Brief descriptions and expanded essays are available for many Registry titles. Seit 1989 wählt das National Film Preservation Board zum Ende jeden Jahres 25 Filme, die jeweils mindestens zehn Jahre alt sein müssen, zur Aufnahme in dieses Verzeichnis aus. O National Film Registry é uma seleção de filmes escolhidos pela National Film Preservation Board para preservação na Biblioteca do Congresso dos Estados Unidos.O conselho, criado em 1988 pelo National Film Preservation Act, foi autorizado por atos do Congresso em 1992, 1996, 2005 e outubro de 2008. À la fin de chaque année, environ 25 titres sont ajoutés qui, d'une part, dataient « d'au moins de dix ans lors de leurs inscriptions » et qui d'autre part, présentent une « importance culturelle, historique ou esthétique ». The National Film Registry selects 25 films each year showcasing the range and diversity of American film heritage to increase awareness for its preservation. Cinderella (1950). National Film Registry, tradukebla kiel "Nacia Filmregistro", estas kolekto de kelkaj usonaj filmoj fare de la institucio National Film Preservation Board, cele al la konservado de la plej notindaj verkoj.Tiu institucio estis fondita en 1988.. La National Film Registry registras kaj konservas ĝis 25 filmoj ĉiujare, kiuj estas "kulture, historie aŭ estetike signifaj filmoj Français 2 287 000+ articles. Il est sélectionné en 1993 par la National Film Registry de la Bibliothèque du Congrès pour être conservé en raison de son importance et, en 2007, par l' American Film Institute dans son classement des 100 plus grands films américains de tous les temps, à la 97 e place. Il National Film Registry (NFR) è il registro della selezione di film scelti dal National Film Preservation Board (NFPB) degli Stati Uniti per la loro conservazione nella Biblioteca del Congresso.L'NFPB, istituito dal National Film Preservation Act del 1988, venne nuovamente autorizzato dalle leggi del Congresso nel 1992, 1996, 2005 e nuovamente nell'ottobre 2008. References "National Film Registry".National Film Preservation Board, Library of Congress. It National Film Registry (Ingelsk foar "Nasjonaal Film Register"), of NFR, is it Amerikaanske film argyf ûnder behear fan 'e National Film Preservation Board (NFPB). Broadcast News (1987). Dy organisaasje, dy't falt ûnder de Library of Congress, waard yn 1988 oprjochte troch it Amerikaanske Kongres, mei as doel om it fuortbestean te bewissigjen fan it kultureel erfgoed yn 'e Feriene Steaten op it mêd fan films. National Film Registry er USAs National Film Preservation Boards udvalg af film til konservering i Library of Congress.Bestyrelsen, der er oprettet af National Film Preservation Act i 1988 blev reauthorized ved retsakter vedtaget af Kongressen i 1992, 1996, 2005 og igen i oktober 2008.. L'entrée au registre d'un film implique pour l'organisme, la mise en œuvre des moyens de sa conservation et de sa préservation. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a 1939 American political comedy-drama film directed by Frank Capra, starring Jean Arthur and James Stewart, and featuring Claude Rains and Edward Arnold.The film is about a newly appointed United States Senator who fights against a corrupt political system, and was written by Sidney Buchman, based on Lewis R. Foster's unpublished story "The Gentleman from Montana". USAs nasjonale filmregister (eller National Film Registry) er et amerikansk register over filmer som ansees for å være «av kulturell, historisk eller estetisk betydning» og som USAs Library of Congress derfor har definert som bevaringsverdige. (National Film Registry szócikkből átirányítva) Ebbe a kategóriába azok a filmek tartoznak, amiket az amerikai Kongresszusi Könyvtár Filmmegőrzési bizottsága az „amerikai nemzeti filmregiszter”-be sorolt be (angolul: National Film Registry ), „mint kulturális, történelmi vagy esztétikai értéke miatt örök időkre megőrzésre érdemes alkotást”. Media in category "National Film Registry" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. O NFP, estabelecido pola Acta de Preservación do Cine Nacional de 1988, foi reautorizado polas actos do congreso de 1992, 1996, 2005 e de outubro de 2008. Brokeback Mountain (2005). National Film Registry er USAs National Film Preservation Boards udvalg af film til konservering i Library of Congress.Bestyrelsen, der er oprettet af National Film Preservation Act i 1988 blev reauthorized ved retsakter vedtaget af Kongressen i 1992, 1996, 2005 og igen i oktober 2008.. National Film Registry – lista filmów budujących dziedzictwo kulturalne Stanów Zjednoczonych, wybranych przez National Film Preservation Board do przechowywania w Bibliotece Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych. Se perustettiin 1988 ja Yhdysvaltain kongressi vahvisti sen … 日本語 1 247 000+ 記事. Il National Film Registry (NFR) è il registro della selezione di film scelti dal National Film Preservation Board (NFPB) degli Stati Uniti per la loro conservazione nella Biblioteca del Congresso.L'NFPB, istituito dal National Film Preservation Act del 1988, venne nuovamente autorizzato dalle leggi del Congresso nel 1992, 1996, 2005 e nuovamente nell'ottobre 2008. : Listă: Acest articol a fost evaluat ca făcând parte din grupa Listă pe scala de calitate. Brief descriptions and expanded essays are available for many Registry titles. Berkas ini mengandung informasi tambahan yang mungkin ditambahkan oleh kamera digital atau pemindai yang digunakan untuk membuat atau mendigitalisasi berkas. National Film Preservation Board powstało w 1988 roku, na mocy ustawy National Film Preservation Act, którą zatwierdzano następnymi ustawami z 1992, 1996, 2005 i 2008 roku. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. * List of movies in the United States National Film Registry; 1. [1][2][3] The mission is to keep the American cinema heritage alive and safe. FilmRegistryLogo.jpg 3,992 × 2,656; 331 KB. Sort films by title, year of release, and year inducted into the Registry by using the up and down arrows at the top of each column. Dezember 2020 sind im National Film Registry (NFR) 800 Filme verzeichnet. National Film Registry – lista filmów budujących dziedzictwo kulturalne Stanów Zjednoczonych, wybranych przez National Film Preservation Board do przechowywania w Bibliotece Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych. Derzeit (Ende 2020) sind im National Film Registry 800 Filme aufgeführt. Un shérif arrête le frère de l'homme le plus puissant de la région. : Listă: Acest articol a fost evaluat ca făcând parte din grupa Listă pe scala de calitate. Its simultaneously-filmed Spanish-language version is unique among foreign-language versions for being preserved in the registry as well. Halloween : La Nuit des masques est considéré comme un classique du cinéma d'horreur, et comme l'un des films les plus influents de son époque, ce qui, en 2006, lui a valu d'être retenu par le National Film Registry comme un film « culturel, historique ou esthétiquement important ». Broadcast News (1987). Русский 1 690 000+ статей. The National Film Registry (NFR) is the United States National Film Preservation Board's (NFPB) selection of movies that are believed in need to be preserved because they are very good. Here are all the movies in the 2018 class of additions to the National Film Registry: Bad Day at Black Rock (1955). Riiklik Filmiregister (inglise keeles National Film Registry) on Ameerika Ühendriikide filmide arhiiv, mida säilitatakse USA Kongressi raamatukogus alates 1988. aastast.. Arhiiv hõlmab Ameerika Ühendriikide linateoseid, mille organisatsioon National Film Board Preservation on tunnistanud kultuuriliselt, ajalooliselt või esteetiliselt olulisteks. National Film Registry summary This project's goal is to obtain copies of films in public domain from the Library of Congress and upload them to Wikimedia Commons. This page was last changed on 13 December 2020, at 10:44. The NFPB, created by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988, was reauthorized by acts of Congress in 1992, 1996, 2005, and again in October 2008. The National Film Registry (NFR) is the United States National Film Preservation Board's (NFPB) selection of films which are believed to be deserving of preservation. National Film Registry (cu sensul de Registrul Național [American] de Film) este o listă de filme americane realizată de National Film Preservation Board pentru a fi conservate în Biblioteca Congresului Statelor Unite ale Americii.A fost fondat de „legea protejării filmului național” din 1988, reautorizată de congres în 1992, 1996, 2005, și iar în octombrie 2008. Dy organisaasje, dy't falt ûnder de Library of Congress, waard yn 1988 oprjochte troch it Amerikaanske Kongres, mei as doel om it fuortbestean te bewissigjen fan it kultureel erfgoed yn 'e Feriene Steaten op it mêd fan films. [4], From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "About This Program - National Film Preservation Board",, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. National Film Registry ("Kansallinen elokuvaluettelo") on yhdysvaltalaisten elokuvien arkisto, jota Yhdysvaltain kongressin kirjasto ylläpitää. Le National Film Registry (NFR) est un ensemble de films américains sélectionnés depuis 1989 par le National Film Preservation Board pour conservation à la Bibliothèque du Congrès aux États-Unis. Arkistoon valittavat elokuvat valitsee National Film Preservation Board. The NFPB, created by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988, was reauthorized by acts of Congress in 1992, 1996, 2005, and again in October 2008. English 6 226 000+ articles. Pages in category "United States National Film Registry movies" The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. 12 Angry Men; 2. Le National Film Registry (NFR) est un ensemble de films américains sélectionnés depuis 1989 par le National Film Preservation Board pour conservation à la Bibliothèque du Congrès aux États-Unis. Brokeback Mountain (2005). Complete National Film Registry Listing Sort films by title, year of release, and year inducted into the Registry by using the up and down arrows at the top of each column. The National Recording Registry is a list of sound recordings that "are culturally, historically, or aesthetically important, and/or inform or reflect life in the United States." Falls der im Deutschen verwendete Titel identisch ist mit dem Originaltitel, ist er kursiv gedruckt. It currently holds 25 Disney films. Das National Film Registry ist im Jahr 1988 auf der Grundlage des National Film Preservation Act begründet worden. View a list of all expanded essays . The registry was established by the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, which created the National Recording Preservation Board, whose members are appointed by the Librarian of Congress. (page précédente) (page suivante) 0–9. National Film Registry logo vector.svg 508 × 338; 89 KB. Here are all the movies in the 2018 class of additions to the National Film Registry: Bad Day at Black Rock (1955). National Film Preservation Board powstało w 1988 roku, na mocy ustawy National Film Preservation Act, którą zatwierdzano następnymi ustawami z 1992, 1996, 2005 i 2008 roku. Tämä on luettelo National Film Registryn elokuvista.Yhdysvaltain kongressin kirjaston ylläpitämä National Film Registry-elokuva-arkisto on perustamisvuodestaan 1989 lähtien valinnut vuosittain 25 yhdysvaltalaista elokuvaa, jotka ovat ”kulttuurillisesti, historiallisesti tai esteettisesti merkittäviä”.Elokuvien tulisi kuvastaa yhdysvaltalaisen elokuvan koko kirjoa ja elokuvaperinnettä. Nominate The 2020 Additions to the Registry Have Been Announced! Die Öffentlichkeit kann zwar Filme nominieren, jedoch liegt die Entscheidung nur beim Preservation Board. De National Film Registry bestaat uit meerdere films die zijn geselecteerd door de National … Its purpose is to preserve films. The NFPB, established by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988, was reauthorized by acts of Congress in 1992, 1996, 2005, and again in October 2008. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2021 Registry The 2021 deadline for nominations is September 15, 2021. The National Film Registry is the United States National Film Preservation Board's selection of films for preservation in the Library of Congress. Riiklik Filmiregister (inglise keeles National Film Registry) on Ameerika Ühendriikide filmide arhiiv, mida säilitatakse USA Kongressi raamatukogus alates 1988. aastast.. Arhiiv hõlmab Ameerika Ühendriikide linateoseid, mille organisatsioon National Film Board Preservation on tunnistanud kultuuriliselt, ajalooliselt või esteetiliselt olulisteks. National Film Registry ("Kansallinen elokuvaluettelo") on yhdysvaltalaisten elokuvien arkisto, jota Yhdysvaltain kongressin kirjasto ylläpitää. Die Tabelle ist nach den deutschen Verleihtiteln sortiert, mit dem Jahr der Entstehung des Films und dem Jahr der Aufnahme in das National Film Registry. Pages dans la catégorie « Film inscrit au National Film Registry » Cette catégorie contient 602 pages, dont 200 sont affichées ci-dessous. Il n'a pour alliés qu'un adjoint ivrogne, un vieillard boiteux, un gamin, une joueuse de poker et un hôtelier mexicain, et contre lui une armée de tueurs. The NFPB, created by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988, was reauthorized by acts of Congress in 1992, 1996, 2005, and again in October 2008. The National Film Registry (NFR) is the United States National Film Preservation Board's (NFPB) selection of movies that are believed in need to be preserved because they are very good. (year of initial release) [year of induction] An asterisk means the film is in the public domain. « d'au moins de dix ans lors de leurs inscriptions », « importance culturelle, historique ou esthétique », National Film Registry, Library of Congress, L'Invasion des profanateurs de sépultures, Republic Steel Strike Riot Newsreel Footage, The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood Extra, King: a Filmed Record…Montgomery To Memphis, Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther, Marian Anderson: the Lincoln Memorial Concert, Theodore Case Sound Test: Gus Visser and his Singing Duck, Fox Movietone News: Jenkins Orphanage Band, Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor, Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort South Carolina, May 1940, Jeffries-Johnson World's Championship Boxing Contest, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 18, 1906, Star Wars, épisode V : L'Empire contre-attaque, The Middleton Family at the New York Worlds Fair, Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute, Catégorie:Film inscrit au National Film Registry, Liste de sociétés de production de cinéma américaines, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article contenant un appel à traduction en italien, Article contenant un appel à traduction en allemand, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, la collection des films maison de la famille Fuentes (1920-1930). The National Film Registry selects 25 films each year showcasing the range and diversity of American film heritage to increase awareness for its preservation. lícules les quals són seleccionades per la seva importància cultural, històrica o estètica. The 1931 film version of Dracula became highly influential over future depictions of the title character. 3 h 10 pour Yuma (film, 1957) 4 Little Girls; 42e Rue (film) 2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace; A. National Film Registry är registret över de filmer som väljs av USA:s National Film Preservation Board för bevaring i Library of Congress.Styrelsen, som grundades genom National Film Preservation Act 1988, blev åter godkänd av kongressen 1992, 1996 och 2005. The National Film Registry (NFR) is the United States National Film Preservation Board's (NFPB) selection of films deserving of preservation.The NFPB, established by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988, was reauthorized by acts of Congress in 1992, 1996, 2005, and again in October 2008. Complete National Film Registry Listing. Film inscrit au National Film Registry – 602 P Film perdu – 463 P Film redécouvert – 58 P Film restaur é – 77 P. I Institut Lumière – 10 P • 1 C. L Festival Lumière – 2 P • 1 C. Pages dans la catégorie « Conservation du cinéma » Cette catégorie contient les 48 pages suivantes. Español 1 652 000+ artículos. Se perustettiin 1988 ja Yhdysvaltain kongressi vahvisti sen toimivallan 1992, 1996, 2005 ja 2008.
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