In this sentence, the question mark also comes before the quote mark because it ends the interrogative sentence. She did not understand how he could ask such a question. He'd ask me questions, and pay attention to my answers. I ask an opportunity to atone for my fault and prove my devotion to His Majesty the Emperor and to Russia! Martha didn't ask for details, nor did the Deans offer any beyond dire cautionary warnings of childhood dangers. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Dean wanted to ask when she might return but was hesitant about appearing to hurry her from her mother's bedside. Cynthia didn't ask him to join her and he was more than happy to remain rocking a groove in the front porch decking. I lift it, but ask myself: could I have abstained from lifting my arm at the moment that has already passed? The expression on his face indicated he knew what she was going to ask. Did it ever occur to you to ask what I thought about this? He'd never said why, and Damian didn't ask. 8. she ventured, gazing at his handsome profile. "Ask any man where he'd rather have his face—the cover of Time Magazine or a baseball card?" We will reconvene after lunch to vote on the proposed amendment. Asked sentence examples. Children ask profound questions, but they often receive shallow answers, or, to speak more correctly, they are quieted by such answers. Second personal email (for spam). "Ask them," replied Prince Andrew, indicating the officers. "I have come, Countess, to ask for your daughter's hand," said Prince Andrew. Here, why don't you sit down on this chair while I look you over and ask a few questions. But just at moments when such thoughts occurred to him, he would ask in a particularly calm and absent-minded way, which inspired the respect of the onlookers, Will it be long? It stuck, but she forced herself not to ask why. He'd wanted to ask about Angel but feared doing so. He would say a lot of pleasant things, ask you to dinner" ("That would not be bad as regards the unwritten code," thought Boris), "but nothing more would come of it. I need to ask you something, and if you lie to me, done. she forced herself to ask to keep hysterics from claiming her. 6. “Shall we ask ?” queried Gary. 2. said Pierre, "and I ask you to forgive me.". He'd been about to ask a similar question. Normal kids didn't ask about the underworld or being human. (forgot to, didn't) Used with prepositions: " I asked about his childhood. " He asked me what I like to do on the weekends. I only wanted to ask because I fear the Guards won't be in action, he added as if in apology. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (for) "Deidre, I need to ask you a couple of questions," he said. he asked, puzzled again as to how two Ancient.s mates were born into one family. She didn't have to ask which entity that was. "Darkyn led this assault without the Dark One's permission. Writing shorter sentences is an easy strategy for getting your thoughts down fast when you’re writing first drafts, and for avoiding grammar mistakes, but in the end it weakens the effectiveness of your writing. It will help your case to … 18-1.3-102) for their misdemeanor clients. I mean, why else did you want to ask me out to dinner at the end? On the day of battle the soldiers excitedly try to get beyond the interests of their regiment, they listen intently, look about, and eagerly ask concerning what is going on around them. Let's ask the teacher. I only came round to ask Denisov about yesterday's order. I want to ask you a big favor. Examples of i ask in a sentence: 1. Someone's going to ask you a question tomorrow morning. That's when I decided to ask you to marry me. He didn.t have to ask what Sasha did to her when her pretty blue eyes flared with white rage and then filled with tears. 60. ), a question mark (?) I need to ask Lana about the keypad we found, too. That's not something I can ask my mother, for god's sake! This is to give the Court a fuller and more well-balanced picture of who you are (as opposed to focusing purely on your offence) before passing sentence. Why did you ask him where he'd been—and earlier ask me if I'd seen him? Howie would never ask Quinn himself; as always seeking one of us as a go-between. The count was not angry even when they told him that Natasha had countermanded an order of his, and the servants now came to her to ask whether a cart was sufficiently loaded, and whether it might be corded up. exclaimed the count, and gaily seizing his son by both hands, he cried, "Now I've got you, so take the sleigh and pair at once, and go to Bezukhov's, and tell him 'Count Ilya has sent you to ask for strawberries and fresh pineapples.'. School email. 0. This means that it is no part of the job of the prosecution to tell the judge what sentence to impose, e.g that it should be a custodial sentence and, if so, for how long. That she took enough interest in him to ask after his injury pleased him. I never instructed him to ask you anything. I know you had to ask but I'll save you the next question, she added. Whether that was a good or bad thing she couldn't guess, and she didn't have time to ask. Darian's probably going to ask you if he can go visit the cat. "I also wanted to ask you," continued Prince Andrew, "if I'm killed and if I have a son, do not let him be taken away from you--as I said yesterday... let him grow up with you.... "One thing I ask of your excellency," Dolokhov said in his firm, ringing, deliberate voice. To say "tomorrow" and keep up a dignified tone was not difficult, but to go home alone, see his sisters, brother, mother, and father, confess and ask for money he had no right to after giving his word of honor, was terrible. 11. Sometimes the old count would come up, kiss Prince Andrew, and ask his advice about Petya's education or Nicholas' service. is the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place. If you ask me, those Norfolk guys would be better off checking the airports than the bottom of the bay. The price will be this.". Deidre couldn't help wondering how the woman was able to ask such favors after hurting her so badly. A few sentences in a review can have more influence on consumers than an entire website. put, put forward, pose, raise, submit, propose, get the answer to, seek the answer to. Examples of Ask in a sentence. I'll take another turn and when I get back I'll go to the general and ask him. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. Why don't we ask his advice? "Perhaps the count did not ask for me," said Pierre when he reached the landing. 3. Underline the pronouns in this conversation. 1. He's always been secretive, and whenever I ask him, he just tells me it's something I don't want to be involved in. Even if we put them into the wing, the men's room, or the nurse's room, we must ask permission. She wanted to ask after Gabriel but didn't. "Why do you ask?" Ask anybody who works for a big media company how much cooperation they get from their corporate cousins, and you'll be greeted by a horse laugh. Howie doesn't want you to simply telephone Willard Humphries; he wants you to go down there and look him in the eye when you ask him. You're stubborn, suspicious of everyone, and you ask so many damn stupid questions. You wouldn't ask someone you hated unless you were desperate. Pierre was about to ask, but seeing the stern expression of the adjutant who was also looking that way, he checked himself. A sentence can only be passed once the person accused of the offence (the defendant) has been found guilty of it; this can happen either by pleading guilty at court (or by post in some less serious cases), or by being found guilty following a trial. I think Angel will just cry if you ask her anything. Synonym Discussion of ask. And if anybody asks you, or if you ask yourself what God is, answer, "God is Love.". It was a way for that generation to ask, Why is there war? Boss, I was gonna ask if you needed an XO while Sasha is out, Toni ventured. Since the students were confused about the project, they should ask their teacher what they should do. Go to Matrena Matrevna and ask her for the sable cloak. Learn how to write an email to ask a colleague to do something. She was afraid to ask if it was true what they'd said about him always loving her despite what past-Deidre did. Lydian time, they were to ask their respective oracle a question: "What is King Croesus doing right now?". 3. "I'm not even going to ask why you do it," Cynthia said. How to use ask in a sentence. You'll have to trust I'm nothing like you, that what I eventually ask of you doesn't do to you what you did to me. Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn't very well ask her over and say, "Don't mind the steel shutters on all the windows.". 1. to try to obtain by requesting. 2. 2. Then you ask the computer for any other statistical anomalies between these two populations. She groaned, aware of how many questions he could ask when he was interested in something. Dean was about to ask him if his nineteen-fifties sweater came from the same garage sale as the skis but he proceeded directly to the parlor. Disappointed, he wasn.t sure what else to ask. Anyone can look at the evidence of a case and draw their own conclusions – that is the basis of our jury system. On the contrary, I ask you to go with all your belongings to our estate near Moscow, and I promise you I will see to it that there you shall want for nothing. As we approached the end of the flawless narrative, one of us would invariably ask sardonically (but never sarcastically), "What could possibly go wrong?". Did Howie ask Julie about that possibility? Definition of Ask. "May I ask you a few questions about your family?" "Y'all need to learn to ask before setting foot in my house," he warned. I asked my kids who had made the mess in the kitchen. she asked, turning. She looked ready to ask him something else when the door opened again. Zamon didn't say why he thought this would work, and I didn't ask. Reading text. At this stage, the defendant is entitled ask for an indication of what his sentence would be if he were to agree to remain at the Magistrates’ Court and plead guilty. Let’s ask when the next showing of the movie is. "I should like," said the vicomte, "to ask how monsieur explains the 18th Brumaire; was not that an imposture? What would happen, I ask many and many a time. "It was stopped by the Dark One, who knew what I'd do if he didn't stop it," she said. (4) Ask no questions and hear no lies. “I think I do not deserve that.” Acting US defense secretary Christopher Miller says he 'can't wait' to leave his job I've got to ask a question; are we from the same planet? The reason for this is what I call "The You Don't Know What to Ask Problem.". She did not venture to ask any questions, and shut the door again, now sitting down in her easy chair, now taking her prayer book, now kneeling before the icon stand. : He often has to ask people to repeat themselves because he's a little deaf. She wondered if he felt hurt at his best friend's betrayal but didn't have the nerve to ask. Ask in in a sentence 1. Hardtack and bitter coffee were a little much to ask of civilians. 1. I was going to ask you to help me get home. I begged her to tell me, but she just bawled and said it was good that I became a priest so I could ask for forgiveness. In this sentence, it is used in place of ‘Art club’. Should she ask him about putting them up? I hate to ask, but it's really important. Ask Donnie what happened up there when his stepfather fell. If you're here to ask where Deidre is, the answer is no. If you ask me, I will give Katie and your child back to you. Maybe they came here to ask for permission to hunt. "I'm glad you ask," the Watcher said, his gaze darkening. Synonym Discussion of ask. I tell everybody the time when they ask me. Though this news was being concealed from the inhabitants, the officials--the heads of the various government departments--knew that Moscow would soon be in the enemy's hands, just as Count Rostopchin himself knew it, and to escape personal responsibility they had all come to the governor to ask how they were to deal with their various departments. I love your model. A subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. If he weren't afraid of a battle why did he ask for that interview? I told her to ask her father, and she said, "No--mother. Example sentences with the word ask. "How can you ask why?" I'd like to ask a question. He'd thought to ask Darkyn about any debts owed but not about any future debts. Let me ask you something else, Miss Reagan. He's desperate to ask Martha about the details of Annie's death but she, Quinn and Claire haven't reported in. While she didn't ask directly, I sensed she hoped I'd talk to him. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But it also gives you an opportunity to showcase some of your skills – they might ask for a portfolio of your work or photos of your latest project, your sales figures or case studies you were involved in. She wanted to ask more about them and what happened after Death claimed someone, but it was a lot to deal with. For heaven's sake don't ask me anything now! 1. Prince Vasili had brought his son with the evident intention of proposing, and today or tomorrow he would probably ask for an answer. Dealers quote two premiums on each contract, with the bid being what buyers are willing to pay, and the ask being what sellers want to be paid. 1. , When the girls ask their mom if they can go to the mall with their friends, they hope their mother will say yes. "And where is your brother-in-law now, if I may ask?" I ask you to vote for him. Just because he doesn't ask for or want your help, doesn't mean he doesn't need it. She gave it to him and, unpleasant as it was to her to do so, ventured to ask him what her father was doing. "I didn't stop to ask her," Damian said in a cold voice. She didn't know what to do about her car, and he didn't ask. New experiences and events call forth new ideas and stir men to ask questions unthought of before, and seek a definite answer in the depths of human knowledge. "The auditor wrote out a petition for you," continued Tushin, "and you ought to sign it and ask this gentleman to take it. I will ask Dr. Hale to lend me the letter, so that I can make a copy of it for you. 5. It appears before the predicate to show what the sentence is about, or what performs the action. Firstly, this is the polite thing to do. Let me ask you something, Han, she said, facing him. “OK, maybe will know,” agreed Senita. ", When she referred to our conversation again, it was to ask, "Why did not Jesus go away, so that His enemies could not find Him?". ask of in a sentence - Use "ask of" in a sentence 1. Please ask someone else. I was too excited to notice anything, too frightened to ask questions. to pose a question or request. What in God's name would make you ask a personal question like that? he asked and turned suddenly. Surely he would ask when he was ready to digest that information. "Sounds like Miss Worthington is a quick read on the old bitch if you ask me," Dean said. Just please ask Mike to help me get across. Kris's gaze flared again, and she assumed he'd expected her to ask for her freedom. 2. (2) Better ask twice than lose you way once. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises. I ask just one thing of you, cousin," she went on, "arrange for me to be taken to Petersburg. Don't ask for opinions; just do what you feel is best. The business world is the preeminent email driver, generating more than 108 billion emails a day.. With email dominating your conversations in all aspects of your life—especially your professional life—you’re going to be sending lots of requests every day. May I ask you a question? Dean itched to ask her how she was so sure it wasn't Mr. David Dean who dropped her hubby into space but she began to sob anew, making any further conversation impossible. A judge’s role is to use their specialist knowledge and experience of the law to ensure cases and verdicts are carried out within the limits of the law, and then to hand down a judgment or sentence that takes all these considerations into account.
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