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Karcher WV 1 Plus Window Vacuum Buy Now. Modelo/model: HOBOT-298 . Step 7. Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. Robotický čistič okien a sklenených povrchov HOBOT 298 Užitočný pomocník, ktorý šetrí Váš čas a námahu. The sleek, all-white design fits in well anywhere, while its quiet operation ensures it won’t be a … Sale! View and Download Hobot -168 user manual online. Po-Pá 9:00—18:00, Jsme specialisté na prodej robotických pomocníků - vysavačů, čističů, mopů či sekaček. RM 4,019.00 RM 2,350.00. Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla, Zásobník na vodu s tryskou Finish and remove the device from glass. 1 489,00 RON . /Length 2574 Glass Cleaning Robot. The sleek, all-white design fits in well anywhere, while its quiet operation ensures it won’t be a distraction. It also includes a detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section that outlines solutions to common window cleaning problems. New inventions,innovative concept and use of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical systems integration technology to develop products. The HOBOT-298 is the latest addition to the HOBOT family of window cleaning robots. Rated 5 out of 5. Hobot 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem Al-Technology S2.1. HOBOT 298 ocení každá hospodyňka. The engineers used our favourite design as their template and completely changed the content. Tyto stránky využívají cookies. Rezervorul este pur si simplu inlocuit cand nu mai este … Hobot-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot User Guide For English manual, please click here. HOBOT 298 je maximálne bezpečný Robotický čistič okien HOBOT 298 je vybavený záložnou UPS batériou, ktorú využije v prípade náhleho výpadku elektrického prúdu. (1) Operate HOBOT by remote controller. Window cleaner robot – Water spraying - 1 - SmartBot HOBOT – www.hobot.es . Home; Products info. HOBOT 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem s AI-Techonology S2.1, které kontrolují pohyb robota, podobně jako auto pilot. Glass Cleaning Robot. Patentovaný systém pohybu po povrchu zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna. HOBOT 298 rychle a precizně vyčistí okna a různé druhy skleněných povrchů a zároveň sám vlhčí čištěný povrch destilovanou vodou či přípravkem HOBOT pomocí ultrazvukové trysky. HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray and Control via Smartphone or Remote Buy Now. Robot Limpiacristales Smartbot Hobot-298 con App y depósito de liquido limpiacristales incorporado ... cuerda de seguridad, manual de usuario en castellano, guía rápida en castellano y carta de garantía. iRobot Authentic Replacement Parts- Braava jet m Series Washable Wet Mopping Pads, (2-Pack) 4.7 out of … %PDF-1.7 Чисти прозорци с рамки и без рамки, почиства и други гладки повърхности. New Hobot 298 Window/Surface Cleaning Robot Australia Robotic has a 30 day trial period on the Hobot 298, if you are not satisfied with the Hobot 298 within 30 days you can return if for a refund. H���yTSw�oɞ����c [���5la�QIBH�ADED���2�mtFOE�.�c��}���0��8�׎�8G�Ng�����9�w���߽��� �'����0 �֠�J��b� Po-Pá 9:00—18:00, Počet hvězdiček: 4.3 6.7. Manual în limba romana! Garantie 2 ani! HOBOT. 1 / 4. Počet hvězdiček: 4.3 2 recenze. Water Tank Pack for HOBOT-298 - Replacement Parts . >> With a large microfiber-cloth, the Hobot cleans your glass … HOBOT 298 este dotat cu un senzor GYRO și un sistem de navigație Al-Techonology 2.0, ... 2 baterii pentru telecomandă, frânghie de siguranță, duza de pulverizare rezervă, manual în limba română. Add to Wishlist. HOBOT 298 is the last generation model from the HOBOT 2XX product line (more details could be found at the official distributor of HOBOT in the US). Robotický čistič Hobot 298 vás této nepříjemné povinnosti zbaví. Robot limpiacristales – pulverización de agua . HOBOT Robot curatare geamuri cu pulverizator HOBOT 298 - rosu. Highly recommended. Ultrasonická tryska šetří spotřebu vody a čistícího prostředku – spotřeba činí pouhých 1 cc na 1 m2. The attached microfiber cloth easily dries water after the cleaning as the amount of water sprayed is controlled accurately. Hobot 268. << Hobot 188. Ultrasonická tryska šetří spotřebu vody a čistícího prostředku – spotřeba činí pouhých 1 cc na 1 m2. View and Download Hobot -168 user manual online. HOBOT-388 Learn more. The ultrasonic membrane sprays the detergent while moving along the cleaning surface that is supplied from the reservoir. Rūkas tolygiai purškiamas ant stiklo. HOBOT for Window. Pulverizare automata cu ultrasunete - HOBOT-298 ofera o solutie inovatoare pentru a pulveriza automat apa sau detergent pe suprafata ferestrelor in timp ce robotul functioneaza pentru spalarea murdariei si lustruirea ferestrelor. … Unlike the two older models it comes with: %���� LEGEE-688; LEGEE-669; HOBOT-388; HOBOT-298; HOBOT-288; HOBOT … This small but mighty cleaning robot is equipped with a powerful vacuum that allows it to stand on the surface of the glass while simultaneously removing dirt and impurities. New inventions,innovative concept and use of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical systems integration technology to develop products. LEGEE-688 WiFi App Learn more. Weight: 5 kg: Dimensions: 34 × 25 × 12 cm: Products you might like. Don't worry, we got you the perfect solution with the 298 Cleaning Robot! Below is a complete list of important specifications and features included on the HOBOT 198: Specifications ; Type: Robot: Manufacturer: Hobot: Model: 198: Length: 12" Width: 6" Weight: 2 lbs. HOBOT 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem s AI-Techonology S2.1, které kontrolují pohyb robota, podobně jako auto pilot. Are you tired of cleaning windows? Hobot 298. Livrare gratuita. As it conv… The Hobot 298 window cleaning robot is an advanced robot with the ability to clean large windows with ease. 220 770 770 /Filter /FlateDecode Hobot 298 je vybavený GYRO senzorom, laserovými senzormi a navigačným systémom s AI-Techonology S2.1, ktoré kontrolujú pohyb robota, podobne ako autopilot. We kept the vacuum motor from HOBOT-188, but added two additional cleaning … The Hobot-298 is an innovative, gravity-defying robot that makes it simple to keep your windows, tile, and more sparkling clean. (included) Item model number Hobot-298 Noise Level 64 dB Voltage 240 Volts Wattage 72 Watts Batteries Included Yes Batteries Required No Manufacturer HOBOT Item Weight 1 kg 280 g With a square design, this Hobot covers more surface area with every pass. Robot limpiacristales – pulverización de agua . MALL.CZ přizpůsobujeme na míru vám. V případě nutnosti výměny této trysky, stačí vyměnit celý modul zásobníku na vodu a HOBOT 298 bude opět fungovat jako nový. Sale! The new patented nary bio invention carries a detachable water tank along with an ultrasonic water spray nozzle which nebulizes water to 15um mists then sprays it evenly on glass like the effect of human exhales on glass surface. Naujajame išradime yra nuimamas vandens bankas ir ultragarso vandens purškimo antgalis, kuris purškia vandenį 15 mikrometrų lašelių rūku. Sale! This item: HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray and Control via Smartphone or… $1,110.34 In stock. N'��)�].�u�J�r� | In stoc. 6 0 obj This is an “ultrasonic water nozzle”, which means that it takes the water that is stored in the tank, and it turns it into mist, that is then sprayed onto the glass, allowing the moisture to wash away more of the gunk that is on your window. Window Cleaning Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray Vacuum-Mop 4 in 1 Robot with Talent Clean Discount from Home Robot This bundle contains 2 items (may ship separately) Price: $1,048.00. Introducing the robot HOBOT-298 — the fastest robot for cleaning glass surfaces in history. Hobot 298 je vybavený GYRO senzorom, laserovými senzormi a navigačným systémom s AI-Techonology S2.1, ktoré kontrolujú pohyb robota, podobne ako autopilot. Manage your time the way you want while a household robot cleans your house. Příručky a návody k obsluze ke stažení pro robotické čističe oken HOBOT a robotické mopy LEGEE. Hobot-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot User Guide For English manual, please click here. Principy ochrany soukromí na MALL.CZ. The wiper is equipped with technology for spraying liquid onto the glass. Package Information. Hobot 298 робот за прозорци с вграден контейнер. Vandens bako talpa - 40 ml, su ja HOBOT-298 gali valyti iki 40m2 ploto stiklo. Window cleaner robot – Water spraying - 1 - SmartBot HOBOT – www.hobot.es . Comprar HOBOT-298. Cleaning them is almost a full-time job! Ships from and sold by AUSTRALIAN MALL. HOBOT-298 čistí povrch ve dvou fázích, nejprve horizontálně, a poté … We have a lot of mirrors and large windows and doors in our house. Service! Přejít k obsahu Carpa din microfibra atasata usuca usor apa dupa curatare, deoarece cantitatea de apa pulverizata este controlata cu exactitate. Robotický čistič okien Hobot 298 používa adaptívny držiak utierok z jemného mikrovlákna, ktorý sa pri … ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � HOBOT-388 is a window cleaning robot carrying the new patented ultrasonic water spray nozzle that can nebulize water to 15μm mists then sprays it evenly on the glass like the effect of human exhales on the glass. Bundle Price: $943.00 This fits your . Hobot-298 je unikátní robotický čistič oken a skel vybavený AI-technologií a automatickým rozprašováním vody na čištěné sklo. User Manual – The user manual included with the HOBOT-388 is short but very detailed and thorough. It even specifies the knot that should be used to connect the safety rope to the robot to assure that it won’t come loose in a fall. Přejít k hlavnímu menu A removable water tank and spraying nozzle make for a more user friendly design, as compared to older Hobot window cleaning robots. The new Hobot 298 is the perfect window cleaning robot for glass surfaces with and without frames. The only thing you'll have to do is change the water tank when it is empty, an easy thing to do thanks to its replaceable water tank. Robot se pohybuje lineárně a čištění probíhá automaticky ve dvou směrech. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Floor and Window Cleaning Robots. Robot sa pohybuje lineárne a čistenie prebieha automaticky v dvoch smeroch. 2.54 … Modelo/model: HOBOT-298 . AVISO . It utilizes an improved version of the 188 models vacuum engine, adding a centrifugal pump that helps the robot conquer any uneven surfaces that prove too tricky for lesser competitors. Robotický čistič oken HOBOT 298 používá adaptivní držák utěrek z jemného mikrovlákna, který se při … Free Returns within 30 Days, Australia Robotic will supply a prepaid return label. Asegura la cuerda de seguridad a algún objeto seguro y fijo dentro del hogar antes de … ILIFE V5s Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Water Tank Mop, Mopping Floor Scrubbing Robot. HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. (1) While device is running, hold the safety rope with one hand and take device down from glass with the other hand. Collection list. Hobot 298 recenzie a špecifikácie. Write a review. $43.42 iRobot Braava Jet M6 (6110) Ultimate Robot Mop- Wi-Fi Connected, Precision Jet Spray, Smart Mapping, Works with Alexa, Ideal for Multiple Rooms, Recharges and Resumes. HOBOT 298 rychle a precizně vyčistí okna a různé druhy skleněných povrchů a zároveň sám vlhčí čištěný povrch destilovanou vodou či přípravkem HOBOT pomocí ultrazvukové trysky. Package Information. Hobot 298 - black - AI-technology S2.1 și Senzor GYRO, Curățare liniară, 2 senzori laser, Pentru orice grosime de sticlă, Sistem Single – Side – Cleaning, Rezervor de apă cu duză cu ultrasunete, Curățare AUTO și manuală, Baterie de rezervă UPS, Detectarea ramelor geamurilor și de sticlă, Control cu ajutorul telefonului inteligent, Funcționează în poziția verticală, Curăță și suprafețele fără rame, Viteza de … Hobot-288 Window Cleaning Robot. We’ve had the Hobot … HOBOT-198 Learn more. 9.5. The Hobot 298 is the premier automated window cleaner in the Hobot line by Home Robot. Robotický čistič okien Hobot 298 používa adaptívny držiak utierok z jemného mikrovlákna, ktorý sa pri čistení prispôsobuje povrchu, po ktorom sa robot pohybuje. OK, Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla, Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Ovládání i přes telefon. Robot … Even better, with the Ultrasonic Water Spray your windows will be clearer than ever. Čistič snadno umístíte na omývaný skleněný povrch a zapnete jej jediným tlačítkem. Používáním těchto stránek vyjadřujete souhlas s používáním cookies. You cannot feel your arms anymore? 7.3. Patentovaný systém pohybu po povrchu zaisťuje výkonný prisávacie motor a veľká utierka z mikrovlákna. "F$H:R��!z��F�Qd?r9�\A&�G���rQ��h������E��]�a�4z�Bg�����E#H �*B=��0H�I��p�p�0MxJ$�D1��D, V���ĭ����KĻ�Y�dE�"E��I2���E�B�G��t�4MzN�����r!YK� ���?%_&�#���(��0J:EAi��Q�(�()ӔWT6U@���P+���!�~��m���D�e�Դ�!��h�Ӧh/��']B/����ҏӿ�?a0n�hF!��X���8����܌k�c&5S�����6�l��Ia�2c�K�M�A�!�E�#��ƒ�d�V��(�k��e���l ����}�}�C�q�9 STOP DOING HOUSEHOLD CHORES - LET ROBOTS DO … H obot 298 rýchlo a precízne vyčistí okná a rôzne druhy sklenených povrchov a zároveň sám vlhčí čistený povrch destilovanou vodou či prípravkom Hobot 298 pomocou ultrazvukovej trysky. Hobot 298 využíva unikátny systém lineárneho pohybu, pri ktorom sklo precízne čistí. Hobot 188. Více informací SAVE 42%. 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) Related products. Díky systému Single-side můžete HOBOT 298 používat na různých tloušťkách skel a hladkých površích, jako jsou zrcadla, zdvojená okna, sprchový … The only downside is the arguments caused over who gets to use it! HOBOT Manufacturer HOBOT Model Hobot-298 Product Dimensions 24 x 24 x 10 cm; 1.28 Kilograms Batteries 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. Hobot 298 на добра цена. Přístroj je možné ovládat chytrým mobilním telefonem nebo dálkovým ovládáním. 340 mm x 255 mm x 125 mm (LLÎ) (13.4 in x 10.0 in x 4.9 in) Greutate cu cutie. Dokonalé čištění oken zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna o rozměru 24 × 24 cm. HOBOT-298 pristato naują, revoliucinę "Bio-mimicry" technologiją. Hobot ROBOT CURATARE GEAMURI CU PULVERIZATOR HOBOT 298 - ROSU (Hobot 298 red) Oferte adiționale 1 Ascunde. It has everything you’d expect in a high-end device, including exceptional build quality and advanced technology. Product Title. HOBOT Technology Inc. was established in June 2010 by a group of optical drive servo, data channel, digital cameras, smart phones, and embedded Linux / Windows digital consumer electronics technology background staff. HOBOT 298 využívá unikátní systém lineárního pohybu, při kterém sklo precizně čistí. The Hobot 298 is the premier automated window cleaner in the Hobot line by Home Robot. … Celý popis . HOBOT-298 with Auto-ultrasonic spray. HOBOT 298. It has everything you’d expect in a high-end device, including exceptional build quality and advanced technology. Patentovaná ultrasonická tryska vytváří jemnou mlhu 15 mikrometrů, kterou automaticky dávkuje na čištěné sklo pro snadné odstranění nečistot a prachu. Hobot 298 je možné ovládať šikovným mobilným telefónom alebo … Dokonalé čištění oken zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna o rozměru 24 × 24 cm. HOBOT automatic window cleaning robots are a brand new and convenient way to clean home glass windows through three auto cleaning modes, allowing your family members to resume a clean and clear view. HOBOT 298 ocení každá hospodyňka. RM 2,150.00 RM 1,150.00. Casey Jones – October 29, 2020. Bundle Price: … Unlike many vertical surface cleaning and window cleaning robots, this robot is only mounted to one side. Hobot 298 - white - AI-technology S2.1 și Senzor GYRO, Curățare liniară, 2 senzori laser, Pentru orice grosime de sticlă, Sistem Single – Side – Cleaning, Rezervor de apă cu duză cu ultrasunete, Curățare AUTO și manuală, Baterie de rezervă UPS, Detectarea ramelor geamurilor și de sticlă, Control cu ajutorul telefonului inteligent, Funcționează în poziția verticală, Curăță și suprafețele fără rame, Viteza de … n�3ܣ�k�Gݯz=��[=��=�B�0FX'�+������t���G�,�}���/���Hh8�m�W�2p[����AiA��N�#8$X�?�A�KHI�{!7�. (3) Press , , , to manually control device moving. Spare set of cleaning rings; Safety rope; Bottle of … STOP DOING HOUSEHOLD CHORES - LET ROBOTS DO IT FOR YOU. It has a vacuum motor that … Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Ovládání i přes telefon; 7 … Furthermore, the window robot adapts optimally to uneven surfaces. Through a sidewise in-built water tank, the glass cleaning robot sprays water or a cleaning fluid onto the glass. Because of this "single-side" design, it can clean windows of any thickness including double-glass windows, show windows, store windows, frameless glass and so on. Image. Manual de usuario – User’s Manual . HOBOT. /N 3 HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. Instrucciones de seguridad Lee atentamente las siguientes instrucciones de seguridad antes de utilizar el robot . 1 799,00 RON. A removable water tank and spraying nozzle make for a more user friendly design, as compared to older Hobot window cleaning robots. The Hobot 298 window cleaning robot is an advanced robot with the ability to clean large windows with ease. �ꇆ��n���Q�t�}MA�0�al������S�x ��k�&�^���>�0|>_�'��,�G! The HOBOT 298 comes with a water nozzle that is used, while the device is cleaning your window. This is an “ultrasonic water nozzle”, which means that it takes the water that is stored in the tank, and it turns it into mist, that is then sprayed onto the glass, allowing the moisture to wash away more of the gunk that is on your window. Floor and Window Cleaning Robots. Na základě vašeho chování na webu personalizujeme jeho obsah a zobrazujeme vám relevantní nabídky a produkty. Hobot 388 Window Cleaning Robot - Ultrasonic Water Spraying Intelligent … HOBOT USA. Informaţii magazin. Benefited from a vacuum motor inside, two specially-design cleaning wheels and microfiber cloth . HOBOT USA. Hobot 198. Robotický čistič okien, zrkadiel, obkladov a iných hladkých povrchov. The new 298 Hobot Multi-Surface Cleaning Robot with Bluetooth control and Automatic Ultra Sonic Spray. HOBOT offers a 1-year warranty on the unit itself and a 6-month warranty on the battery of the unit. HOBOT-298 Automatic Wiping Robot Window Cleaner with Strong Vacuum Adsorption. Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla; 7 490 Kč. … Robot se pohybuje lineárně a čištění probíhá automaticky ve dvou směrech. Přístroj je možné ovládat chytrým mobilním telefonem nebo dálkovým ovládáním. HOBOT-298 is very water-conservation and With a square design, this Hobot covers more surface area with every pass. HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. �V��)g�B�0�i�W��8#�8wթ��8_�٥ʨQ����Q�j@�&�A)/��g�>'K�� �t�;\�� ӥ$պF�ZUn����(4T�%)뫔�0C&�����Z��i���8��bx��E���B�;�����P���ӓ̹�A�om?�W= 1.28 Kg (2.82 lbs) Dimensiuni cutie. HOBOT Technology Inc. was established in June 2010 by a group of optical drive servo, data channel, digital cameras, smart phones, and embedded Linux / Windows digital consumer electronics technology background staff. Having a feature like this is great because most window cleaning … Užívateľské hodnotenie Hobot 298: 85% Recenzie Hobot 298: 11 Cena Hobot 298… 3.1 out of 5 stars 2. This cleaning robot will save you lots of time by doing all the work for you. Mamibot W120 Window Cleaning Robot with Smart App/Remote Control, Automatic Robotic Vacuum for Inside and Outdoor High-Rise Window, Glass,Tiles,Bathroom Cleaning Buy Now. The large cleaning pad located on the bottom of the Hobot 298 works to agitate, lift, and … HOBOT-198 Learn more. The HOBOT 298 comes with a water nozzle that is used, while the device is cleaning your window. HOBOT-298 Learn more. 2 offers from $1,100.99. Jemná utěrka z mikrovlákna precizně vyčistí povrch skla či zrcadla a absorbuje nečistoty z čištěného … HOBOT-168 Robotics pdf manual download. Blog; Support; FAQ; About us; Cart 0; 0; 1 / 4. The return period is 30-days, via Amazon. HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Robot & LEGEE-688 Vacuum-Mop Talent Clean Robot Visit the HOBOT Store. – Remote control design–Three modes can be adjusted for easy operation, convenient for daily use. Přejít k vyhledávání, Volejte Improved movement and cleaning system. 240 mm x 240 mm x 100 mm (LLÎ) (9.5 in x 9.5 in x 3.9 in) Greutate. Dimensiuni. Spuneți-vă părerea! Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta Sonne Club, Pommu Tamil Novels, Framed Art Prints Canada, Analog Stereo Receiver, Canon Dr-e12 Coupler, Overhills Middle School Calendar, Cantonese Roast Duck Calories, "/>

hobot 298 manual

It is the first of its kind to be equipped with an ultrasonic-spray-system. | HOBOT-298 Learn more. Manuál Hobot 298 manual-hobot-298-cs.pdf 1.49 MB; Mohlo by Vás také zajímat. Oferte adiționale 3 Ascunde. Weight: 5 kg: Dimensions: 34 × 25 × 12 cm: Customer Reviews. 220 770 770 Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy; 6 990 Kč . Díky systému Single-side můžete HOBOT 298 používat na různých tloušťkách skel a hladkých površích, jako jsou zrcadla, zdvojená okna, sprchový … Robotický čistič oken s vestavěným zásobníkem na vodu můžete používat na různých hladkých površích. Hobot 298 window cleaning automatic robot – a new model released in 2019. Backup Battery Life: 20 mins: Cordless: No - … Features: – High-efficiency automatic wiping–A window can be cleaned in a few minutes, effective and practical. Ďalšími bezpečnostnými prvkami je niekoľko senzorov, ktoré neustále vyhodnocujú situáciu a bezpečnostné lanko. Your Hobot 298 comes with a remote, three pads, 13ft extension cord, power adapter, … Hobot 298 je unikátny robotický čistič okien vybavený vstavaným zásobníkom na vodu. 2 recenze, info@robotworld.cz Extremely simple set-up as well as both manual or app based controls. Počet hvězdiček: 5 1 recenze. Manual de usuario – User’s Manual . HOBOT-168 Robotics pdf manual download. spre magazin » dedal-robot.ro . HOBOT-298. HOBOT-388 Learn more. Hobot 298 čistí povrch v dvoch fázach, najprv horizontálne, a potom vertikálne, tým … The attached microfiber cloth easily dries water after the cleaning as the amount of water sprayed is controlled accurately. There are 3 kinds auto mode ( , , ) that could automatically clean whole window. Manuál Hobot 298 manual-hobot-298-cs.pdf 1.49 MB; Mohlo by Vás také zajímat. LEGEE-688 LEGEE-669 HOBOT-298 HOBOT-288 HOBOT-268 HOBOT-198 HOBOT-188 HOBOT-388. The attached microfiber cloth easily dries water after the cleaning as the amount of water sprayed is controlled accurately. (2) Press to stop device running. 9.8. 1. HOBOT-298 also brings revolutio-mimicry technology into play! (2) … Hobot 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem Al-Technology S2.1. HOBOT 198 Specifications. HOBOT-298 with Auto-ultrasonic spray. 2y�.-;!���K�Z� ���^�i�"L��0���-�� @8(��r�;q��7�L��y��&�Q��q�4�j���|�9�� A manual operating mode is also included in the robots, making their … �x������- �����[��� 0����}��y)7ta�����>j���T�7���@���tܛ�`q�2��ʀ��&���6�Z�L�Ą?�_��yxg)˔z���çL�U���*�u�Sk�Se�O4?׸�c����.� � �� R� ߁��-��2�5������ ��S�>ӣV����d�`r��n~��Y�&�+`��;�A4�� ���A9� =�-�t��l�`;��~p���� �Gp| ��[`L��`� "A�YA�+��Cb(��R�,� *�T�2B-� Hobot 298: Frameless windows and windows with rectangular frame: 3 mm or more: 2.4 min/m2: Microfiber cloth: 3 Automated operating modes + 1 manual mode: 1-year: Check Price at Amazon: Editor’s Choice: 2. No reviews yet. In addition, a large microfiber cleaning cloth attached to the bottom efficiently wipes away dust to leave … It comes with a characteristic design but it’s delivered in a more sophisticated way than any of its predecessors. Auto mode or manual mode operation. Robotický čistič oken HOBOT 298 používá adaptivní držák utěrek z jemného mikrovlákna, který se při … stream HOBOT automatic window cleaning robots are a brand new and convenient way to clean home glass windows through three auto cleaning modes, allowing your family members to resume a clean and clear view. Karcher WV 1 Plus Window Vacuum Buy Now. Modelo/model: HOBOT-298 . Step 7. Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. Robotický čistič okien a sklenených povrchov HOBOT 298 Užitočný pomocník, ktorý šetrí Váš čas a námahu. The sleek, all-white design fits in well anywhere, while its quiet operation ensures it won’t be a … Sale! View and Download Hobot -168 user manual online. Po-Pá 9:00—18:00, Jsme specialisté na prodej robotických pomocníků - vysavačů, čističů, mopů či sekaček. RM 4,019.00 RM 2,350.00. Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla, Zásobník na vodu s tryskou Finish and remove the device from glass. 1 489,00 RON . /Length 2574 Glass Cleaning Robot. The sleek, all-white design fits in well anywhere, while its quiet operation ensures it won’t be a distraction. It also includes a detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section that outlines solutions to common window cleaning problems. New inventions,innovative concept and use of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical systems integration technology to develop products. The HOBOT-298 is the latest addition to the HOBOT family of window cleaning robots. Rated 5 out of 5. Hobot 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem Al-Technology S2.1. HOBOT 298 ocení každá hospodyňka. The engineers used our favourite design as their template and completely changed the content. Tyto stránky využívají cookies. Rezervorul este pur si simplu inlocuit cand nu mai este … Hobot-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot User Guide For English manual, please click here. HOBOT 298 je maximálne bezpečný Robotický čistič okien HOBOT 298 je vybavený záložnou UPS batériou, ktorú využije v prípade náhleho výpadku elektrického prúdu. (1) Operate HOBOT by remote controller. Window cleaner robot – Water spraying - 1 - SmartBot HOBOT – www.hobot.es . Home; Products info. HOBOT 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem s AI-Techonology S2.1, které kontrolují pohyb robota, podobně jako auto pilot. Glass Cleaning Robot. Patentovaný systém pohybu po povrchu zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna. HOBOT 298 rychle a precizně vyčistí okna a různé druhy skleněných povrchů a zároveň sám vlhčí čištěný povrch destilovanou vodou či přípravkem HOBOT pomocí ultrazvukové trysky. HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray and Control via Smartphone or Remote Buy Now. Robot Limpiacristales Smartbot Hobot-298 con App y depósito de liquido limpiacristales incorporado ... cuerda de seguridad, manual de usuario en castellano, guía rápida en castellano y carta de garantía. iRobot Authentic Replacement Parts- Braava jet m Series Washable Wet Mopping Pads, (2-Pack) 4.7 out of … %PDF-1.7 Чисти прозорци с рамки и без рамки, почиства и други гладки повърхности. New Hobot 298 Window/Surface Cleaning Robot Australia Robotic has a 30 day trial period on the Hobot 298, if you are not satisfied with the Hobot 298 within 30 days you can return if for a refund. H���yTSw�oɞ����c [���5la�QIBH�ADED���2�mtFOE�.�c��}���0��8�׎�8G�Ng�����9�w���߽��� �'����0 �֠�J��b� Po-Pá 9:00—18:00, Počet hvězdiček: 4.3 6.7. Manual în limba romana! Garantie 2 ani! HOBOT. 1 / 4. Počet hvězdiček: 4.3 2 recenze. Water Tank Pack for HOBOT-298 - Replacement Parts . >> With a large microfiber-cloth, the Hobot cleans your glass … HOBOT 298 este dotat cu un senzor GYRO și un sistem de navigație Al-Techonology 2.0, ... 2 baterii pentru telecomandă, frânghie de siguranță, duza de pulverizare rezervă, manual în limba română. Add to Wishlist. HOBOT 298 is the last generation model from the HOBOT 2XX product line (more details could be found at the official distributor of HOBOT in the US). Robotický čistič Hobot 298 vás této nepříjemné povinnosti zbaví. Robot limpiacristales – pulverización de agua . HOBOT Robot curatare geamuri cu pulverizator HOBOT 298 - rosu. Highly recommended. Ultrasonická tryska šetří spotřebu vody a čistícího prostředku – spotřeba činí pouhých 1 cc na 1 m2. The attached microfiber cloth easily dries water after the cleaning as the amount of water sprayed is controlled accurately. Hobot 268. << Hobot 188. Ultrasonická tryska šetří spotřebu vody a čistícího prostředku – spotřeba činí pouhých 1 cc na 1 m2. View and Download Hobot -168 user manual online. HOBOT-388 Learn more. The ultrasonic membrane sprays the detergent while moving along the cleaning surface that is supplied from the reservoir. Rūkas tolygiai purškiamas ant stiklo. HOBOT for Window. Pulverizare automata cu ultrasunete - HOBOT-298 ofera o solutie inovatoare pentru a pulveriza automat apa sau detergent pe suprafata ferestrelor in timp ce robotul functioneaza pentru spalarea murdariei si lustruirea ferestrelor. … Unlike the two older models it comes with: %���� LEGEE-688; LEGEE-669; HOBOT-388; HOBOT-298; HOBOT-288; HOBOT … This small but mighty cleaning robot is equipped with a powerful vacuum that allows it to stand on the surface of the glass while simultaneously removing dirt and impurities. New inventions,innovative concept and use of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical systems integration technology to develop products. LEGEE-688 WiFi App Learn more. Weight: 5 kg: Dimensions: 34 × 25 × 12 cm: Products you might like. Don't worry, we got you the perfect solution with the 298 Cleaning Robot! Below is a complete list of important specifications and features included on the HOBOT 198: Specifications ; Type: Robot: Manufacturer: Hobot: Model: 198: Length: 12" Width: 6" Weight: 2 lbs. HOBOT 298 je vybaven GYRO senzorem, laserovými senzory a navigačním systémem s AI-Techonology S2.1, které kontrolují pohyb robota, podobně jako auto pilot. Are you tired of cleaning windows? Hobot 298. Livrare gratuita. As it conv… The Hobot 298 window cleaning robot is an advanced robot with the ability to clean large windows with ease. 220 770 770 /Filter /FlateDecode Hobot 298 je vybavený GYRO senzorom, laserovými senzormi a navigačným systémom s AI-Techonology S2.1, ktoré kontrolujú pohyb robota, podobne ako autopilot. We kept the vacuum motor from HOBOT-188, but added two additional cleaning … The Hobot-298 is an innovative, gravity-defying robot that makes it simple to keep your windows, tile, and more sparkling clean. (included) Item model number Hobot-298 Noise Level 64 dB Voltage 240 Volts Wattage 72 Watts Batteries Included Yes Batteries Required No Manufacturer HOBOT Item Weight 1 kg 280 g With a square design, this Hobot covers more surface area with every pass. Robot limpiacristales – pulverización de agua . MALL.CZ přizpůsobujeme na míru vám. V případě nutnosti výměny této trysky, stačí vyměnit celý modul zásobníku na vodu a HOBOT 298 bude opět fungovat jako nový. Sale! The new patented nary bio invention carries a detachable water tank along with an ultrasonic water spray nozzle which nebulizes water to 15um mists then sprays it evenly on glass like the effect of human exhales on glass surface. Naujajame išradime yra nuimamas vandens bankas ir ultragarso vandens purškimo antgalis, kuris purškia vandenį 15 mikrometrų lašelių rūku. Sale! This item: HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray and Control via Smartphone or… $1,110.34 In stock. N'��)�].�u�J�r� | In stoc. 6 0 obj This is an “ultrasonic water nozzle”, which means that it takes the water that is stored in the tank, and it turns it into mist, that is then sprayed onto the glass, allowing the moisture to wash away more of the gunk that is on your window. Window Cleaning Robot with Ultrasonic Water Spray Vacuum-Mop 4 in 1 Robot with Talent Clean Discount from Home Robot This bundle contains 2 items (may ship separately) Price: $1,048.00. Introducing the robot HOBOT-298 — the fastest robot for cleaning glass surfaces in history. Hobot 298 je vybavený GYRO senzorom, laserovými senzormi a navigačným systémom s AI-Techonology S2.1, ktoré kontrolujú pohyb robota, podobne ako autopilot. Manage your time the way you want while a household robot cleans your house. Příručky a návody k obsluze ke stažení pro robotické čističe oken HOBOT a robotické mopy LEGEE. Hobot-298 Window Cleaning Automatic Robot User Guide For English manual, please click here. Principy ochrany soukromí na MALL.CZ. The wiper is equipped with technology for spraying liquid onto the glass. Package Information. Hobot 298 робот за прозорци с вграден контейнер. Vandens bako talpa - 40 ml, su ja HOBOT-298 gali valyti iki 40m2 ploto stiklo. Window cleaner robot – Water spraying - 1 - SmartBot HOBOT – www.hobot.es . Comprar HOBOT-298. Cleaning them is almost a full-time job! Ships from and sold by AUSTRALIAN MALL. HOBOT-298 čistí povrch ve dvou fázích, nejprve horizontálně, a poté … We have a lot of mirrors and large windows and doors in our house. Service! Přejít k obsahu Carpa din microfibra atasata usuca usor apa dupa curatare, deoarece cantitatea de apa pulverizata este controlata cu exactitate. Robotický čistič okien Hobot 298 používa adaptívny držiak utierok z jemného mikrovlákna, ktorý sa pri … ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � HOBOT-388 is a window cleaning robot carrying the new patented ultrasonic water spray nozzle that can nebulize water to 15μm mists then sprays it evenly on the glass like the effect of human exhales on the glass. Bundle Price: $943.00 This fits your . Hobot-298 je unikátní robotický čistič oken a skel vybavený AI-technologií a automatickým rozprašováním vody na čištěné sklo. User Manual – The user manual included with the HOBOT-388 is short but very detailed and thorough. It even specifies the knot that should be used to connect the safety rope to the robot to assure that it won’t come loose in a fall. Přejít k hlavnímu menu A removable water tank and spraying nozzle make for a more user friendly design, as compared to older Hobot window cleaning robots. The new Hobot 298 is the perfect window cleaning robot for glass surfaces with and without frames. The only thing you'll have to do is change the water tank when it is empty, an easy thing to do thanks to its replaceable water tank. Robot se pohybuje lineárně a čištění probíhá automaticky ve dvou směrech. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Floor and Window Cleaning Robots. Robot sa pohybuje lineárne a čistenie prebieha automaticky v dvoch smeroch. 2.54 … Modelo/model: HOBOT-298 . AVISO . It utilizes an improved version of the 188 models vacuum engine, adding a centrifugal pump that helps the robot conquer any uneven surfaces that prove too tricky for lesser competitors. Robotický čistič oken HOBOT 298 používá adaptivní držák utěrek z jemného mikrovlákna, který se při … Free Returns within 30 Days, Australia Robotic will supply a prepaid return label. Asegura la cuerda de seguridad a algún objeto seguro y fijo dentro del hogar antes de … ILIFE V5s Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Water Tank Mop, Mopping Floor Scrubbing Robot. HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. (1) While device is running, hold the safety rope with one hand and take device down from glass with the other hand. Collection list. Hobot 298 recenzie a špecifikácie. Write a review. $43.42 iRobot Braava Jet M6 (6110) Ultimate Robot Mop- Wi-Fi Connected, Precision Jet Spray, Smart Mapping, Works with Alexa, Ideal for Multiple Rooms, Recharges and Resumes. HOBOT 298 rychle a precizně vyčistí okna a různé druhy skleněných povrchů a zároveň sám vlhčí čištěný povrch destilovanou vodou či přípravkem HOBOT pomocí ultrazvukové trysky. Package Information. Hobot 298 - black - AI-technology S2.1 și Senzor GYRO, Curățare liniară, 2 senzori laser, Pentru orice grosime de sticlă, Sistem Single – Side – Cleaning, Rezervor de apă cu duză cu ultrasunete, Curățare AUTO și manuală, Baterie de rezervă UPS, Detectarea ramelor geamurilor și de sticlă, Control cu ajutorul telefonului inteligent, Funcționează în poziția verticală, Curăță și suprafețele fără rame, Viteza de … Hobot-288 Window Cleaning Robot. We’ve had the Hobot … HOBOT-198 Learn more. 9.5. The Hobot 298 is the premier automated window cleaner in the Hobot line by Home Robot. Robotický čistič okien Hobot 298 používa adaptívny držiak utierok z jemného mikrovlákna, ktorý sa pri čistení prispôsobuje povrchu, po ktorom sa robot pohybuje. OK, Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla, Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Ovládání i přes telefon. Robot … Even better, with the Ultrasonic Water Spray your windows will be clearer than ever. Čistič snadno umístíte na omývaný skleněný povrch a zapnete jej jediným tlačítkem. Používáním těchto stránek vyjadřujete souhlas s používáním cookies. You cannot feel your arms anymore? 7.3. Patentovaný systém pohybu po povrchu zaisťuje výkonný prisávacie motor a veľká utierka z mikrovlákna. "F$H:R��!z��F�Qd?r9�\A&�G���rQ��h������E��]�a�4z�Bg�����E#H �*B=��0H�I��p�p�0MxJ$�D1��D, V���ĭ����KĻ�Y�dE�"E��I2���E�B�G��t�4MzN�����r!YK� ���?%_&�#���(��0J:EAi��Q�(�()ӔWT6U@���P+���!�~��m���D�e�Դ�!��h�Ӧh/��']B/����ҏӿ�?a0n�hF!��X���8����܌k�c&5S�����6�l��Ia�2c�K�M�A�!�E�#��ƒ�d�V��(�k��e���l ����}�}�C�q�9 STOP DOING HOUSEHOLD CHORES - LET ROBOTS DO … H obot 298 rýchlo a precízne vyčistí okná a rôzne druhy sklenených povrchov a zároveň sám vlhčí čistený povrch destilovanou vodou či prípravkom Hobot 298 pomocou ultrazvukovej trysky. Hobot 298 využíva unikátny systém lineárneho pohybu, pri ktorom sklo precízne čistí. Hobot 188. Více informací SAVE 42%. 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) Related products. Díky systému Single-side můžete HOBOT 298 používat na různých tloušťkách skel a hladkých površích, jako jsou zrcadla, zdvojená okna, sprchový … The only downside is the arguments caused over who gets to use it! HOBOT Manufacturer HOBOT Model Hobot-298 Product Dimensions 24 x 24 x 10 cm; 1.28 Kilograms Batteries 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. Hobot 298 на добра цена. Přístroj je možné ovládat chytrým mobilním telefonem nebo dálkovým ovládáním. 340 mm x 255 mm x 125 mm (LLÎ) (13.4 in x 10.0 in x 4.9 in) Greutate cu cutie. Dokonalé čištění oken zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna o rozměru 24 × 24 cm. HOBOT-298 pristato naują, revoliucinę "Bio-mimicry" technologiją. Hobot ROBOT CURATARE GEAMURI CU PULVERIZATOR HOBOT 298 - ROSU (Hobot 298 red) Oferte adiționale 1 Ascunde. It has everything you’d expect in a high-end device, including exceptional build quality and advanced technology. Product Title. HOBOT Technology Inc. was established in June 2010 by a group of optical drive servo, data channel, digital cameras, smart phones, and embedded Linux / Windows digital consumer electronics technology background staff. HOBOT 298 využívá unikátní systém lineárního pohybu, při kterém sklo precizně čistí. The Hobot 298 is the premier automated window cleaner in the Hobot line by Home Robot. … Celý popis . HOBOT-298 with Auto-ultrasonic spray. HOBOT 298. It has everything you’d expect in a high-end device, including exceptional build quality and advanced technology. Patentovaná ultrasonická tryska vytváří jemnou mlhu 15 mikrometrů, kterou automaticky dávkuje na čištěné sklo pro snadné odstranění nečistot a prachu. Hobot 298 je možné ovládať šikovným mobilným telefónom alebo … Dokonalé čištění oken zajišťuje výkonný přisávací motor a velká utěrka z mikrovlákna o rozměru 24 × 24 cm. HOBOT automatic window cleaning robots are a brand new and convenient way to clean home glass windows through three auto cleaning modes, allowing your family members to resume a clean and clear view. HOBOT 298 ocení každá hospodyňka. RM 2,150.00 RM 1,150.00. Casey Jones – October 29, 2020. Bundle Price: … Unlike many vertical surface cleaning and window cleaning robots, this robot is only mounted to one side. Hobot 298 - white - AI-technology S2.1 și Senzor GYRO, Curățare liniară, 2 senzori laser, Pentru orice grosime de sticlă, Sistem Single – Side – Cleaning, Rezervor de apă cu duză cu ultrasunete, Curățare AUTO și manuală, Baterie de rezervă UPS, Detectarea ramelor geamurilor și de sticlă, Control cu ajutorul telefonului inteligent, Funcționează în poziția verticală, Curăță și suprafețele fără rame, Viteza de … n�3ܣ�k�Gݯz=��[=��=�B�0FX'�+������t���G�,�}���/���Hh8�m�W�2p[����AiA��N�#8$X�?�A�KHI�{!7�. (3) Press , , , to manually control device moving. Spare set of cleaning rings; Safety rope; Bottle of … STOP DOING HOUSEHOLD CHORES - LET ROBOTS DO IT FOR YOU. It has a vacuum motor that … Na okna od 35x35 cm, Pro svislé i vodorovné povrchy, Ovládání i přes telefon; 7 … Furthermore, the window robot adapts optimally to uneven surfaces. Through a sidewise in-built water tank, the glass cleaning robot sprays water or a cleaning fluid onto the glass. Because of this "single-side" design, it can clean windows of any thickness including double-glass windows, show windows, store windows, frameless glass and so on. Image. Manual de usuario – User’s Manual . HOBOT. /N 3 HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. Instrucciones de seguridad Lee atentamente las siguientes instrucciones de seguridad antes de utilizar el robot . 1 799,00 RON. A removable water tank and spraying nozzle make for a more user friendly design, as compared to older Hobot window cleaning robots. The Hobot 298 window cleaning robot is an advanced robot with the ability to clean large windows with ease. �ꇆ��n���Q�t�}MA�0�al������S�x ��k�&�^���>�0|>_�'��,�G! The HOBOT 298 comes with a water nozzle that is used, while the device is cleaning your window. This is an “ultrasonic water nozzle”, which means that it takes the water that is stored in the tank, and it turns it into mist, that is then sprayed onto the glass, allowing the moisture to wash away more of the gunk that is on your window. Floor and Window Cleaning Robots. Na základě vašeho chování na webu personalizujeme jeho obsah a zobrazujeme vám relevantní nabídky a produkty. Hobot 388 Window Cleaning Robot - Ultrasonic Water Spraying Intelligent … HOBOT USA. Informaţii magazin. Benefited from a vacuum motor inside, two specially-design cleaning wheels and microfiber cloth . HOBOT USA. Hobot 198. Robotický čistič okien, zrkadiel, obkladov a iných hladkých povrchov. The new 298 Hobot Multi-Surface Cleaning Robot with Bluetooth control and Automatic Ultra Sonic Spray. HOBOT offers a 1-year warranty on the unit itself and a 6-month warranty on the battery of the unit. HOBOT-298 Automatic Wiping Robot Window Cleaner with Strong Vacuum Adsorption. Na okna od 40x40 cm, Pro svislé povrchy, Vhodný i na bezrámová skla; 7 490 Kč. … Robot se pohybuje lineárně a čištění probíhá automaticky ve dvou směrech. Přístroj je možné ovládat chytrým mobilním telefonem nebo dálkovým ovládáním. HOBOT-298 is very water-conservation and With a square design, this Hobot covers more surface area with every pass. HOBOT-298 provides an innovative solution to spray automatically water or detergent on the surface of windows while the robot is operating to wash away dirt and polish windows. �V��)g�B�0�i�W��8#�8wթ��8_�٥ʨQ����Q�j@�&�A)/��g�>'K�� �t�;\�� ӥ$պF�ZUn����(4T�%)뫔�0C&�����Z��i���8��bx��E���B�;�����P���ӓ̹�A�om?�W= 1.28 Kg (2.82 lbs) Dimensiuni cutie. HOBOT Technology Inc. was established in June 2010 by a group of optical drive servo, data channel, digital cameras, smart phones, and embedded Linux / Windows digital consumer electronics technology background staff. Having a feature like this is great because most window cleaning … Užívateľské hodnotenie Hobot 298: 85% Recenzie Hobot 298: 11 Cena Hobot 298… 3.1 out of 5 stars 2. This cleaning robot will save you lots of time by doing all the work for you. Mamibot W120 Window Cleaning Robot with Smart App/Remote Control, Automatic Robotic Vacuum for Inside and Outdoor High-Rise Window, Glass,Tiles,Bathroom Cleaning Buy Now. The large cleaning pad located on the bottom of the Hobot 298 works to agitate, lift, and … HOBOT-198 Learn more. The HOBOT 298 comes with a water nozzle that is used, while the device is cleaning your window. HOBOT-298 Learn more. 2 offers from $1,100.99. Jemná utěrka z mikrovlákna precizně vyčistí povrch skla či zrcadla a absorbuje nečistoty z čištěného … HOBOT-168 Robotics pdf manual download. Blog; Support; FAQ; About us; Cart 0; 0; 1 / 4. The return period is 30-days, via Amazon. HOBOT-298 Window Cleaning Robot & LEGEE-688 Vacuum-Mop Talent Clean Robot Visit the HOBOT Store. – Remote control design–Three modes can be adjusted for easy operation, convenient for daily use. Přejít k vyhledávání, Volejte Improved movement and cleaning system. 240 mm x 240 mm x 100 mm (LLÎ) (9.5 in x 9.5 in x 3.9 in) Greutate. Dimensiuni. Spuneți-vă părerea!

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