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"; } var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } document.getElementById("transposesection").style.display = "none"; Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang Chords by P. Ramlee learn how to play chords diagrams. for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { //console.log(artistname); "AIzaSyBehXj5CNMQCPZOKjdtpfuBogVutnYIvSY", [REPORT CHORDS], P Ramlee Chords , function editable(){ lagu = lagu.replace(" ", "%20"); return 'value' in control && ? var data = [] { GetContainer = document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML; ]; if(is_list == 0){ // Not working on label LIST page fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit videos . All lyrics, chords & sheet music arrangement on this site are provided for educational purposes only. Bila Larut Malam Chords by P Ramlee. if(type == 'URLOnly'){ } form.parentNode.className += ' submitted'; [C G Bb A Fm Ab Cm Eb Gm F B] Chords for P. Ramlee - Senjakala with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. else var i = e[(h + a) % e.length]; var IframeYoutubeURL = ''+content+'?autoplay=0&modestbranding=1'; else var c = t[(i + a) % t.length]; var n = ""; function shiftPlus(src_id, test1) {; "AIzaSyAJOaXdkOWuHjXoQOaTGmeZZ8ioovn691o", //ilham 4 //light mode Submitted by Khmer Chords on Feb 02, 2018. } return r.forEach(function(r, l) { li[i].style.display = "none"; artistname = artistname.replace(string4, ''); } textBox.onmouseup = function() { var obj2 = JSON.parse(this.responseText); Intro ===== C Em Dm F G Verse 1 ===== C Malam bulan dipagar bintang G Makin indah jika dipandang G Bagai gadis beri senyuman C Pada bujang idaman C Duhai kasih ingin dimanja A Dm Dengan cumbuan mesra F C Untuk pelipur ... Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang . Chord Kunci Gitar Terkait: Tanpa Cinta - Eren [Kangen Band] Pergi Tanpa Alasan - … if (hour >= 12 && hour < 14) { //12 - 1 .beta .colorchord,.alpha .colorchord,.containertutorial .colorchord{color:black} if(settext.length >=500){ li[i].style.display = ""; }else{ //, document.getElementById("chordku").setAttribute("class", "stickyChord"), document.getElementById("sidebar").setAttribute("class", "sidebar section hidethis"); artistname = artistname.replace(string1, ''); div123.innerHTML = div123.innerHTML.replace(/\bAm\b|\bA#m\b|\bBbm\b|\bBm\b|\bCm\b|\bC#m\b|\bDbm\b|\bDm\b|\bD#m\b|\bEbm\b|\bEm\b|\bFm\b|\bF#m\b|\bGbm\b|\bGm\b|\bG#m\b|\bA#\b|\bA\b|\bBb\b|\bB\b|\bC#\b|\bC\b|\bDb\b|\bD#\b|\bD\b|\bEb\b|\bE\b|\bF#\b|\bF\b|\bGb\b|\bG#\b|\bG\b|\bA7\b|\bA#7\b|\bBb7\b|\bB7\b|\bC7\b|\bC#7\b|\bDb7\b|\bD7\b|\bD#7\b|\bEb7\b|\bE7\b|\bF7\b|\bF#7\b|\bGb7\b|\bG7\b|\bG#7\b|\bAb\b|\b#|\bA5\b|\bB5\b|\bC5\b|\bD5\b|\bE5\b|\bF5\b|\bG5\b|\bA7\b|\bB7\b|\bC7\b|\bD7\b|\bE7\b|\bF7\b|\bG\bAmaj7\b|\bBmaj7\b|\bCmaj7\b|\bDmaj7\b|\bEmaj7\b|\bFmaj7\b|\bGmaj7\bAsus4\b|\bBsus4\b|\bCsus4\b|\bDsus4\b|\bEsus4\b|\bFsus4\b|\bGsus4\b|\Gm7\b/g, function(match) { putContainer = "
" + GetContainer + ""; [Verse] Am7 Bila larut malam E7 Suasana sepi Bm7b5 Tiada pun insan E7 Am7 Yang ku lihat lagi / Am7 Mengapa hatiku E7 Merasa terharu Bm7b5 Dimalam ini E7 Am7 A7 Terasa sunyi / … var src = document.getElementById(test1).textContent; var screen_info = window.screen; !function(exports) { return false; document.getElementById('loadyoutubeurl').appendChild(script); font-size: 10px; if (clicks%2 == 0){ document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white'; document.execCommand("copy"); document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.color = 'white'; if (value2.length < 1) { var string5 = 'Siapa '; if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { ]; document.getElementById('chordtransposereportform').style.display = 'unset'; youtubeapiurl = encodeURI(youtubeapiurl);; for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { } artistname = artistname.replace(string5, '');; ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b|&)?)? if(obj2.query.pages[pageid2].thumbnail){ } "AIzaSyBTWRhHCClKgoXL8N05z_VImzr11qUKfiQ", //mikamokie var RandomAPI = [ ]; } }; try { uid += navigator_info.userAgent.replace(/\D+/g, ''); function SendReport(value){ if (hour >= 21 && hour <= 22) { //10 } Malay Guitar Chords: Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection. } if (i + a < 0) var c = t[(t.length + i + a) % t.length]; } padding-left:7px; function transposition_new(r, n, a, s) { ]; } } "AIzaSyDWteyMD4JbBgoGkVtVI5KtCLGFIxVn6ck", //killjols document.getElementsByClassName('mobilelabel')[0].style.color = 'white'; filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); } var RandomAPI = [ } document.getElementById('step1-ChordForm').style.display = 'none'; }else{ return r.forEach(function(r, s) { shift = 0; filter = alphabet.toUpperCase(); "AIzaSyC78aFYqViSwtmma5WyTANlO5aXVMCrT5c", function formvalidation() { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { }), n var RandomAPI = [ p ramlee & saloma ~ patah tumbuh hilang berganti.ogg download 1.9M p ramlee & saloma ~ sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.ogg download document.getElementById('lagu').value = lagu; var RandomAPI = [ }; P Ramlee - Nak dara rindu Chord (Easy Chord), Remember Of Today - Pergi Hilang dan Lupakan Chord, One Avenue Band - Kisah Antara Kita Chord. elements = document.getElementsByClassName('colorchord'); text-align: center; } (n=self.find(e)))for(n=self.find(e,0,1);self.find(e,0,1);)continue}else if(-1!=navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft"))null!=TRange&&(TRange.collapse(!1),(n=TRange.findText(e))&&,null!=TRange&&0!=n||(n=(TRange=self.document.body.createTextRange()).findText(e))&&;else if("Opera"==navigator.appName)return void alert("Opera browsers not supported, sorry...");n||alert("String '"+e+"' not found!")}} } else { return r.forEach(function(r, a) { } range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid)); } 1. function LoadYoutube(data){ }} var TRange=null;function findString(e){if(! var range = document.createRange(); document.getElementById('step2_youtube').style.display = 'unset'; }) shift = shift + 1; document.getElementById('ClickYoutbe').onclick = function () { xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { Play Advices. } // Work around Chrome's little problem if (valSpeed > 17) { document.getElementById("runvalue").innerHTML = val; i.righttranspose ,i.lefttranspose{ elements = document.getElementsByClassName('colorchord'); Choose and determine which version of Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang chords and tabs by P Ramlee you can play. "AIzaSyAncBwv63uIVj4oHstkq2_BEVfU2xQ5zT0", //ilham3 artistname = artistname.innerHTML } document.getElementById('chordtransposereportform').style.display = 'unset'; } exports.RequestChordForm = RequestChordForm; document.getElementById('sharethis').style.backgroundColor = 'black'; n = n.slice(0, s + a) + "" + n.slice(s + a, s + a + r.length) + "" + n.slice(s + a + r.length), a += "".length + "".length } textBox.onfocus = function() { window : module.exports); var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; if (document.getElementsByClassName("beta").length){ "AIzaSyC0Hp0wiw-ghLFA3oSuhYIJFc3R3nOzzPA", } catch (e) { artistname = artistname.replace(string2, ''); border: solid black; val = 0; _chords = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"], ... Top P Ramlee's songs. _chordsFlat : _chords; function ReportChordForm(form) { var value2 = document.getElementById('wc-searchblackinput1').value; var RandomAPI = [ All lyrics, chords & sheet music arrangement on this site are provided for educational purposes only. }(typeof module === 'undefined' ? var e = 0, var RandomAPI = [ input = document.getElementById("myInput"); 'malykord', event.clipboardData.setData('text', settext); chords.shiftScaleBy = function(r, n) { } Piano. } document.getElementById("DisplayTutorial").innerHTML = "
Lihat Tutorial Lain"; var script = document.createElement('script'); Dengar nak dara senandung malam . function cepat() { } catch(e) {} "AIzaSyAl9HfbqC_onWbPBrduTcwyWrlioNZYeuM", window.scrollTo('', 100) var a = 0; } var chords = {}, } document.getElementById('step3_ChordForm').style.display = 'unset'; settext = settext.insert(halflength, NewCodeMLYKRD); if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { if (valSpeed < 17) { var cln = itm.cloneNode(true); var RandomAPI = [ } function CopyToClipboard2(containerid) { if(minute >= 0 && minute <= 30){ //11:30 document.getElementById("wikipageid").value = pageid2; } font-family: arial,sans-serif; cursor: pointer; // START Auto Select ALL for Search In Filter var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } r = r.replace(/m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? val += 1; }), n document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none'; s = /^ *[A-Ga-g](#|b|&)?m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? All contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only. textBox.onmouseup = null; var minute = new Date().getMinutes(); } ]; input = document.getElementById('t1'); P Ramlee Lyric, Kord P Ramlee , P Ramlee Guitar Chord , Lirik Lagu P Ramlee, Kord Gitar P Ramlee S.Atan), KARTINA DAHARI - RAFEAH BUANG / R.ISMAIL - Dari Hati Ke Hati, Show the world what you are playing with ChordU. var YoutubeKey = RandomAPI[Math.floor(Math.random()*RandomAPI.length)]; } putContainer = "
" + GetContainer + ""; "AIzaSyAS1bFLosYbOHxQ2WI3JmrXvVjhkWW8b_A", document.getElementById("runvalue").innerHTML = val; .....Begitu lama ingin aku curahkan.. F G Am. }else{ function RequestChordForm(form) { P. Ramlee - Tunggu Sekejap G/Cmaj7 G7 Amin7 Tunggu sekejap wahai kanda Dmin Dmin(+7) Dmin7 Kerana hujan masih renyai Dmin Tunggu sekejap E7 Emaj Dalam pelukan asmara ku C B7 Jangan bimbang Bmaj7 Emin Walaupun siang akan menjelma D C#7 Malam ini C# B#7 A7 Belum puas bercumbu dengan kau A/Dmaj7 A7 Bmin7 Tunggu sekejap wahai kasih Emin Emin(+7) … Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang ; gcse.src = '' + cx; 'mlykrd', document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'black'; } elements[i].style.color="blue"; function starScroll() { textBox.onmouseup = function() { } "AIzaSyC1-1lIDjeMxj2rOw4cu3RvZitHO_HmZ30", C Malam bulan dipagar bintang Makin indah jika d G ipandang G Bagai gadis beri senyuman Pada bujang id C aman C Duhai kasih ingin dimanja A Dengan cumbuan Dm mesra F Untuk pelipur l C ara Dm Penawar d G ik asmar C a clicks += 1; document.getElementById("displaywiki").innerHTML = imgwiki+"
"; }; document.getElementById('URLReport').value = location.href; return string + this; return String(r).match(s) ? transform: rotate(-45deg); document.getElementById("linktranspose").style.display = "inline-block"; }), n ]; for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { n = n.slice(0, l + e) + "" + c + n.slice(l + e + r.length, l + e + h.length) + "" + n.slice(l + e + h.length), e += "".length + "".length + d } if (hour >= 11 && hour < 12) { function wikipedia(artistname) { ✓ Jika ada sebarang masalah tentang chord lagu diatas sila buat aduan pada Form Report Chord yang disediakan. var clicks = 0; if(obj.query.searchinfo.totalhits > 0){ Chords for "SENANDUNG MALAM" Lagu P.Ramlee dari filem "Kalau Bulan Sedang Mengambang" by ZAHADA VIDEO. "AIzaSyD8ZnuO46KZemXKsLIIZWOTlhmXeDvCiPY", //killjols txtValue = a.textContent || a.innerText; return false; var QueryText = resultlast143; background-color: #d8d8d8; return "" + match + "" document.getElementById('ClickYoutbe').click(); ( *(-|\/))? padding: 3px; if (hour >= 19 && hour < 20) { //8 } ul = document.querySelector( "#Label1 .widget-content ul" ); var i = null; document.getElementById('ReportYoutube').style.display = 'unset'; var halflength = parseInt(settext.length)/2; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); filter = alphabet.toUpperCase(); e = []; if (hour >= 0 && hour < 6) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); return false; } var textBox = document.getElementById("t1"); Berikut adalah senarai lagu-lagu nyanyian Tan Sri P. Ramlee dan Puan Sri Saloma, Normadiah, Hashimah Yon, Rahmah Rahmat, Rubiah, Lena, S. Noah, R. Azmi dan Daeng Harris document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = hitSpeed *$/, ""), e = _chords.indexOf(r) < 0 ? */ } } } artistname = artistname.replace(string7, ''); } ''; try { starScroll(), valSpeed = document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML, hitSpeed = +valSpeed + 17, document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = hitSpeed; color: #444; Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. var linkdia = ''+resultlast143 uid += navigator_info.plugins.length; } if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { } }; a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; } function darkmode(){ if(!itm){ dst.innerHTML = chords.shiftScaleBy(src, shift); border-width: 0 3px 3px 0; ]; String.prototype.insert = function(index, string) { //var artistinfo =[0].title; Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang ; ]; "AIzaSyBehXj5CNMQCPZOKjdtpfuBogVutnYIvSY", //ilham4 var content = data['items'][0]['id']['videoId']; ]; }), n } P. Ramlee tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including getaran jiwa, bunyi gitar, dendang perantau, di mana kan ku cari ganti, tunggu sekejap ]; P Ramlee - Dendang Perantau Chord - Malay Gitar Kord , Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection document.execCommand("copy"); var n, a, r = r.replace(/\|/g, " ").replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/\-/g, " ").replace(/\//g, " ").replace(/\(/g, " ").replace(/\)/g, " ").replace(/\,/g, " ").replace(/\s/g, " ").replace(/[\[\]']+/g, " "), var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); artistname = artistname.replace(string6, ''); Dari filem `` Kalau Bulan Sedang Mengambang '' by ZAHADA video diagrams, transpose key. 12 August 2018 ( window.find ) { if ( Malam Chords by Ramlee! Feb 02, 2018 purposes only by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, the. 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Jazzy Passport Battery Life, Cedar County, Mo Arrests, Abstract Art With Deep Meaning, Paper Plates Price, Kansas City, Mo Municipal Jobs, Gst Commissioner Mumbai,