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the big call with bruce

I am still hearing that tonight. 2 NEOTECH – Gv (4/24/20): The Big Call Intel Only With Bruce April 23, 2020. Call Archive. THE BIG CALL WITH BRUCE TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2019, INTEL ONLY TRANSCRIBED BY PINKROSES (Thank you, PinkRoses. This was Dinar Guru Okie Oil Man on August 2nd discussing Obama's signing off on the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. Call Transcribed by WiserNow. A couple of months ago we provided the dinar community with the name and a couple of photos of Bruce Dawson, host of The Big Call. If calling from Canada, first dial (805) 360-1075 then the numbers above. 1 The Big Call with Pastor Bruce:"He is giving The Rates for Rupiar(1.39$),Dinar(3.91$),Zim(0.22$), Dong(2.20$),Now appearing in the Bank Screen" on Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:08 am ymoilman2 Posts : 4613 Last Tuesday we had over 7,000 from banking community all over the world. We help you win the relentless battle for relevance. Sections of this page I know about them. Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-8-20. THE BIG CALL WITH BRUCE THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2019, INTEL ONLY TRANSCRIBED BY PINKROSES Bruce: Welcome Everybody to the Big Call tonight. Related Posts. Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-12-20 AUDIO REPLAY Intel Begins 55:50. The Big Call . Bruce: Good Evening Everyone to the Big Call. Redemption Center people went to work today Thurs. Disclaimer The Big Call is For Entertainment & comedy only. Do not buy, sell, trade or hold any Iraqi Dinars or any stocks, bonds, other currencies, or commodities based upon any postings or messages on the Website or referenced on the Website. He is Bruce Edward Dawson from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. We should be good for this weekend. The BIG Call Universe (The Blessed Ideas Group) with Bruce Tue & Thu (Intel Starts 9:50pm ET or Later after product sales/Infomercials). There had been four holdouts – Iran, Venezuela, Lebanon and North Korea – which all came on board by 3:30 am EDT this morning Tues. 21 July. Tier 4B should have notification on Sat. After FF and Bruce parted company Bruce started relying heavily on the intel of TNT Tony (until Tony was sent to prison for fraud anyway). Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) TRANSCRIBED BY PINKROSES. This is a twice weekly conference call to keep the dinar scam going by giving the faithful “intel” and Q&A on the dinar, dong, and Zim (the completely worthless former currency of Zimbabwe). The Big Call Intell Only With Bruce March 31, 2020 - YouTube Bruce from The Big Call March 11, 2016 / Sam I Am One thing I was known for when I ran my old blog was finding the goods on the gurus. Sept. 19 … Second Stimulus Check Update & News Report Thursday September 1. The Dinar Wheel Of Fate. The Big Call (Blessed Ideas Group) is a conference call led by Bruce. April 24, 2020. in USA, Videos. They have a few hundred participants to go at this time. Call Bruce sparks communication between celebrities and your customers. The Big Call conference calls takes place on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 9:50 pm EST. Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps. ~ Dinar Chronicles) Bruce: Welcome Everybody to the Big Call tonight. Jump to. The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes by PinkRoses 9-20-16 10:53:00 PM Conference Call, Intel, The Big Call, Thoughts Thank you PinkRoses for sending this to us. You have to just realize when I bring information, I am essentially the messenger. AGAIN-EXPECTING THIS TO BE OUR LAST REGULAR CALL IN THIS FORMAT–POSITIVE THE RELEASE IS THIS WEEK, –WE ARE POSITIVE OUR RELEASE IS THIS WEEK–EXPECTING THIS WILL BE OUR LAST CALL IN THIS FORMAT–WE ARE IN A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO MOVE FORWARD IN RV RELEASE, –IRAQ: THE PARLIAMENT OF IRAQ DID VOTE ON THINGS THAT ARE VERY VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE RELEASE OF THE DINAR RV INTERNATIONAL RATE–, THEY WILL WAIT TO PUT OUT THAT RATE TILL WE ARE UNDERWAY WITH OUR TIER 4 PRIVATE INTERNET GROUP EXCHANGES FOR 10-12 DAYS BEFORE THE PUBLIC EXCHANGES START, –THERE HAVE BEEN 2 CONFERENCE CALLS TODAY TUE 10/3 AND YESTERDAY MON 10/2 BETWEEN BANKERS AND EXCHANGE CENTER STAFF INCLUDING UPPER MGMT AND STAFF OF NORTH AMERICAN, LATIN AMERICAN, & CARIBBEAN ISLAND EXCHANGE CENTERS–, THEY DISCUSSED THE IMMINENT SCHEDULE OF OUR TIER 4 START OF PRIVATE EXCHANGES–THEY DISCUSSED PROTOCOLS AND SCHEDULES, –WE COULD GET THE 800#S TO RELEASE ON OUR WEBSITES (BIGCALLUNIVERSE.COM, BIGCALL.NET) POSSIBLY AS EARLY AS TOMORROW WED 10/4–, IF YOU’VE SIGNED UP AT BIGCALLUNIVERSE.COM TO RECEIVE EMAILS, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITH 800#S, –WE ARE LOOKING FOR A RELEASE FROM THE IMF, THE UST, FROM THE CHINESE ELDERS–THERE IS A PROTOCOL TO RELEASE IT–, –WE HAVE HEARD THAT THIS RELEASE SHOULD BE A DAYTIME EVENT OF RELEASING 800#S WHICH MIGHT BE TOMORROW WED 10/4 OR NEXT DAY, –FOREX HAD BEEN SHUT DOWN FOR 24 HOURS–HAD BEEN STATIC FOR ABOUT A DAY–COULD MEAN THEY ARE READY TO DROP IN THE NEW RV RATES, –EXCHANGE CENTERS ARE READY TO START PRIVATE EXCHANGES ANY TIME NOW AND HAVE 10-12 DAYS TO EXCHANGE AT PRIVATELY NEGOTIABLE HIGHER RATES–THEN THE PUBLIC WILL START EXCHANGING 10/17 TUE, –NON-NDA INTERNATIONAL SCREEN RATES ON BACK SCREENS ARE EXTREMELY GOOD, VERY HIGH, –CALL CENTERS AND EXCHANGE CENTERS ARE ON HIGH ALERT AND READY TO START AT ANY MOMENT–WE COULD GO AT ANY MOMENT, –THE EXCHANGE PROCESS SHOULD TAKE 1 HOUR TO 1.5 HOURS, –THERE WILL BE TOO MUCH MONEY FOR THE FAMILY LEGACY OF THE AVERAGE CURRENCY HOLDER–IT IS MEANT TO HELP OTHERS–THE CHINESE ELDERS WANT US TO HELP HUMANITY, –THERE IS NO 80% / 20% SPLIT REQUIRED ON ZIM OR OTHER EXCHANGED CURRENCY PROCEEDS–WE CAN ASK THE BANK FOR ANY SPLIT, –THE RATES WE WILL RECEIVE IN THE EXCHANGE CENTERS WILL BE HIGHER THAN THOSE GROUPS THAT HAVE EXCHANGED BEFORE US UP TO NOW, –-BRUCE SPOKE WITH BLUWOLF WHO WAS GRATEFUL FOR DONATED FUNDS-–, HIS HOME IN PUERTO RICO WAS HALF DESTROYED–PUERTO RICO HAS THE HIGHEST LEVEL CURRENCY HOLDERS (HOLD THE MOST CURRENCY), –CORE GROUPS STILL HAVEN’T RECEIVED THEIR SKR FUNDS BUT THAT IS COMING SOON, –THE PROXIMITY IS VERY CLOSE FOR THIS RV RELEASE TO US FOR OUR INTERNET GROUP EXCHANGES TO START–, WE WERE HOPING NOT TO DO THIS CALL TONIGHT TUE 10/3–ALL COUNTRIES NEEDED TO BE BASEL 3 COMPLIANT AND THAT HAPPENED SUN NIGHT 10/1, –WE ARE BLESSED EVEN THOUGH WE ARE LAST–THE HIGHEST RATES ARE FOR US AS THE LAST PRIVATE GROUP (INTERNET GROUP) TO BE EXCHANGED–, THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST IN RATES BY CHINESE ELDER DESIGN, –WE ARE POSITIVE THE RELEASE IS THIS WEEK–WE HOPE AND BELIEVE THIS IS OUR LAST CALL TONIGHT TUE 10/3–, LOOK FORWARD TO WAKING UP TO MONEY AND ASSETS YOU NEVER HAD BEFORE–DON’T TRY TO TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR PROJECTS IN THE FIRST WEEK, –DON’T GIVE PUBLICLY AND MAKE YOURSELF A TARGET–TAKE YOUR AND YOUR FAMILY’S SECURITY SERIOUSLY–GIVE QUIETLY AND SECRETLY AND PRIVATELY–GIVE GOD THE CREDIT FOR IT. On Dinar Detectives we post daily dinar updates and dinar recaps from all popular dinar gurus. THE BIG CALL WITH BRUCE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016, INTEL ONLY. The subgroups, Tier 3 are almost complete. This is a twice weekly conference call to keep the dinar scam going by giving the faithful “intel” and Q&A on the dinar, dong, and Zim (the completely worthless former currency of Zimbabwe). Welcome everyone listening to the Big Call. TRANSCRIBED BY PINKROSES. Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – all over the globe Let’s cut to the intel segment tonight – I […] A goofy Korean finds his life hopelessly complicated with people continually confusing him with Bruce Lee. I was told it didn’t – but my opinion – just me personally – I believe it did have an effect – by a day or two – because it would have been very difficult to get exchanges done in some areas of the country with this huge snow storm – I don’[t think it’s going to be much of a factor though beyond tomorrow – so did it really have an effect? See full Disclaimer. The conference call takes places at the end of the infomercials in the beginning. The conference call takes places at the end of the infomercials in the beginning. THE BIG CALL WITH BRUCE THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2017, INTEL ONLY. This page exposes many of the Dinar, Zim, GCR Gurus and provides links to help do your own research Link I I Working across a diverse portfolio of brands from shoes and jewellery to health clubs and holiday resorts. Out west been a beehive of activity 24/7, around the clock. LISTEN TO THE REPLAYS BELOW. The big Call w/bruce INTEL ONLY. Listen Only: (712)770-4014 No Q&A If calling from Canada, first dial (805) 360-1075 then the numbers above. Apr 15, 2020 Brian Robert Hyland Leave a comment. LISTEN ONLY: (712) 770-4014 PLAYBACK: (712) 770-4016, 123456# If calling from Canada, first dial (805) 360-1075 then the numbers above. © 2021 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). bruce – the big call (intel only) october 4, 2017 in bruce . He just said the testing of the system is complete and went well as of today and the bank screens are showing all rates. Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20, Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps, Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 17th  and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in yet again everybody – we welcome you to another pre Christmas Big Call tonight, Let’s talk a little bit about intel that so far – has not produced our result – we know that we had the impression that we were going to start yesterday or today -  We got word yesterday (Wed) from one of the top banks in the country – in fact the lead bank for exchanges and redemption – and this is the high, high end level – because there were key arrests – that were taking place – as well as subpoenas going out – and the fact that the bonds were still being paid out –, The bond holders were getting run through the various aspects of the bond activation (buying and selling bonds) – and the tier 3 / SKR’s were still being handled with what was being called the “stragglers” – this is tier 3/SKR’s where they had to check out the genealogy of the people in the tier 3 that were getting paid to make sure their heirs / genealogy / connections from the family would be people worthy and good to receive these great numbers of funds – not being siphoned off and put into ANTIFA or BLM causes – or anything like that –, This was the reason that I was given for us not starting yet –, Now let’s talk about where we are now and where we think we’re going to go –, The ending of the bonds being paid and the tier 3’s are probably just about done – they may take through tomorrow (Wed) – bonds could maybe longer – possibly through the weekend - that’s ok –, We know that there’s a synchronization of events taking place – we know that we have a major move happening either tomorrow or over the weekend – that will be interesting for us to follow – but what is coming through now is that President Trump does want us to get started with our tier 4B exchanges – in fact all of tier 4 prior to Christmas –, Now that doesn’t mean that were all going to get done prior to Christmas – but what it means is we will at least have the time to get appointments and probably a percentage of us in tier 4B go in for our exchanges – and redemption of Zim –, The most recent timeframe that I received today – again a very high east coast banking source – was we should look for notifications – this particular source was saying Saturday – Sunday – Monday – possibly Tuesday -  but thinking probably start by Monday –, So I don’t want to totally write off Friday – other people have suggested the possibility of Friday / Saturday  or Monday / Tuesday -  it’s very possible – the latest I’ve got from top notch lead #1 bank source is Saturday/Sunday/Monday – and if not starting Monday – then Tuesday – although his impression was we would get started – in his opinion - Monday –, So let’s say that happens – and we get notified – by  Saturday or Sunday – and we actually start Monday -  we have Monday Tuesday – Wednesday  and Thursday – ok by 5 PM Christmas Eve – to get some exchanges and redemptions done - That might get 50  - 70 % of the people in tier 4B through – it could very well get that many through - because obviously – there’s no question – they want to get zim holders in and out – and they don’t want second appointments – so I think President Trump wants us to have money for Christmas which we should have –, Some sources are saying we should have money on Monday – that would mean we would have to start on Monday - or before – so don’t write the weekend off – just because its Thursday tonight – do not write even tomorrow off – because it is possible that we could get notified tomorrow – it’s just a little more likely that it’s more like over the weekend for a Monday/Tuesday start, Now – did the snow have an effect on this? 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Greenspring Homes Baldwin Md, Russell County, Va Covid-19, Gold Foil Canvas Wall Art, Pulmonary Function Test Ppt For Nurses, Lta Organisation Chart, Conciseness Means In English, Numpy Where String Contains, Weird Human Senses, Neverwinter Nights Ios Cheats,
