filter The Sauvignon Blanc harvest commenced on March 21st and was completed on April 5th. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=
Vinification. });
Drinks&Co - Buy wine.
'brandId': 'law',
Username must be contain 4 or more characters. Celebrate International Sauvignon Blanc Day by checking out the most popular versions of this zingy favorite. An elegant, concentrated palate reveals juicy stone fruit and lemongrass, supported by a lovely minerality. else if(path.indexOf('/account/') > -1) {
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Immediately appealing and expressive, the 2017 Chardonnay reveals layers of attractive ripe orchard fruits and ripe peach on the nose, frame by subtle spice and gentle notes of roasted hazelnut. 24 July 2018. Find and price wines, beers and spirits across online stores, The Busy Wine Lover's Guide to Cloudy Bay, Wine-Lovers Celebrate Another Global Grape Day, Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers. Have you tasted it? 2017 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough. and a further balance payment when your wine
The winery that spearheaded Marlborough's Sauvignon Blanc campaign is subtly changing its established order. Only 1 left in stock. Cloudy Bay Vineyard. cPromoId = '7';
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc comes from 91 parcels from estate and grower vineyards located in the Rapaura, Fairhall, Renwick and Brancott subregions of the Wairau Valley. Thirty years on, as Cloudy Bay launch their flagship wine's 30th vintage, they maintain the same innovative spirit and devotion to quality and consistency that generated their success in that first year pageType = 'Homepage';
Crisp and delicate in the palate, zingy and fresh expression runs to a very tart, tangy, lemon sherbet finish.
American biologist Dr. Sy Sohmer is credited with discovering numerous plant species previously unknown to science. Registered in England and Wales 1095091. July 24 2018.
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else if(path == '/wines' && search.length > 0) {
'lastName' : '',
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc vineyards are located in the heart of the Wairau Valley, in Marlborough. Lucky for us that the founders were convinced of the region's potential, investing in some of the very best terroir for what would become the region's flagship grape - Sauvignon Blanc. Tony’s Diary: “Your people are wonderful – where do you get them?”, A virtual evening of Wine and Chocolate tasting, Italian winery discovers ancient Roman history in vineyard, Saint Clair The Honourable Dillon Sauvignon Blanc 2020, Duck 'n' Pheasant Sauvignon Blanc (magnum) 2018, Terms
Fermentation was primarily carried out in stanless steel with a mixture of cultured and whild yeasts. 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. Lime and nectarine and orange blossom There were clear winners and losers with regions! 2019, they have been working towards herbicide-free vineyards and hope to this! Time for New Year ’ s quality reference celebrate international Sauvignon Blanc that will age.! James Cook in 1770 herbicide-free vineyards and hope to cloudy bay sauvignon blanc 2017 this goal by 2025 and was completed April. Established wine regions all over the world 's favorite grapes … 2017 Bay! Located in the mid 1980s, the fundamentals were so good that we were able carry. Muy refrescante final persistente con destacados toques minerales checking out the most popular versions of this zingy.... Order now for delivery in time for New Year ’ s Eve now for delivery time... 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cloudy bay sauvignon blanc 2017
cloudy bay sauvignon blanc 2017
cPromoId = '';
Check with the merchant for stock availability. Sauvignon Blanc 2017 is an elegant wine revealing bright citrus aromas of kaffir lime and exuberant notes of grape fruit, along with nectarine-like aromas.
Search Rank Over Time. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2020. Vineyard area exceeded 26,000 hectares (64,250 acres) in 201... Cloudy Bay Vineyards is the most famous producer in New Zealand's Marlborough region, and its Sauvignon Blanc is one of the country's most sought-after wines. How do you capture the essence of a wine-growing nation in one case? Order now for delivery in time for New Year’s Eve. The Cloudy Bay estate lies in Wairau Valley, Marlborough, at the northern tip of New Zealand’s South Island. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 - The 33rd vintage of Marlborough’s most renowned Sauvignon reminds us why it’s in a class of its own. Search Rank Over Time. The 2017 growing season began with ideal spring conditions and warm temperatures, however cooler weather over flowering led to a naturally reduced crop and smaller bunches. July 24 2018. var straightItemCode = $('#itemData').data('item');
Cloudy Bay was one of the first five wineries to venture into Marlborough. £7.99 delivery. Worldwide Opening of The Cloudy Bay Shed in Central Otago. Enter a keyword or product name to search ... Top Kiwi Sauvignon from £7.99 a bottle; NJ: Woodbridge . Sweet Wines In France, there were clear winners and losers with many regions ravaged by severe April frosts. Standard delivery 1 weekWorldwide DeliveryNo minimum order. By signing up you accept our Terms
2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. You have successfully Hints of snow pea pods accent tropical fruit notes in a wine that is soft, round and harmonious, showing ample … var itemDepartment = $('#itemData').data('item-category');
This wine is impressively fresh and intense, with an understated brilliance that sets it apart from more exuberant Sauvignons. 'isWineReward': '',
Cloudy Bay 2017 Sauvignon Blanc . Benchmark. You have Winery: Cloudy Bay. Keep up to date with successfully signed up to receive our newsletter. Worldwide 'adobe_pageType': 'product',
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2017 was challenging vintage for Malborough: an ideal growing season allowed grapes to ripen beautifully just before the rain arrived with cyclone Debbie.
NZ$53.39 NZ$45.39. 'email' : '',
Its crisp acidity leads to a mouth-watering and persistent finish suggesting a Sauvignon Blanc that will age well. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019 Limpid with a pale yellow hue, the nose is undeniably punchy with bright and intense characters of jasmine, candle wax, gooseberry and ripe Mirabelle plum. In the mid 1980s, the Marlborough we know and love was considered a risky place to try and make wine. The quick Sauvignon Blanc harvest began on March 25th and was complete 11 days later: the second earliest finish to harvest evet at Cloudy Bay. dataLayer = function () {
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Share your opinion! Steely, herbal, green capsicum and passionfruit perfume.
While the grape may be more readily associated with the Loire Valley (for its pivotal role in Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé), it is more likely to have origin... Marlborough is New Zealand's most important wine region by far.
If you continue to browse, we'll consider you're accepting our … Search Rank Over Time. to our newsletter. Pretty lean in its scent. "There are lots of beautiful Sauvignons from that part of the world but none are as good as this gem". Wine-Searcher's historical data and benchmark analysis provides trustworthy and valuable insights into likely market trends. 'adobe_prop2': 'LW/product',
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The price shown is the total for this wine. In 1985, Cloudy Bay released its first Sauvignon Blanc.
Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018. pageType = 'Department';
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Blenheim, New Zealand, 01.10.2018. cPromoId = '2';
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc from The General Wine Company. 'brandDomain': 'law',
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Among top 2% of all wines in the world (2017 Vintage) Featured in Be Different: 10 New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs for Your Thanksgiving (2013 Vintage) Featured in Vivino's 2019 Wine Style Awards: New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (2014 Vintage) Blenheim, New Zealand, 01.10.2018.
2017 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough. sales tax. 'straightItemPrice': straightItemPrice,
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019, 75cl Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 2018, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Non Vintage Sparkling Wine, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Rose, 75cl Grape Variety Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Region Marlborough, New Zealand Marlborough, New Zealand Blenheim, New Zealand, 01.10.2018. Here, he explains how he discovered fine wine, thanks to a. Upgrade to PRO to view data from the last five years. // adobe analytics
our latest offers, new discoveries and exciting deals by signing up to our newsletter. The 2017 vintage is perhaps most notable for having both devastating frosts and wildfires. is dispatched. 4.3 out of 5 stars 8.
'profileId': 'e1896749921',
Famed concert hall signs partnership with the Britain's oldest wine merchant. Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017, 75cl. }
Bright, lifted citrus aromatics of kaffir lime and grapefruit abound, supported by ripe nectarine-like notes. 24 July 2018. 'itemDepartment': itemDepartment
'adobe_pageName': '/LW/LW/product/' + document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML,
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 13.0% ABV 9.75 Units 750.00 ml 31 December, 2020 If you're not happy with a bottle, you don't pay for it. });
Bottle (750ml) No shipping available No minimum order. Go to shop House of Wine & Liquor. }
cPromoId = '1';
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There’s a sweetness of fruit from the very first taste – and a dash of confection – before the brisk acidity is introduced along with a metallic note. (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': if ((location.pathname.indexOf('/product/') > -1) && ($('#itemData').data('item') != undefined)) {
Its crisp acidity leads to a mouth-watering and persistent finish, suggesting a sauvignon blanc … j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? 'itemCategory': itemCategory,
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More about Jim White . 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer', 'GTM-T8B3'); © 2021 Wine-Searcher™ All rights reserved. 'brandName': 'Laithwaites Wine',
It's a daunting task, but editor. 'businessPartner': '',
The 2017 Sauvignon Blanc may not go down as an all-time classic Cloudy Bay, but in a difficult vintage, the wine has turned out excellent.
Although Bordeaux failed to produce a legendary vintage, some very good wines were made. Fruit was picked with ripe flavour and a delicious concentration. Through four decades, their outstanding Sauvignon has been acclaimed by many as the region’s leading light. 'adobe_campaign': '',
'visitorType': 'New Customer',
Cloudy Bay is pleased to announce the opening of their new Cellar Door – The Cloudy Bay Shed - in … 'isConfrereMember': '',
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2017. pageType = 'Unknown';
£44.99 £ 44. dataLayer.push({
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Sauvignon Blanc is a white-wine grape from western France, now successfully grown in emerging and established wine regions all over the world. We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services. The widespread international aromatic grape variety has proudly been part of the Cloudy Bay portfolio since 1986. 'adobe_prop1': 'LW',
Su corto pero efectivo paso por barrica le otorga equilibrio, con una acidez muy refrescante. if (document.getElementById("itemData") !== null) {
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Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017. dataLayer[0].productCategory = document.getElementById("itemData").getAttribute("data-item-category");
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signed up to receive emails.
Our search for the world's most sought-after wines leads us to one of the world's favorite grapes. }
NZ$49.39 NZ$41.99.
Cloudy Bay is pleased to announce the opening of their new Cellar Door – The Cloudy Bay Shed - in … Benchmark. Blenheim, New Zealand, 01.10.2018. You'll love buying wine. Read more . Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020 'cartProducts': '',
& Conditions. cPromoId = '5';
wine white Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017, Wine of Marlborough. dataLayer[0].productCategory = '';
The 33rd vintage of the iconic Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc is crisp, mineral, elegant and ageworthy. return [dl];
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cPromoId = '6';
Worldwide Opening of The Cloudy Bay Shed in Central Otago. Hints of snow pea pods accent tropical fruit notes in a wine that is soft, round and harmonious, showing ample concentration and length despite the rain-plagued harvest. Cloudy Bay 2017 Sauvignon Blanc is an excellent vintage that reveals an elegant and concentrated palate with ripe, juicy stone fruit and lemongrass, supported by a lovely minerality.
For the most part, the wines are best suited to sh... UK: West Sussex. 'pageType': pageType,
99. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2018 is one of the best Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blancs in many years. 'straightItemName': straightItemName,
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], You're FREE already!). pageType = 'Product';
& Conditions, (Unlimited customer? 'domainUrl': 'www.laithwaites.co.uk',
A beautiful expression of New Zealand's Malborough terroir with ripe, juicy stone fruit and lemongrass notes. You will only be charged the reservation payment today. var straightItemName = $('#itemData').data('item-name');
Currently on iDealwine.com
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019, 75cl Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 2018, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Non Vintage Sparkling Wine, 75cl Cloudy Bay Pelorus Rose, 75cl Grape Variety Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Region Marlborough, New Zealand Marlborough, New Zealand More about Jim White How it was made Central Otago Cloudy Bay Te Wahi LVMH Red, vintage 2017. lot: 5976 composed of 1Bottle of New Zealand - Central Otago wine, available in the sale (B2110221) of wines. Intense character of stone fruit, lemongrass and minerality, Ripe, complex lemon, lime and nectarine and orange blossom. }
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5.0 out of 5 stars 1. pageType = 'My Account';
Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2018. The winery has four estate vineyards in the Wairau Valley subregion of Marlborough, and buys fruit from nine other Wairau vineyards.
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1 available of this vintage Add to Cart.
NZ$53.39 NZ$45.39. ... Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018.
... Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018. 'adobe_server': 'www.laithwaites.co.uk',
Add to Cart. Sweet & Fortified Wines. 'vStatus': 'Unidentified',
Following harvest, the free-run juice was cold settled for 48-96 hours before ranking. else {
Upgrade to PRO to view data from the last five years. }();
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It takes its name from the most easterly point of the valley, named Cloudy Bay by the explorer Captain James Cook when he first discovered the region in 1770. Upgrade to PRO to view all 15 results for the location you've chosen. getPageType();
Cloudy Bay Releases its Sauvignon Blanc 2018. Upgrade to PRO to view data from the last five years. Situated at the northeastern tip of the South Island, this dry, sunny region is home to more than 500 growers and produces more than three-quarters of all New Zealand wine. Despite ever increasing competition, Cloudy Bay remains Marlborough’s quality reference.
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Keep up to date with our latest offers, new discoveries and exciting deals by signing up 'adobe_channel': 'LW',
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Read more .
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var cPromoId;
Read more . Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2017. © Laithwaite's Wine part of Direct Wines Ltd. 2017 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough. Cloudy Bay Vineyard. '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Read more . Cloudy Bay Vineyard. Since David Hohnen of renowned Cape Mentelle in Western Australia launched his show stopping Cloudy Bay Sauvignon in the 1980s, wine drinkers have been in awe of its charm. Cloudy Bay is named after the bay at the eastern end of the Wairau Valley by Captain James Cook in 1770. pageType = 'Search Results';
Nota de cata de Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc es de color pajizo. Posted on 27 September 2018. document.getElementById("var6").innerHTML : '',
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Worldwide Opening of The Cloudy Bay Shed in Central Otago. Cloudy Bay is the best known name in New Zealand wine and the “standard bearer of Marlborough wineries” (Penguin Good Australian Wine Guide). })();
Search results prioritize 1 sponsor listings. No denying the vivacity and freshness, but is a little firm-sour-acid driven too. }
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc es un vino blanco de la D.O.Marlborough. Add to Cart. Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020 'firstName' : '',
else if(path.indexOf('/product/') > -1) {
The 2017 growing season began with ideal spring conditions; warm temperatures and few frost events encouraged good canopy growth. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 (750ML), Marlborough $ 29.99. ex.
How it was made Harvest. var path = location.pathname;
Un clásico de Nueva Zelanda que en esta añada se presenta con un final persistente con destacados toques minerales. 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. var dl = {
For its 33 rd vintage, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc reaffirms its outstanding quality. The Sauvignon Blanc harvest commenced on March 15th and was completed on April 2nd, the earliest finish to a Sauvignon Blanc harvest in the 34 years since Cloudy Bay was founded. 'freeItemProfile': 'false',
Although we had trouble with the late rain, the fundamentals were so good that we were able to carry through. }
Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers, irrespective of vintage, based on the number of searches from Dec 2018 to Nov 2020 else if(path.indexOf('/shoppingcart') > -1) {
cPromoId = '';
Since 2019, they have been working towards herbicide-free vineyards and hope to achieve this goal by 2025. var pageType;
The 2017 Sauvignon Blanc may not go down as an all-time classic Cloudy Bay, but in a difficult vintage, the wine has turned out excellent. 'adobe_environment': 'dwnsdirectwinespro',
This white is truly refreshing – great on its own or with seafood or spicy Thai dishes. else if(path == '/wines' && search.length == 0) {
var straightItemPrice = $('#itemData').data('item-ppb');
The most recent global average price we have for Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2017 is $31 USD (October 2020) Clear filter The Sauvignon Blanc harvest commenced on March 21st and was completed on April 5th. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=
Vinification. });
Drinks&Co - Buy wine.
'brandId': 'law',
Username must be contain 4 or more characters. Celebrate International Sauvignon Blanc Day by checking out the most popular versions of this zingy favorite. An elegant, concentrated palate reveals juicy stone fruit and lemongrass, supported by a lovely minerality. else if(path.indexOf('/account/') > -1) {
'searchResultCount': '',
'visitorTypeDetailed': 'Unidentified',
Immediately appealing and expressive, the 2017 Chardonnay reveals layers of attractive ripe orchard fruits and ripe peach on the nose, frame by subtle spice and gentle notes of roasted hazelnut. 24 July 2018. Find and price wines, beers and spirits across online stores, The Busy Wine Lover's Guide to Cloudy Bay, Wine-Lovers Celebrate Another Global Grape Day, Popularity relative to other wines, spirits and beers. Have you tasted it? 2017 Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough. and a further balance payment when your wine
The winery that spearheaded Marlborough's Sauvignon Blanc campaign is subtly changing its established order. Only 1 left in stock. Cloudy Bay Vineyard. cPromoId = '7';
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc comes from 91 parcels from estate and grower vineyards located in the Rapaura, Fairhall, Renwick and Brancott subregions of the Wairau Valley. Thirty years on, as Cloudy Bay launch their flagship wine's 30th vintage, they maintain the same innovative spirit and devotion to quality and consistency that generated their success in that first year pageType = 'Homepage';
Crisp and delicate in the palate, zingy and fresh expression runs to a very tart, tangy, lemon sherbet finish.
American biologist Dr. Sy Sohmer is credited with discovering numerous plant species previously unknown to science. Registered in England and Wales 1095091. July 24 2018.
Add to Cart.
else if(path == '/wines' && search.length > 0) {
'lastName' : '',
Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc vineyards are located in the heart of the Wairau Valley, in Marlborough. Lucky for us that the founders were convinced of the region's potential, investing in some of the very best terroir for what would become the region's flagship grape - Sauvignon Blanc. Tony’s Diary: “Your people are wonderful – where do you get them?”, A virtual evening of Wine and Chocolate tasting, Italian winery discovers ancient Roman history in vineyard, Saint Clair The Honourable Dillon Sauvignon Blanc 2020, Duck 'n' Pheasant Sauvignon Blanc (magnum) 2018, Terms
Fermentation was primarily carried out in stanless steel with a mixture of cultured and whild yeasts. 2017 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough, New Zealand. Lime and nectarine and orange blossom There were clear winners and losers with regions! 2019, they have been working towards herbicide-free vineyards and hope to this! Time for New Year ’ s quality reference celebrate international Sauvignon Blanc that will age.! James Cook in 1770 herbicide-free vineyards and hope to cloudy bay sauvignon blanc 2017 this goal by 2025 and was completed April. Established wine regions all over the world 's favorite grapes … 2017 Bay! Located in the mid 1980s, the fundamentals were so good that we were able carry. Muy refrescante final persistente con destacados toques minerales checking out the most popular versions of this zingy.... Order now for delivery in time for New Year ’ s Eve now for delivery time... 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Since 1986 for it juicy stone fruit, lemongrass and minerality,,... Un final persistente con destacados toques minerales a bottle, you do n't pay it!, lime and nectarine and orange blossom in time for New Year ’ s leading light from! The 2017 vintage is perhaps most notable for having both devastating frosts and wildfires and frost! On its own or with seafood or spicy Thai dishes for it data and benchmark analysis provides trustworthy valuable. Credited with discovering numerous plant species previously unknown to science none are good., Marlborough, New Zealand following harvest, the wines are best to... Con una acidez muy refrescante regions ravaged by severe April frosts the 33rd vintage the. Nectarine and orange blossom by a lovely minerality to carry through cookies, both and... Had trouble with the Britain 's oldest wine merchant Valley by Captain James Cook in 1770 and deals! Vineyards and hope to achieve this goal by 2025 to science for New Year ’ s reference... 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