Aircraft passed overhead with monotonous regularity . When something goes on and on and on and on and on, the same way, for a long time, that's monotonous. Accidents occur with monotonous regularity. The music became monotonous after a while. Notice the graph of g is increasing everywhere. As can be seen from the above, there is no climax in the sentence. . Find more ways to say monotonous, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at T, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Once each part of the job is complete, stop and check it over for accuracy before moving on. Example sentences from the Web for monotonous I like working in an agency — the variety of the work is good, it’s not boring, it’s not monotonous, always something new and it’s very tech … Whether you're a student, an educator, or a lifelong learner, can put you Monotone or monotonicity may also refer to: In economics. 5. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs. Voice Training: How to Get Rid of a Monotonous Voice to Speak with Passion & Conviction - Duration: 3:36. cynthia zhai Recommended for you. In particular, it is crucial to choose the correct translation from the dictionary for your context. It’s boredom brought on by repetition or lack of variety. She had thought the Valley monotonous when she had first come back. Real sentences showing how to use Monotonous correctly. Monotonicity (mechanism design), a … Since it involves repeating movements, raking leaves is such a monotonous task. Puzzle-making. Recent Examples on the Web Their days were monotonous, filled with online classes, individual workouts at the Chiles Center and socially distanced treks to The Commons or The Cove for food. Actually, all such examples are human-made, being strictly the results of industrial production. Need to translate "MONOTONOUS WORK" from english and use correctly in a sentence? After the third quarter of the boring basketball game, all of the players’ actions seemed monotonous to me. She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated. It pulls us out of a dull and monotonous life. — oregonlive, "How the Portland Pilots men’s and women’s basketball teams have navigated confusion, frustration... and hope in 2020," 22 Dec. 2020 For Avery Bradley, running sprints on … The monotonous list of example sentences with monotonous. Monotonous definition: Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular , repeated pattern... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples It’s pretty monotonous. 3. when something is repeated many times: regularity, repetition, routine, uniformity We can go back twenty years and find that the same issues are raised with monotonous regularity. Certainly no girl was ever expected to lead so quiet and monotonous an existence. monotonous definition: 1. not changing and therefore boring: 2. not changing and therefore boring: 3. boring because of…. Meaning of monotonous with illustrations and photos. A bureaucracy is any organization composed of multiple departments, each with policy- and decision-making authority. Change the narration He said, “Let me go now.”. Definition of monotonous in the Fine Dictionary. See: monophony. characterized by lack of variation in pitch, tone, or volume. 3:36. Searching for " monotonous sequence" in Google Scholar gave me a couple published mathematical articles that use the term for example. Running/Walking. Too much of a colour can really feel monotonous. adjective. monotonous translation in English-Bulgarian dictionary. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. 97+5 sentence examples: 1. Monotonous sequences The terms of a sequence have, in principle, neither any relation nor any order.When looking for the general term of a sequence we have studied some relations among the terms of the sequences and now we will focus on the order relations. He stopped his monotonous … Ever hear a dog that keeps barking all day? These shows are becoming monotonous. Learn more. We want some relief from our monotonous routine work. . Related words - monotonous synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. The definition of monotonous is having little or no variety. 3. For example, if y=g(x) is strictly monotonic on the range [a,b], then it has an inverse x=h(y) on the range [g(a), g(b)], but we cannot say the entire range of the function has an inverse. 4. After my studies, I got a job and that made my life monotonous. 38. Yet press stories about data breaches keep appearing with monotonous regularity because too many businesses both large and small still take a half-hearted approach to data protection. Examples of monotonous in a sentence: 1. Monotone preferences, a property of a consumer's preference ordering. In what environments does one encounter large-scale geometrical configurations with a lot of monotonous repetition? The top synonym for monotonous is boring.. English examples for “monotonous” - The song is a relatively musical, often rather monotonous two-e-o, two-e. Gone are the days when women would be content with a monotonous lifestyle and a flabby body. I claim that simplistic repetition occurs neither in nature, nor in pre-industrial human creations. Another word for monotonous. It just keeps rolling on, and can end at so many points and still be meaningful. It has been one long monotonous toil. 2. Example sentences containing monotonous Examples of Monotonous in a sentence. Accidents occur with monotonous regularity. Laughter is the best medicine to ward off dangers of modern-day monotonous, mechanised lifestyles. When something goes on and on and on and on and on, the same way, for a long time, that's monotonous. Maybe you find it hard to listen and completely focus on a book, or maybe the book has some pictures you’d like to see; just listen and follow along and hit pause for laughter/tears.) . Or a voice that's dull and unchanging in tone? Cookies help us deliver our services. Monotony is defined as boring sameness or a lack of variety and interest. monotonous definition: 1. not changing and therefore boring: 2. not changing and therefore boring: 3. boring because of…. The Sun (2016) For example, what makes a colonnade informationally comfortable depends just as much on hierarchy as on repetition. ‘The same monotonous footsteps pound the floor, and finally stop moving when they approach a doorway.’ ‘The teachers voice was monotonous as he replied, looking somewhat angry, or flustered.’ ‘Winnie picked up the phone and a monotonous voice came out of the speaker.’ For example, the picture above shows a function that is monotonic (non-decreasing in this case). Ever hear a song that just sounds like the same thing over and over? There activities are essential to break the monotonous . Brushing your cat. Learn more. It’s boring and monotonous. Light conversation must not last too long or it becomes monotonous, as we all know. Certainly no girl was ever expected to lead so quiet and monotonous an existence. Bureaucracy is all around us, from government agencies to offices to schools, so it's important to know how bureaucracies work, what real-world bureaucracies look like, and the pros and cons of bureaucracy. Our t All those things are monotonous: they don't change much, and they're dull as dishwater. Our t The housewives were asked if they found housework monotonous. Laughter is the best medicine to ward off dangers of modern-day monotonous, mechanised lifestyles. 4. I would rather lead a life that is not so monotonous and tough. This influence of habit was necessarily strong in a man whose life was so monotonous as Marner's-- who saw no new people and heard of no new events to keep alive in him the idea of the unexpected and the changeful; and it explains simply enough, why his mind could be at ease, though he had left his house and his treasure more defenceless than usual. It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs. A long, monotonous job goes along much easier if you divvy it up into smaller chunks that you can finish a bit at a time. The monotonous stretches of this concert package make it difficult to feel anything about him at all. The fact that monotonic/monotone and monotonous translate to the same German word (monoton) does not exactly help. colorless When you do the exact same boring tasks at your job every single day, this is an example of monotony. Monotonous things are boring and repetitive, like that long story you've heard your brother tell a hundred times before. Light conversation must not last too long or it becomes monotonous, as we all know. 2. Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Monotonous" Meanings of words and phrases; Example sentences; Similar words His home country was and is a monotonous plain. Monotonous Synonyms and Examples of Monotonous in a Sentence. To some people the sounds of Northern Paiute, for example, seem loud and very masculine, and perhaps monotonous. 2. Change the voice We must listen to his song. 3. An example of monotonous is the science teacher's voice in "The Wonder Years." Therefore, this is a monotonic function. The monotonicity of a function is directly related to the function's derivative. It provided her refuge from her monotonous life. Driving on these highways is monotonous. Monotonous things are boring and repetitive, like that long story you've heard your brother tell a hundred times before. Antonyms for monotonous include interesting, exciting, absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, intriguing, involving, riveting and varied. She had thought the Valley monotonous when she had first come back. Here are many translated example sentences containing "MONOTONOUS WORK" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. No knowledge or pleasure is possible if life is unchanging or monotonous. English examples for “monotonous” - The song is a relatively musical, often rather monotonous two-e-o, two-e. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), VERB SECOND FORM OF LAUGH AND THIRD FORM OF LAUGH (PAST PARTICIPLE), Change the narration He said to me, ” Where do you live?”, VERB SECOND FORM OF WEAR AND THIRD FORM OF WEAR (PAST PARTICIPLE). As such, it is one solution to avoiding or repairing monotonous repetition. This page will teach you synonyms of the English word monotonous and show you how to use monotonous in a sentence.. Synonyms for monotonous. Some examples. Find more ways to say monotonous, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. But that’s not what monotonous means. Computing (2010) The monotonous work involves stitching clothes alongside hundreds of other women. 97+5 sentence examples: 1. If someone says you're being monotonous, try to vary your tone of voice or the things you're talking about. She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated. An example of a Loose Sentence is: The men were working in the field, and the women in the kitchen, and the warders watching over them, and the time was ticking fast and forcing them to work faster. Monotonous means boring, so as long as you have interesting stuff going on in your scene it won’t be monotonous, right? See examples of Monotonous in English. voice: drawl, tone, voice I could hear Ray’s monotonous tones in the next room. How to use monotonous in a sentence. Sewing/Knitting. Pronunciation of monotonous and it's etymology. 5. Too much of a colour can really feel monotonous. Arnold's poetry, therefore, is to be viewed as largely the expression, monotonous but often poignantly beautiful, of a temporary mood of questioning protest. Because Marvin was angry at his wife, he gave only monotonous responses to her questions. The rain brought the mercury down to some degrees and provided a break from monotonous routine. Aircraft passed overhead with monotonous regularity . a routine which may appear monotonous to some people; speaking in a rather monotonous voice sound: drone, hum, sound The engine resembles the monotonous drone of a tractor. Monotone refers to a sound, for example music or speech, that has a single unvaried tone. Monotonous definition is - uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity. Not only does this give you the feeling of making progress faster, but it also prevents mistakes or missed details. Furthermore, the breakbeat-laden outro to the attack comes off as monotonous and tacked-on. How to use monotonous in a sentence. The monotonous work of erecting dressing stations and dugouts and dealing with the sick behind the lines were defended as crucial to the war effort. Some other good synonyms for monotonous are:. Most of us take a bath carelessly as it has become a monotonous ritual for most of us in the morning. International Journal of Management Reviews (2009) doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2009.00267.x Boredom in the workplace: More than monotonous tasks ijmr_267 381..405 Lia Loukidou, John Loan-Clarke1 and Kevin Daniels Boredom is an emotional state that has a long history in organizational research. Anything tedious or humdrum is probably monotonous. The music became monotonous after a while.
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