So if it - something rotates around a spindle, there's an old English form to run, spelled R-U-N-N-E, of course. What most definitions have in common is an attempt to categorize peoples primarily by their physical differences. CONAN: And we're sorry for your loss, Simon. Discover . Anyone WHO sold their Ethereum at the price pinnacle in 2018 will know enjoyed a mind-boggling profit. It was picked up by Wordnik and reported in their Word Buzz Wednesday blog entry, taken from the New York Times 20. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. Mr. WINCHESTER: Yes, indeed. But they are similar in their difference from run because you can see it's the same difference between static, something like set and stand on the one hand, and things that are mobile like run. CONAN: We're talking with Simon Winchester. Matter that is appended or added without a formal break. Or, maybe you’re singing a “vocal run”. But those first nine letters occupy, well, in the verb form alone, well over 1,000 meanings - 1,200 meanings, I think. NEW. I think if we went to that sense, which is I think about since '86, it would say brackets, American. As lexicographers prepare the new edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, they've debated which of all the verbs in the English language enjoys the most meanings, which of the three quarters of a million or so words that make up our language is the most complex. noun: a short trip "Take a run into town." Run-on sentences can be short or long. Definition of run-on in the dictionary. Let's go to Ken, Ken with us from Cleveland. I wonder where that comes - the boy is running a fever. run something on something The doctors decided to run … Synonym Discussion of same. The verbs “put” and “set” are mentioned because they are other English words with many meanings and senses. Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow. CONAN: Let's see if we get one caller quickly in. A long run should have you feeling fatigued. But indeed, when I put this to The New York Times so they might run the piece, they said we'd love to because there are these people all over America who are absolutely obsessed with the minutia of our language. JOYCE: It was kind of - in my mind, I pictured like running with the dogs. Another very versatile word. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. I like run when you say, run a game, because it's - completely changes - transforms the meaning of the word game. I mean, everything, you know, you set something on the table, you play a set of tennis, the sun sets. You would say it walks, using obviously the Spanish word, meaning walk. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record. Mr. WINCHESTER: Indeed. How come you run a fence around a field? still, there are comfort investors holding off for loved sprightliness, who think that Ethereum’s unexcelled days are quiet beforehand. You can see that, can't you? The Word “Run” Has The Most Definitions Run 3, also known as Run Mobile, is the third game in the Run trilogy. What does run chase mean? And a woman, of course, is careful not to put a run in her stocking. I would say it's pretty high up, and they have, indeed, done P, so they did it about four years ago. I talk about in politics how American candidates, as we know all too well at the moment... Mr. WINCHESTER: for office, whereas we, in our rather more sedate way, we stand for office. And we've called our friend, Simon Winchester, to talk about, well, words, which is something we often talk with him about. (idiomatic) Fleeing. Anyway, let me read the introduction so carefully prepared beforehand. Run definition: When you run , you move more quickly than when you walk, for example because you are in a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Meaning of run a train. If you eat four donuts you can say you had several but you may have had too many — especially if you get a stomach-ache. CONAN: Here's an email. And the author, as we mentioned, is with us from his home in Sandisfield, Massachusetts. But the OED recently announced that in its current edition, "make" is the leader, then "set", then "run".) Though there are many definitions for Zero Waste, it is simply a "no-waste," sustainable approach to managing the production and life cycle of goods. I don't know the exact number in the CURRENT Oxford English Dictionary, but in the previous edition "run" had 396 listings! That was so funny. So it's the absolute champion. The more bands you have, the more divisions you have in the wide range of human hearing. Many definition, constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people. I go for a run every morning. Information and translations of run-on in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … They include a dog being skinned alive, a baby being run over by a car, and the infamous "three guys one hammer". How to use face in a sentence. jump to other results. An extreme internet challenge, where you are tasked with watching some of the most horrible videos out there. Why do you think run has overtaken put and set? Mr. WINCHESTER: Yes. Mr. WINCHESTER: I was just going to say what about running a temperature? Horsepower, the common unit of power; i.e., the rate at which work is done. SA, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose use of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. a five-mile run; The event comprised a 1500m swim, 40km bike ride and 10km run. The verbs “put” and “set” are two other words that usually take up more than one page in a dictionary. (of people and some animals) to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground: [ + to infinitive ] The children had to run to keep up with their father. Learn more about information systems in this article. This is the British English definition of have the run of something.View American English definition of have the run of something. Recent blog articles from very. Does references the performance or achievements of another. The following idioms and expressions use the verb 'run'. How to use same in a sentence. My classroom has had a real run of illnesses this winter, unfortunately. Email us: JIM (Caller): Hi there, Neal. DOUG: Yeah. I wonder. Then, create a draft that presents a detailed definition using references and sources. CONAN: And it runs on electricity as well. This report is mainly about the fact that the word “run” has so many dictionary entries. What does on-the-run mean? What is a run-on sentence? Meaning of run chase. How many people have the last name Run? CONAN: In your piece, you ask, some of the senses of the derivations, try - this lexicographer, Peter Gilliver - why does a dressmaker run up a frock? We'd like to hear which of the many, many, many meanings of run you find most interesting or curious. And indeed, when I wrote the book that you referred to at the beginning of the program, "The Professor and the Madman," I have never known a book that was more of a lightning rod for pedantic people... Mr. WINCHESTER: ...I would get some extraordinary message from people that suggested that the shade of meaning that I had asserted one word had was wrong and that I should use another. Hoorah! And he felt that Memorial Day in America, for him, despite being an English soldier, was important too. Definition of run chase in the dictionary. So here are two identical phrases, but completely different meanings. It is currently unknown why anyone would do this to themselves. So there's an example of the difference between our two tongues. Synonyms of the month. December 7, 2020 All Dictionary. Accuracy and availability may vary. 7 Secrets for ESL Learners - FREE download. Such an approach is very much in keeping with the Vermont traditions of thrift and conservation. CONAN: I see. noun: a regular trip "The ship made its run in record time." present. Copyright © 2011 NPR. Face definition is - the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. CONAN: Here's an email we have from Jack in Muncie, Indiana: I'm reminded of The Beatles' song "Lady Madonna" that explores the uses of the word. Mr. WINCHESTER: Well, I think it has to do with - this was my take on it, and Peter over in Oxford seemed to agree - it is a feature of our more sort of energetic and frantic times that set and put seem, in a peculiar way, sort of rather stodgy, rather conservative, whereas run, not least all the meanings that have come from the Industrial Revolution - machines run, clocks run, computers run - there are all of those which began in the middle of the 19th century, I suppose. Well, we - you talked about the early ones and then cars run on tracks or cars run on petrol or gas, the train runs on tracks, an iPad runs apps. Jim, thanks very much for the call. snowflake. He is the author most recently of "The Alice Behind Wonderland.". And I just thought, listening to all those wonderful and very moving calls just now, that I'd add my two cents worth or tuppence worth. So The New York Times likes that sort of thing. Mr. WINCHESTER: Yes. The long run is a period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable, and the company searches to produce at the lowest long-run cost. CONAN: This from Jennifer in Novelty, Ohio: I'm interested in the use of run to criticize people along with cut them down, tear them down, we can also run them down. (noun) And after that, a four letter word, take, which we, I guess, we won't discuss today. CONAN: Well, you can also run them down verbally. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. have a run of have a run of (something) To experience a period in which something (named after "of") happens continuously. This is an email from Jessica in Portland: To run one's mouth - as she points out an abstraction of an abstraction - so - but anyway, Simon Winchester, again, our condolences on the loss of your father and thanks for taking out the time before you leave from London tonight. Default Argument Values. Because the function definition maintains the same order of print() statements, if we use keyword arguments, it does not matter which order we pass them into the function call. The most common verb meanings are “to advance quickly” and “to operate“. It's been around for many years. And I was saying that - stand and set are different words. A long sentence isn’t necessarily a run-on sentence. You have three choices: This Book searches for the word in the current book, All Text searches for the word on your Kindle Paperwhite, and Kindle Store finds all titles that have the word — it doesn’t search for every instance of the word in the Kindle Store! But that was at the time when we spelt dog D-O-G-G-E. We tend to and egg E-G-G-E. And we'll start with Jim, and Jim is with us from Meridian in Idaho. Definitions begin with, to go with quick steps on alternate feet, and go on and on for 75 columns of type and 645 meanings for the verb form alone. The house on the corner with the ivy running up the side is for sale. I got a kick out of an Andy Griffith episode, where he was dating the teacher, Helen. 3. hit against; come into sudden contact with. Discussion Questions: As a learner of English, how does it make you feel to know that there are over 600 ways to use a single English word? Information and translations of run a train in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Zero Waste encompasses waste eliminated … The many meanings of “race” The modern meaning of the term race with reference to humans began to emerge in the 17th century. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.An IDE normally consists of at least a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.Some IDEs, such as NetBeans and Eclipse, contain the necessary compiler, interpreter, or both; others, such as SharpDevelop and Lazarus, do not. When the SA leadership threatened Hitler’s plans for the future of the Nazi Party, he had them murdered in a ‘Blood Purge’ known … 05/02/2018; 8 minutes to read; M; v; In this article. Yeah. Because of this, each band controls a small range of frequencies, thus allowing more control over the sound. Slang squad! So I could send a quick email to the people in Oxford and find out for you. Well, you would think because there's a little wheel on top of the flagpole that that's actually a mechanical sense, but it's not when you think about it. It is simply called "Run" on mobile devices, leading to confusion with Run 1. Change your default dictionary to American English. It was the word set. Comparable Spanish dictionaries, on the other hand, typically have around 100,000 words. Dictionary entry overview: What does run into mean? Information and translations of run chase in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. CONAN: Doug, thanks very much for the observation. If you have any additional definitions of RUN that should be on this list, or know of any slang terms that we haven't already published, click here to let us know! Mr. SIMON WINCHESTER (Author): Well, thank you, Neal, very much. All of these are subtly different forms of run. So the order is run, put, set. But when the OED got around to working on the letter R, which they began working on about two years ago, and got towards the end of R and started looking at words beginning with R-U, it became rapidly apparent that run completely outran, if that doesn't sound a terrible pun, both put and set. run noun /rʌn/ /rʌn/ Idioms. What does does mean? The little word "run" — in its verb form alone — has 645 distinct meanings. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Nur. Hi. To run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it means to use the word run as to try something out, which is a very different meaning than to make it go over a wheel on the top of a flagpole. View more. CONAN: So run is - in - as in hang out with. See also main entry: run See also main entry: run Thesaurus Trending Words. JOYCE: Yeah, yeah. But yes, indeed, they do. Well, during the 20th century, that word was displaced by another rather similar word, which was the word put. Run 3 was published on June 5, 2014 by Player 03, and is still being updated. And Simon, it's important for a lexicographer who's drawing up the new edition of the Oxford English Dictionary to care about this. In yesterday's New York Times, author Simon Winchester reports we have a winner, the seemingly humble three-letter word, run. And a long run should not be run like a recovery run – a long run is essentially a workout. 62.6%. And that, if you go to the printed edition of the dictionary, you can see it occupies 32 full pages, 75 columns with about 200 meanings. Influencer marketing is not new. It just goes on and on and on. Did you know that the word “run” has many different meanings and senses. You should ring up Peter Gilliver in Oxford and ask him. ‘The four state-owned refineries have been run down and cannot produce enough to meet local demand.’ ‘Spending on education in Bradford has been run down over a number of years.’ ‘Many of Egypt's state-run industries have been privatised, while the country's welfare and education systems have been run down.’ Does the definition list as many objects, properties, ... (as measured by numbers of words) run by Erin McKean, shows how they pick up and enter definitions through conversational definitions. You put people down and so on. You can also “run a temperature”, “run the water”, and “run something by someone”. Mr. WINCHESTER: Well, that's a very good question. Many major companies are built entirely around information systems. The term in question is deepfake. Definition of have the run of in the dictionary. Mr. WINCHESTER: I wonder, is that peculiarly American? And it was early in their relationship and she was also dating another man. Did you know that the word “run” has many different and senses. The word "run" is the second most defined word in the English language with 396 definitions- only surpassed by "set"- with 464 definitions. What does this say about the English language? The most common verb meanings are "to advance quickly" and "to ". And he joins us now on the line from Massachusetts. Microsoft Azure (Windows Azure): Microsoft Azure, formerly known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft's public cloud computing platform. Some dictionaries list over 600 entries for this word. Pray without ceasing At the Department of Energy ( DOE ), the largest civilian user of private contractors in the executive branch, this indemnification scheme costs taxpayers approximately $30 million in legal fees and costs each year. Information system, an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information and digital products. I would think in that case it's probably - a mede is a field, I think, and it conceivably has something to do with the amount of mud that was sort of running... Mr. WINCHESTER: ...because, if I remember rightly, it was in the valley of the River Thames. So there are two antithetical meanings of the word run. You put things on the table. Someone would run a temperature if they were sick. See more. run meaning in General Dictionary. People love their words, love them properly used, and hate - and indeed write to me, and people like me, in droves - if they think I've used the word improperly. The FBI runs down a fugitive, or they run a gun in their car. Mr. WINCHESTER: I don't have the lead table other than for those first four, with take being the next one after these first three. And it's hardly surprising that it has pushed set and put into a corner. Let’s create a default value for the followers parameter with a value of 1: Top Millennial Slang of 2020. The males usually take turns fucking the female and just then switch off after they get their nut in. Why run through a varlet with a sword? It's weird to try and work out where that comes from. 4. come together Familiarity information: RUN INTO used as a verb is uncommon. What does run a train mean? I remember as a kid, people saying, go catch it. A bus runs (= goes on a particular route at particular times) three times a day into town. (adjective) The suspect in the robbery is still on the run. DNS is blood group better decision making due to its lightweight nature. And when it was finished, about three weeks ago - I think, Peter Gilliver, who is this extraordinarily clever lexicographer who's putting it together, he counted out just for the verb alone 645 different meanings. Same definition is - resembling in every relevant respect. It was probably a very muddy field and therefore runny, like a runny egg. Thank you, Ken. How to use can in a sentence. And that all derives really from a very, very old form of the word, which came about in clocks, because the word run as something that goes around an axle or a spindle is almost as old as the first appearance of a gear wheel in a clock, which is quite a long time ago because they were in churches in the 11th and 12th centuries. See how they run. But she was saying it was a cultural thing which English speakers tend to view time moving quickly and Spanish speakers, she said, viewed it moving more slowly. CONAN: We're talking with Simon Winchester in Massachusetts. Looking for the abbreviation of Run? All rights reserved. You put things on a piece of paper. My - the most interesting is that what you were just talking about, about the clock running, because when I was learning Spanish, my Spanish teacher told me that in Spanish you would not say the clock runs. But in England, we still call it a ladder. A stretch or period of riding, as in a race or to the hounds. Run rates are helpful in formulating performance estimates for companies that have been operating for short periods of time. CONAN: And it's good of you to be with us on a day - I know you're getting ready to fly to the funeral... CONAN: ...but we appreciate you taking the time. You can also join the conversation at our website. Mr. WINCHESTER: That's a very good question. I mean slightly peripheral. The word "run" is the second most defined word in the English language with 396 definitions- only surpassed by "set"- with 464 definitions. Mr. Gilliver finally calculated there are, for the verb form alone, no fewer than 645 meanings. • RUN INTO (verb) The verb RUN INTO has 4 senses: 1. be beset by. CONAN: Does that suggest that the battlefield at Runnymede was something to do with this word at some point? As I say, it is a very, very complex and subtle word. What does have the run of mean? An activity usually involving multiple males and one female. Large college-level English dictionaries typically include around 200,000 words. Mr. WINCHESTER: But then in English - of course, I would say in English-English as opposed to American English - we would say, are you gonna set your cap at him? can vs. may Erc definition Ethereum - When, Why, How watch out! CONAN: American. The work has an index. KEN (Caller): Yeah. And so we use set in a dating sense, whereas Andy Griffith would use run in the dating sense. Gender and marital status are qualitative variables. Definition of "Run" : noun: a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely "The Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th." Andy found out about it, and he was quite jealous. Thanks. Others have already recognized this issue, and attempted to craft a standard ‘urban’ definition: The WDR 2009 approach: One such attempt is the approach outlined by Chomitz et al and elaborated on by Uchida and Nelson, which identifies all settlements above a certain minimum population size and minimum population density that are within a certain travel time by road. I’m going to run to the cafeteria downstairs – do you need anything? Do this as many times as you feel comfortable. I can run a mile in five minutes… How to use really in a sentence. Email us: Guam. DOUG (Caller): Yes. Meaning of run-on. Can definition is - be physically or mentally able to. But a lot of very old words (unintelligible) senses of run have now been sort of reinvented and put back into the language. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR. CONAN: And Simon, indeed you draw some differences between English usage, English-English usage, and American English usage. Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services Power BI Premium This topic explains many-to-many dimensions in Analysis Services, including when to use them and how to create them. Using run in the Past Tense Mr. WINCHESTER: Very good. If you have a fast, unlimited internet connection, you probably don’t think twice about firing up an HD video call. So hundreds of new subtleties, sort of old meanings of the word have exploded since about 1850, and I think that's the reason, because they haven't exploded the set or put. That's at Give us a call: 800-989-8255. The route / railway / road runs (= goes) across … POSIX does not define a use for slashes; its rationale (commenting on a BSD extension) notes that the definition is based on System V format but does not exclude the possibility of extensions. Oh no! You are a unique individual. to do a test, an experiment, etc. Simon Winchester, author of The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary, explains the rise of "run" and the decline of a formerly rich word, "set.
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