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osteopathic medical school acceptance stories reddit

Reddit's home for wholesome discussion related to pre-medical studies. : yessir, Cumulative GPA: 3.88, Texas 3.92 Science GPA: 3.81, Texas 3.82, MCAT Scores (in order of attempts): 516 (130/127/127/132), Primary application submission date: 6/9 (AMCAS); 6/3 (Texas), Primary verification date: 7/5 (AMCAS); 6/15 (Texas), Number of schools to which you sent primaries (List schools if desired): 34, Number of schools to which you completed secondaries: 31, Number of interview invitations received/attended: 23 II; 19 IA, First Interview Invite Received: 6/30 (Texas); 8/6 (AMCAS), Total number of post-interview acceptances: currently at 13 (nearly all my state schools, a few Texas schools, then T20s), Total number of post-interview waitlists/rejections: 3 waitlists, 0 rejections so far, Research/pubs: 2+ years (including thesis and thesis poster), 1 pub (3rd author), 2 summer research posters (1st author), Volunteering (clinical): ~150 hours ER Triage, Non-clinical volunteering: not enough to matter to put on an app, Extracurricular activities: 4 years TKD and Aikido Clubs (leadership positions in both), member of minority pre-med club, inducted Psi Chi, Employment history: 3 semesters STEM tutor, 4 semesters computer lab user assistant; Gap years: nearly 3 years working in private education teaching kids with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to improve reading, comprehension, and math skills. To top that, the student eventually accepted an offer from their TOP PICK SCHOOL! Honestly idk anymore, Interest in rural health/working with under-served populations? Keep your grades up from the start. If you're looking for the essay thread, not to fret, it's hiding, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Please don't bash the high-stats applicants for being high stats, but also on the other side, please remember humility and consideration. Oct 2, 2019, 10:28am ... the 118 ranked medical schools that reported their acceptance rates and found that the average was only 6.8% in 2018. Here we invite all the redditors accepted to medical school this year to post their applicant profiles for our future hopefuls. I would say my ECs and unique life experiences really helped me out with getting noticed because I could articulate myself in writing. All osteopathic medical schools in the United States require passage of COMLEX Level 1, Level 2-CE (computer-based exam), and Level 2-PE (performance-based exam) before graduation. Press J to jump to the feed. First application cycle? Feel free to PM me for advice and best of luck to everyone :). If you're willing to go the DO route, as you can see I had a decent amount of success. Can you please re-format this with the bolded text for readability? In January 1921, the college moved its campus to the Northeast neighborhood, just east of downtown Kansas City. If you look at the acceptance rate for 1 medical school, it is discouraging, 3% to 5% give or take. Applying to osteopathic medical school is a lengthy process that takes almost a full year. Check out the Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center acceptance rate, average SAT and ACT scores and other admission statistics. This is because there are only 36 accredited DO programs, compared to the 150+ MD programs available. Acceptance rates between medical schools varies significantly. General thoughts: Early Decision was totally worth it for me. 92 votes, 46 comments. Major/graduate degrees: Biological Anthropology BA/ Pre-Med Postbac (hybrid, leaning towards career changer). Rising. But it might surprise you that overall, osteopathic medical schools have a lower acceptance rate—36% versus 41% for allopathic med schools. (Note: We recommend using this resource alongside our free, 66-page comprehensive guide to medical school applications, Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat.) Probably either rads or anesthesia but subject to change, Interest in rural health/working with under-served populations? She shares with us her story as well as some answers to common questions about osteopathic medicine that premeds have. Interest in rural health/working with under-served populations? Close. In fact, over the past 10 years the number of students applying to osteopathic medical school has nearly doubled. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Rachel talks about applying to medical school, taking gap years, why DO should not just be a “plan B,” and more information about how Pre-SOMA can help you become an osteopathic physician. It's the only way to prove to them that you are indeed cut out for medical school, despite your GPA. As far as waitlists: One school I had a terrible interview experience and would not have attended either way, one school I was pretty meh about (mostly due to location), and the other was my dream school (still kind of bitter about this one). card classic compact. Big picture-wise try and have a "theme" for your application. Apply broadly and to as many schools as you can as this cycle is a crapshoot and you never know what could happen. : Not interested in rural, but open into urban under-served. My Pre-med Story. Official Thread - Accepted Profiles (2018-2019). The second one got accepted to THREE Allopathic Medical Schools. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . The entering class … Volunteering (clinical): 500 hrs in a hospital, Physician shadowing: about 80 hours with 3 speciaties, Non-clinical volunteering: Red Cross, plus miscellaneous, 300 hrs total, Extracurricular activities: Sports (one of my most meaningful activities), Coaching, TA. r/Osteopathic: For discussion relating to the D.O. : Absolutely. :). Specialty of interest: Ortho, maybe Peds or Psych because of my background, could end up changing again for all I know. Current threads everyone should be aware of! Contact the colleges in which you are interested for more information. For the most selective medical schools, such as Harvard Medical School, the acceptance rate is 3.8%. An applicant with worse stats gets an advantage in eyes of adcoms by applying early. Log In Sign Up. Could be with regard to their curriculum delivery, 3rd/4th years, overall vibe, etc. Criminal Background Checks. But also share anything you love about it too if you do attend! Felt this was a great experience and a strength of my app, Physician shadowing: Officially 80 hours of IM. That being said, I worked incredibly hard and overcame some really ridiculous shit to get here. Join. Press J to jump to the feed. Also, FAP was such a godsend for me. : Nope, General thoughts: If you're a low stat CA applicant like myself, I highly recommend doing a SMP and/or moving to another state if you're deadset on doing MD. (Sorry to u/Flippant-Penguin lol thanks for letting me repost it). Most important: Do things you enjoy, even if they have nothing to do with medicine. I have had a really wild journey and I’ve faced a lot of failure- I’ve got a lot of imposter syndrome I’m dealing with right now. In addition, closely review each Texas medical school’s interview rate to gain clues about their acceptance patterns, whether you’re a Texas or non-Texas resident, and whether your stats are high or low. At the time, it was the fifth osteopathic medical school to be established. If so, be sure to understand the latest average GPA and MCAT of those who applied and entered for the summer/fall of 2018. However, some medical schools have much higher acceptance rates. Good luck, and feel free to PM me with questions! Crossposted by 2 days ago. Please remember to keep the bolded text for clarity! Archived [DO] Osteopathic Medical School … (If no, how many other times have you applied): yup, Gap years: 3 in between graduation and post bacc (which took another 3 to complete), also taking one right now, Primary application submission date: 5/31, Number of schools to which you sent primaries (List schools if desired): 42 MD, 8 DO, Number of schools to which you completed secondaries: 41 MD, 7 DO, Number of interview invitations received/attended: 10 MD (6 attended), 6 DO (2 attended), Total number of post-interview acceptances: 3 MD, 2 DO, Total number of post-interview waitlists/rejections: 3 MD waitlists, First Acceptance received: 9/27 (DO), 10/15 (MD), Clinical experience: 1800 hrs working in a group home, Non-clinical volunteering: 460 hrs (crisis text line, nursing home, working with children with special needs), Specialty of interest: Don't have any in particular, although I enjoy working with the geriatric population and death/dying, Interest in rural health/working with under-served populations?

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